Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

#58832 by Blazingmonga
Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:57 am
Im procrastinating! I should be doing something else. But maybe there is nothing else? Maybe its all an illusion! Yeeeeeeeeeep.

#58833 by WickedBuddhi
Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:01 am
there's nothing else to do, so yea its an illusion.

#58836 by Ninja Butterfly
Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:04 am
WickedBuddhi wrote:Next week i'm going to do some of my Christmas Shopping, so i'm thinking about taking her with me. That way we can talk and just look around at the stuff. Maybe see some Christmas lights and take her to this neat Pet Store we have here. Girls like pets. Thats my idea.

The first dates seem sorta critcal, afraid you might say or do something wrong to not make them not want to be with you. I'm just going to let things flow, and be myself, if shes not happy of that then its too bad.

Going christmas shopping sounds like a top idea in my opinion and I agree, there is obviously something she likes about you so just be you and all should be well. Hope it works out for you

#58877 by Woocifer
Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:43 pm
Welll......reading that thread was a huge waste of time...

#58882 by WickedBuddhi
Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:10 pm
So is everything else. so enjoy it

#58898 by Blazingmonga
Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:56 pm
I've got painful trapped wind. And I just had a delicious fish supper. Could there be a connection?

#58914 by WickedBuddhi
Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:48 pm
The dog just a christmas bulb. Imagine the pain when he shits it back out.

#58932 by A-Daamage
Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:54 pm
The distance to the nearest star after the sun is 1.3 parsecs away. 1 parsec = 206,265 astronomical units. 1 astronomical unit = 93,000,000 miles or the distance from the Earth to the Sun. Now sit there and really try to imagine just how far that is....

Really, let that sink in for a while.

After you've done that, realize again that that is the nearest star to us after the sun. Are you getting a sense of how fantastically small you are in this infinite black that we float along in? I know you tend to think of the stars and the rest of the universe as "out there", but right now, you are in space. If it weren't for the titanic atmosphere surrounding you, you would be in the frigid quiet of space.

Also remember that when you look at the stars, you are looking into the past, because the light from those stars has taken so long to reach your eyes that since that time they have moved or died/exploded. None of the constellations are actually where you perceive them to be. You're not actually seeing those stars, just the light that left them millions or even billions of years ago.

I love Astronomy/Cosmology.

#58944 by Persuader
Tue Dec 07, 2004 1:27 am
A-Daamage wrote:The distance to the nearest star after the sun is 1.3 parsecs away. 1 parsec = 206,265 astronomical units. 1 astronomical unit = 93,000,000 miles or the distance from the Earth to the Sun. Now sit there and really try to imagine just how far that is....

Really, let that sink in for a while.

After you've done that, realize again that that is the nearest star to us after the sun. Are you getting a sense of how fantastically small you are in this infinite black that we float along in? I know you tend to think of the stars and the rest of the universe as "out there", but right now, you are in space. If it weren't for the titanic atmosphere surrounding you, you would be in the frigid quiet of space.

Also remember that when you look at the stars, you are looking into the past, because the light from those stars has taken so long to reach your eyes that since that time they have moved or died/exploded. None of the constellations are actually where you perceive them to be. You're not actually seeing those stars, just the light that left them millions or even billions of years ago.

I love Astronomy/Cosmology.

Oh great, now I´m lost in space. ARGGGGHHH!
:) Seriously, dude...That´s really far out.

#58953 by Bwomp09
Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:01 am
I miss raleigh.

more importantly, i miss who i met in raleigh. i have the huuuuuuuuuugest crush on her now. And i've never had a crush this big.

on top of that, i NEVER get crushes on girls, because most of them suck (around here, anyway) and i can't find a decent girl to meet. And when i went to Raleigh over the weekend i met up with her, and had a BLAST hanging out with her. I miss her already, and i wanna go back. God dammit. This sucks.


#58956 by Coma Divine
Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:26 am
A-Daamage wrote:The distance to the nearest star after the sun is 1.3 parsecs away. 1 parsec = 206,265 astronomical units. 1 astronomical unit = 93,000,000 miles or the distance from the Earth to the Sun. Now sit there and really try to imagine just how far that is....

Really, let that sink in for a while.

After you've done that, realize again that that is the nearest star to us after the sun. Are you getting a sense of how fantastically small you are in this infinite black that we float along in? I know you tend to think of the stars and the rest of the universe as "out there", but right now, you are in space. If it weren't for the titanic atmosphere surrounding you, you would be in the frigid quiet of space.

Also remember that when you look at the stars, you are looking into the past, because the light from those stars has taken so long to reach your eyes that since that time they have moved or died/exploded. None of the constellations are actually where you perceive them to be. You're not actually seeing those stars, just the light that left them millions or even billions of years ago.

I love Astronomy/Cosmology.
Welcome to the inside of my cranium. :wink:

I've thought about this every day since I was about 6 years old.
I am now nearly 41. Always something to discover. :D

#58961 by ForceFed
Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:39 am
I'm all sweaty. Practicing drumming at 5:30 in the morning is very nice.

#58989 by Blazingmonga
Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:31 am
ForceFed wrote:I'm all sweaty. Practicing drumming at 5:30 in the morning is very nice.

Presumably not for your neighbours though.

#58996 by ibanez
Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:58 am
simen_88 wrote:I have about 13 developing cavities. Apple juice is to blame.

is that alcoholic apple juice?

#59035 by simen_88
Tue Dec 07, 2004 11:02 am
Nah, just regular.

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