Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#321198 by Jennifer
Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:54 am
Hi all,

Devin fan from Perth, Australia here. While I spend a lot of time on computers for my work, I struggle to find interesting hangouts on the net to spend my down time in. I figured of all the forums on all the net, hevydevy would certainly be a place in which I could find some wonderful people to share musical experiences with. Looking forward to getting to know you, looking forward to the conversations.
#321201 by djskrimp
Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:14 am
Jennifer wrote:Hi all,

Devin fan from Perth, Australia here. While I spend a lot of time on computers for my work, I struggle to find interesting hangouts on the net to spend my down time in. I figured of all the forums on all the net, hevydevy would certainly be a place in which I could find some wonderful people to share musical experiences with. Looking forward to getting to know you, looking forward to the conversations.

#321202 by swervedriver
Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:19 am
Welcome folks!

KeasbyNights wrote:
Beard wrote:Hello! I'm Chris or Beard (depending on where you find me on the internet). 24 year old guy from Norway.
Been a fan of Devin since the STL days when my brother "allowed" me to borrow his copy of 'Alien', and now I'm here.
I suck at writing about myself because I'm honestly not that interesting in the first place, but I'm happy to answer any questions.

Until next time!

I enjoy your nodding, bearded black man smiling at me constantly.

This. So much.
#321216 by KeasbyNights
Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:38 am
Jennifer wrote:Hi all,

Devin fan from Perth, Australia here. While I spend a lot of time on computers for my work, I struggle to find interesting hangouts on the net to spend my down time in. I figured of all the forums on all the net, hevydevy would certainly be a place in which I could find some wonderful people to share musical experiences with. Looking forward to getting to know you, looking forward to the conversations.

Of all the cool internet hangouts filled with interesting people, you've chosen a great one! I'm still getting to know everyone, but these forums are a lot of fun. Lot's of real, compassionate people in here. Heck, we've even got a love story. Welcome and look forward to seeing you around. :)
#321220 by Beard
Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:49 am
swervedriver wrote:Welcome folks!

KeasbyNights wrote:
Beard wrote:Hello! I'm Chris or Beard (depending on where you find me on the internet). 24 year old guy from Norway.
Been a fan of Devin since the STL days when my brother "allowed" me to borrow his copy of 'Alien', and now I'm here.
I suck at writing about myself because I'm honestly not that interesting in the first place, but I'm happy to answer any questions.

Until next time!

I enjoy your nodding, bearded black man smiling at me constantly.

This. So much.

You're both welcome!
#322192 by astralnexus
Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:16 am
Hey guys...
I've been a fan of Dev for since my last year of highschool in 1998. City blew my mind - still does. Then Infinity made me piss my pants. Guess I could relate to my hero so much given the fact that I have a mental illness. Not bipolar, but the other equally scary one that causes auditory and visual hallucinations. Being medicated for how long and living with it, makes you more "self-aware" of your own thoughts, feelings and emotions. Also, being hyper-sensitive to F*CKING EVERYTHING can make life a little difficult to understand and grasp at times and confuse the living shit out of me. I guess I used Devin as a shelter and guide in life in general - and an emotional outlet. At 34, looking back I guess I just didn't have the balls to creatively expel all that emotion into an art like Dev has. But I can honestly say, I survived and thrived in parts. Mostly, through lots of psychotherapy, experimentation with reality and of course a heavy dose of Devin Townsend.
I'm still scared shitless about reality, but sort of come complacent with the fact that well, life is life. We're awake, or either we're asleep. There's a myriad of different experiences to be had at any one time, I've chosen to ignore 99% of them, otherwise I feel like I'm the middle of the Coliseum, naked with 10 lions at every exit facing me. I can relate to the fact that I was "Forcefed" to this world, by reality and all the shits and giggles that go with it. I've seen some fucked up things that could turn a black man white, even been on a Demon-killing spree in the Forest, in my jocks, at 3AM after smoking a considerable amount of marijuana. I've tried and failed at religion. (I tried damn hard, too). There's no black and white, everything is a mixture of shades of grey. Life is just an experience. We either choose to ride it out, or we can put up a damn fight and experience a lot of friction and get chaffing as you get kicked down the hallway and your arse skids across the floor.

I have a drawing in our living room I got from a girl for my 21st birthday. Part of it states "Why am I blessed and cursed to hear colour and see sound?" And that my friend, is the nuance of my existence. (And all the distractions that go with it, and get in the way.)

/rant over.


I was a member of this forum a long time ago, and I think it went down for a while, and I forgot about it. (That was years ago). I actually remember saying a comment about the "Life" film clip, and how I didn't like it or something, and Tracey out of all people responded, and I think I accidentally insulted her! :(

I've met Devin 3 or 4 times, got all my shit signed, and I'm really gutted I missed Casualties of Cool on vinyl. (I think I spent like 8 weeks just listening to it non-stop). Looks like I missed out on the Z2 vinyl releases, too. Does anyone know where I can go on a notification list about Devin's releases so I DON'T F*CKING MISS OUT ON THEM AGAIN?! lol.

I'm a friendly and approachable guy, and although my introduction may seem a little crazy, it's not all like that. I've got a sneaking suspicion that this community kinda embraces that sort of eccentric style anyways...

#322193 by astralnexus
Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:19 am
HOLY CRAP!! "The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering. (Ben Okri)". SwerveDriver, you signature is utter perfection! Love it! :D
#322194 by KeasbyNights
Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:14 am
Welcome back, (though I probably didn't know you before), and we're certainly very welcoming of eccentric personalities. You'll fit right in. :) We'll love having you around the forums and participating in the conversations. As far as the best method to keep up on current events, I'd recommend Devin's twitter. I know, Twitter is a bit annoying for the most part, but honestly, however long ago I got one, was just to follow Devin's hilarious dislike for it. Now it's where he posts multiple times daily, often with the most up to date info on releases and offers. If someone else has anything, they'll be sure to post after this and tell you.

Anyway, welcome! And don't be a stranger. :D
#322198 by Tyroshai
Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:17 pm
Welcome everyone! :D
#322200 by swervedriver
Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:17 pm
astralnexus wrote:HOLY CRAP!! "The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering. (Ben Okri)". SwerveDriver, you signature is utter perfection! Love it! :D

It's a nice one, isn't it? Heard it at the end of an episode of Criminal Minds once, and stuck with me ever since. :)

And welcome of course! This place is usually pretty up to date with all the happenings, but recently I'm surprised at how fast things tend to sell out. VIP packages for Dev shows, special editions or limited vinyls... I mean, the Royal Albert Hall in less than a day? What the hell...
#322211 by ppinkham
Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:32 am
astralnexus wrote:I've met Devin 3 or 4 times, got all my shit signed, and I'm really gutted I missed Casualties of Cool on vinyl. (I think I spent like 8 weeks just listening to it non-stop). Looks like I missed out on the Z2 vinyl releases, too. Does anyone know where I can go on a notification list about Devin's releases so I DON'T F*CKING MISS OUT ON THEM AGAIN?!

As stated before, Devin's Twitter ( ) is a great place for news, though sometimes not accurate or official, because, well, it's Dev.

Otherwise, for official announcements and such there is the official facebook page which is handled by Dev's management.

I know of a little "fan" facebook site that is a pretty good source of info as well... ;)
#322260 by Nachikatsu
Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:12 pm
Hi everybody,

I'm french, 20 years old, student in sociology, living in Paris. I listen metal since I was 7 years thanks to my brother. I've discovered Devin with the "Infinity" album and specially "Bad Devil" (one of the best song ever !) in 2003 I think.
Since I've became a huge fan of Devin and SYL but I've never join a specific forum of the Devin fans until now ^^'

I've also have a metal band in Paris which I sing.
[For those who like technical death metal, little advertising => ]

And I also play bass and guitar sometimes.

That's all for myself ^^'
#322262 by mgallo
Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:22 pm
Hi everybody!

My name is Maite, I'm from Sao Paulo/Brazil, and I've been living in California/US since 2008.

I was 12 years old the very first time I saw the music video of "In My Dreams With You" from Vai on the Brazilian MTV. I remember thinking how awesome that "dude" singing with Steve Vai was!

Back in 97, when I was in high school, City was the album that changed my life! It's funny because most of my friends hated Strapping Young Lad. I swear, they would always ask me "How the hell do you listen to that?!". Well, easy answer - I loved it! As astralnexus said - it blew my mind and it still does!!! :D

I lost track of everything that Devin was doing after Strapping Young Lad was done, and a rediscovered my love for Devin's music a few years ago! I don't spend one single day without listening to Devin now!

I had the chance to meet Devin a few times at the Namm Show and he was so gracious and sweet that I feel like we're the luckiest fans in the world! :)

I love music and Devin makes this love even more pleasant.

Looking forward to listening to Z2 and seeing DTP and Animals as Leaders in SF on December 17th! Already got my VIP ticket :D
#322264 by KeasbyNights
Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:06 pm
Welcome to both of you! :) Glad to see you both on the forums now. You'll like it here, we're all quite nice. :) We all have similar feelings about the band, and the music, and we welcome everyone from anywhere. I hope to see you participate in the conversations, we'd love to have you in on them as you can. :D
#322273 by swervedriver
Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:20 am
Welcome folks! :)

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