Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#255238 by Octillus
Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:47 pm
BlueRaja wrote:I thought only lesbians wore Birkenstocks. Or only granolas. Or are all granolas vegetarian lesbians?

I might be all three? :p
#255240 by Aden
Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:33 pm
Too much Pizza. Feel sick.
#255256 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:42 am
Chilli burgers & choc cherry tomatoes tonight. Yum.
#255266 by shiram
Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:32 am
Billy Rhomboid wrote:The best poutine I ever had was the foie gras poutine at Au Pied du Cochon in Montreal. To die for. And quite possibly because of.
Not so vegetarian friendly, perhaps.

But then, if you worry about being friendly with vegetarians it is but a short hop to wearing Birkenstocks.

Thats fancier than any poutine I ever had, and I will have to look into it. That place is actually quite close to where I work.
#255274 by Tonya Elf
Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:42 am
Octillus wrote:
BlueRaja wrote:I thought only lesbians wore Birkenstocks. Or only granolas. Or are all granolas vegetarian lesbians?

I might be all three? :p

Non-lesbian vegetarian Birkenstock-wearing granola right here, man. Who likes black metal. :D
#255291 by Billy Rhomboid
Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:01 pm
Well today we had a duck. Slathered in honey from our beed and slow roasted for 5 1/2 hours. One of our foie gras ducks so it weighed in at 4.5kg before cooking - although it shed a good 2 litres of fat during the process. matched this to braised red cabbage with pancetta, red onion and apple cooked in balsamic vinegar and cider with fennel seeds.
Also made an apple brown betty for dessert, but in retrospect this was utterly superfluous as we were all stuffed to bursting point after the duck. Something fresher like a fruit salad would have been much better.
#255310 by BlueRaja
Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:06 pm
Tonya Elf wrote:
Octillus wrote:
BlueRaja wrote:I thought only lesbians wore Birkenstocks. Or only granolas. Or are all granolas vegetarian lesbians?

I might be all three? :p

Non-lesbian vegetarian Birkenstock-wearing granola right here, man. Who likes black metal. :D

You guys are ruining the stereotype. :wink:
#255313 by Keeker
Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:26 pm
I made one of my favourites tonight. Macaroni (white sauce with a whole pack of extra mature cheddar), tomatoes and pickled baby beetroot.
#255355 by Blazingmonga
Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:21 am
Keeker wrote:I made one of my favourites tonight. Macaroni (white sauce with a whole pack of extra mature cheddar), tomatoes and pickled baby beetroot.

Beetroot in the macaroni cheese? Everyone has there own little spin on this dish. I like to bake it with smashed up crisps on top...nice and crunchy.
#255376 by JuZ
Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:47 pm
We were feeling lazy last night so we just had toasted sandwiches made with turkish bread, roast beef and some nice crumbly mature cheddar from the local deli, with lashings of caramalised onion chutney. And my missus made some peanut butter and choc chip bikkies for a meeting... I felt it was my duty to rescue a couple. So good with cold milk.

Oh well, an extra few kms on the bike tomorrow, it's worth it!
#255550 by BlueRaja
Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:39 am
Last night's dinner:
Hot rice salad with garlic, red onion, & fresh dill, with a lemon & olive oil vinaigrette.
Salmon with roasted fennel, red onion, cherry tomatoes, garlic, fresh thyme & lemon.


Cody, you're nuts. American cuisine is pretty damn good.
#255551 by Billy Rhomboid
Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:55 am
We had a wild salmon as well. En croute with a simple basil and dill butter and grain mustard filling. Basil pesto couscous and a green salad on the side. NIce and light.
#255555 by Aden
Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:37 pm
Big fat greasy kebab & chips tonight to eat with UFC 126. I know it's bad but, but! It's only a one off! and... and...

Yeah, I'm gross.
#255558 by mEh!
Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:33 pm
I make the best Pasta Carbonara within 1000 miles. I'll take a photo of it next time i make it.
You will die watching it.
It's pretty much the only thing i can make. :D
#255566 by Billy Rhomboid
Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:50 pm
My 5 yr old daughter went to dinner at a friend's house the other day and they served carbonara. She sat and looked at her plate and when asked if everything was alright she carefully explained that the bacon was flaccid and looked shop-bought and definitely was not proper Guanciale, and that using cream was not authentic and why was there no egg yolk on top, and would it be alright if she just had plain spaghetti?

The child's parents were a tad shocked, to say the least. To have your dinner rubbished by a five-year food-critic must be quite crushing.
When we came to collect her I was quite torn between being toe-curlingly embarrassed and immensely proud.

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