I'm gonna melt you guys!

#77037 by CardDinour
Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:14 am
danceswithchickens wrote:Cool, let us know what you think.

i think its absolutely awesome!! i really had no idea what to expect, but this is fantastic!! the start of the disc is quite bizarre and intersting, so far IV,VIII,XII are my favourite parts since they appear to be the most catchy, but it flows as a whole perfectly.

i put it on that night as soon as i got it and laid in bed - ive always been a fan of ambient music and this is a great effort from Dev.

i suppose all the people who bought it and didnt like it - just dont like this type of music.

2 thumbs up from me :)

#77047 by HiPoCrAcY
Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:46 am
I just ordered it!

Cant wait to hear it, and i when i do ill let you all know what i think

#77051 by CardDinour
Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:44 am
HiPoCrAcY wrote:I just ordered it!

Cant wait to hear it, and i when i do ill let you all know what i think

hope you like it :D
took exactly a week to get to me, hopefully you dont have to wait much longer :D go melbourne! :P

#77105 by EonApocalypse
Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:14 am
album? music?
i love devin townsend and his art
but i dont find Devlab listenable
there is no noticable melody, rythmn, or.. well.. music
all i hear is one continious screaming sound with a little bit of background clutter.

#77114 by Janne
Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:46 am
Well, you don't have to. I've probably listened to it twice or so, but I don't feel the urge to listen to it again in the near future.

The great thing about Devlab isn't so much the "music". It's more about the fact that it was recorded and made available to us fans.
It shows that Devin still has the guts to experiment and to allow us fans to take part of these experiments. If he worried about if people would like it or not, he would never have given us this amazing opportunity to take part of his creative process.

It's not great music, nor does it hold a deeper meaning or something like that. It's simply an experiment put on CD. But simply because the experimenter is Devin Townsend, some of us (like myself) create and add meaning or purpose to it. (And that in itself is something worth thinking about...)

It's a cool CD and I'm proud to own it - but I wouldn't call it genious and expect people not into Devin to agree with me... ;)
#77145 by EonApocalypse
Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:16 pm
I made that comment last night, as I was ripping the album onto my computer.
I've just started listening to it now - and boy was I wrong.
I'm currently in the process of editing my first novel so that I can get it published beofre I turn eighteen, and I'm always listening out for music that can put me in the right vibe for the editing (rewriting!) process.

Devlab is perfect for that. I'm listening to it now, and it totally Zen's me out, immerses me in. I started listening to it, in hindsight of my comment - I realised that I HATED Physicist the first time iI heard it, and now really like it - so I gave Devlab some more listening, and now I feel I understand.

#77151 by Archetype
Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:04 am
Actually people NOT into Devin Townsend find it even more genius, because when I tell people it's a metalhead who made Devlab and Project EKO, they tell me they think it's amazing how he finds his own way in the music business. Plus that he's one of the most original writers they know. There aren't a lot of people who create metal songs, alternative songs, techno songs, and pure experimental songs.
I DO think Devlab is genius, and not only because it's written by Devin, but mostly because it's a whole fucking record created only with samples. It's difficult writing one song only with samples, not to mention a whole record.
Same goes for Delirum Corda and Suspended Animation by Fantomas; these records are pure gold. People have to get used to this stuff, because it's new and original. Sure, you won't dance on this stuff, but you can put them on and relax to it, analyze all the sounds, etc. It's definately music, just new and original. When techno was first released on the market, people said it wasn't music either, and look at it now, it's on the edge of becoming bigger than rock (at least in Europe).

#77284 by EternalMetal
Sun May 01, 2005 2:17 pm
I finally ordered Devlab!! I cant wait for it to come. I hope i like it.

#77338 by gurp13
Mon May 02, 2005 11:33 pm
It could be I'm not as clever as I think I am, but I was looking for a comparison between Info Dump off "Alien" and Devlab. How similar or different? I kinda like Info Dump, though it's not my favorite, and was thinking about picking up Devlab just out of curiousity. Can anyone help me out?

#77341 by Amaran
Tue May 03, 2005 12:51 am
gurp13 wrote:It could be I'm not as clever as I think I am, but I was looking for a comparison between Info Dump off "Alien" and Devlab. How similar or different? I kinda like Info Dump, though it's not my favorite, and was thinking about picking up Devlab just out of curiousity. Can anyone help me out?

well, the thing about Info Dump is, that it's rather noisy and not really an ambient soundtrack. DevLab has noise-parts that are exactly like Info Dump, but is has a lot of more mellow atmospheric parts as well - like those between the songs on Terria or at the end of Kingdom for example.

#77357 by danceswithchickens
Tue May 03, 2005 8:09 am
Archetype wrote:Actually people NOT into Devin Townsend find it even more genius, because when I tell people it's a metalhead who made Devlab and Project EKO, they tell me they think it's amazing how he finds his own way in the music business. Plus that he's one of the most original writers they know. There aren't a lot of people who create metal songs, alternative songs, techno songs, and pure experimental songs.
I DO think Devlab is genius, and not only because it's written by Devin, but mostly because it's a whole fucking record created only with samples. It's difficult writing one song only with samples, not to mention a whole record.
Same goes for Delirum Corda and Suspended Animation by Fantomas; these records are pure gold. People have to get used to this stuff, because it's new and original. Sure, you won't dance on this stuff, but you can put them on and relax to it, analyze all the sounds, etc. It's definately music, just new and original. When techno was first released on the market, people said it wasn't music either, and look at it now, it's on the edge of becoming bigger than rock (at least in Europe).

Ah ha, now we're talking. For an album like Devlab, sometimes it's best to view it in context with all of Devin's other stuff. For example; imagine all of Devin's records sounded like Devlab. Do you think we would all be life-long fans? Hmm. What about if every record sounded like Punky Bruster? Would we still be attending all his shows? Probably not. So does this mean that neither of these records are any good, since by themselves they would not be enough to hold our interest year after year?

You see, this is the joy of experimenting with music. It really opens up so many more possibilities, and keeps things interesting. Just like Delirium Cordia. Four albums of ambient sounds might get boring, but one album amidst all of their heavier material is perfectly acceptable. But some people don't appreciate this kind of deviation. They prefer bands who are predictably consistent. And it should also be noted that not any artist can make these ideas work. Devin can, and Patton certainly can, but imagine if Slayer was to do an ambient album...

The funny thing about Devlab is how bad the first track is. It almost wants to make you stop listening to it the first time you hear it. Once you get past that, it gets very interesting...

#77455 by HiPoCrAcY
Thu May 05, 2005 12:43 am
I got my Devlab and Tshirt yesterday along with my Thank you and smiley face from Trace :)

Well after a couple of listens i still need alot more to get my head around it but im liking it so far :). Its like a soundtrack to devs dreams i think, very erie with nasty and nice spots. I dig the less ambient tracks on there too and i think he should explore beats a bit further....you never know we may get a DJ Dev tour very soon! :shock: :D

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