The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#317580 by catharsis
Fri Jul 12, 2013 7:04 am
I dunno man. if casualties is put on kickstarter or pledge, it feels like a cop out to me. I mean, it's already recorded, isn't the point of those sites to get funding so they can record it? I know producing the CDs obviously is a major cost but they have to know they can expect roughly the same amount of record sales as his past albums. or couldn't it be released as a website only ala assorted demos/devlab type stuff?
#318796 by Meh
Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:54 am
I think this is a bad idea at this point in time. Although they well exceeded their target, Obituary has had a huge fan backlash over their campaign notably on the fact that the production was already paid for (they built a studio and from sources close to the band, the album was apparently already recorded). They wanted the money to either pay off debts and/or promote the album. They even left the door open to licensing the finished album to a distribution company adding some question marks over where exactly all that money was going. I think if Devin acted sooner it'd be fine but the album is done now so anything outside of using pre-order money to finish off a few things I'm not sure he should risk it, especially with how new much of his fanbase is.

However, for future releases I think it's ideal for someone like Devin who has a lot of projects left-of-centre and is very prolific.
#318822 by messy
Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:36 pm
i'd support a kickstarter to raise money to print more copies of "by a thread."

or at least one more copy so i can get one... :mrgreen:
#318848 by Meh
Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:40 am
messy wrote:i'd support a kickstarter to raise money to print more copies of "by a thread."

or at least one more copy so i can get one... :mrgreen:

Do you mean 'Contain Us'? By a Thread is on Amazon.
#318849 by messy
Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:52 am
Meh wrote:
messy wrote:i'd support a kickstarter to raise money to print more copies of "by a thread."

or at least one more copy so i can get one... :mrgreen:

Do you mean 'Contain Us'? By a Thread is on Amazon.

yeah, but it's over $100 :(

i need to find it at its original price ($50?).
#318852 by Lettuce
Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:32 pm
Isn't there only one edition of By a Thread? I got it for my ma from HMV for
#318922 by messy
Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:31 pm
Lettuce wrote:Isn't there only one edition of By a Thread?

i would gladly pay $50 for a cd-only release.
#318954 by messy
Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:29 pm
Lettuce wrote:Just torrent it, he doesn't mind...clear your conscience by buying a buttload of merch or clicking Support HDR on here

i'd rather have the cds for my collection.

i hope dev/tracy reads this...
#318960 by Lettuce
Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:30 am
If you want to contact Devin personally the only way you can do it is by tweeting him @dvntownsend. But I don't think he'd be the right person to ask, it would be management really. But honestly I don't see it being a viable option. My only suggestion is either cross your fingers and hope you score the boxset one day, or download and burn the discs then find the artwork for each show on google and print it out all nice so it kinda looks like the real deal...make it special for yourself, yeah? But then buy loads of merch to make up for your dirty deed.

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