All hail Ziltoid!
#173610 by Devymetalnut
Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:35 am
I seriously believe that review is one of the biggest crocks of shit i have ever read...........AND I READ QUITE A FUCKING LOT!
You guys should read the comments to that review, the fact that people aren't even willing to listen to it after that sickens me, shallow minded idiots really.
I for one think Ziltoid is awesome and the fact that Dev came up with it messing around with friends and puppets is even more humourous, these people just take it too seriously, this is Devin Townsend after all, tongue-in-cheek is commonplace! Can't wait for this new 'Ki' or 'Ki-Ra' thing...
#175210 by Terradreamer
Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:32 pm
Ziltoid the Omniscient remains my second favourite of all of Dev's albums (next to Biomech). It was a brilliant amalgamation of all of the sounds Devin strived to create and brought them all together as a powerful epic and a brilliant retrospective in to his careers in both Strapping Young Lad and the Devin Townsend Band.

All in all, a bollocks review and the comments do little to slander it (not to mention, they're fairly thick and bias. I always listen to an album, even if I'm told it's shit, before I judge it. Such as I did with Dragonforce's latest album).
#179970 by Lawrence
Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:18 am
I wanna kill that reviewer, do you see how hes commenting on it himself telling ppl not to buy it. If i knew that guy id kick the shit out of him, Ziltoid is a great album. and those people are missing out that are put off by this review.
#188955 by SouvlakiSlowdive
Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:25 am
Oh man, I just saw this like, a week ago! People give me crap on that site for liking Ziltoid all the time. Haha, oh man, this is great.

Stupid...but great. You know what I mean.
#191464 by mushroom
Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:57 pm
yeah really late to comment on this but... SHIT I'M PISSED OFF!! it's find that you can't understand Devin's music (i'm not saying that the people who doesn't listen Dev's music is inferior) but you can't say that just because ..bad joke to excuse about bad music?? what the hell!
#191564 by daneulephus
Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:09 am
If I put this review in the perspective of having heard what Ki promises to be.....then this guy is right on the mark. I know, I know......I am blaspheming, but when Devin puts out albums as good as Infinity and OM, how can you NOT feel a bit disappointed?

Now, if I just listen to Ziltoid for what it IS.....a fun, parody album not meant to be taken too seriously, then this guy totally missed the mark, and the point. I have no regrets though, because without it, Ki wouldn't be coming out....or Addicted and Decon. for that matter.

He just sounds like a very impassioned and disappointed Devin fan.....which is understandable if you take his music as seriously as we do.
#191576 by Synthetic_Urination
Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:39 am
daneulephus wrote:If I put this review in the perspective of having heard what Ki promises to be.....then this guy is right on the mark. I know, I know......I am blaspheming, but when Devin puts out albums as good as Infinity and OM, how can you NOT feel a bit disappointed?

Now, if I just listen to Ziltoid for what it IS.....a fun, parody album not meant to be taken too seriously, then this guy totally missed the mark, and the point. I have no regrets though, because without it, Ki wouldn't be coming out....or Addicted and Decon. for that matter.

He just sounds like a very impassioned and disappointed Devin fan.....which is understandable if you take his music as seriously as we do.

I agree, however I have seen a bit of naysaying building in people now days.

Picking apart everything, disreguarding great music hoping for something else.

Much similar to OhGr's new album Devils In My Details and so many other great albums with great messages, that just get ignored.

I'm sure Ki is going to be a great album, months away!
#193390 by babymordred121
Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:03 am
Holy crap! I'm laughing, but it's probably in denial. Ziltoid is one of my favorite albums! This review is far, far too weird for me to seriously comprehend having been written by human hands. It seems far more likely that it was written by some kind of massive, semi-gelatinous crab spider; such a creature would be too bloated to hunt down human victims on its own, so it instead is trying to taunt angry Ziltoid fans into storming its house and falling into its cleverly devised system of "Saw" style traps. This would providing it with a nearly limitless number of passionate Townsend-defenders to feed on at its leisure...

...But even if the writer WAS human (which is a very remote possibility, as far as I can determine), still...

...what a douche.
#194520 by stingrae
Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:36 am
yep pretty lame that he doesnt even critique it as an album and has the gall to attack dev personally. this cunt probly sits on a chair hating on everyone that is doing better than him at life. he would defs edit this if he were approached by a few ziltoidian warlords
#194531 by Zyprexa
Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:29 am
This thread is worse than that article. With the exception of a few posts, every single reply has been along the lines of "omg dis guy is a fool lolol". Seriously, if you disagree with somebody you should really give grounds as to why, not just insult the fact that they're probably fat idiots who know nothing about music. Belittling them personally does nothing for the integrity of your argument. I disagree with the guy but for all I know we could get along very well if we did meet one another, despite the fact that I quite enjoy Ziltoid and he clearly doesn't. And he could well be quite dashing, even if my mental image of him is currently a pimply obese splodge.

So without hesitation, here's my response to the review.

In the summary, he describes it as uninspired (using this same adjective twice in these two lines. Irony?) and boring, says that there are too many production techniques and it lacks any sort of life, as well as saying that it is generic and tepid (he meant foetid). How could it possibly be uninspired if nothing remotely like this has been done before? Seriously, correct me if I'm wrong but it isn't even a trifle comparable to anything else I am aware of. It is a concept album of a totally different calibre. The production techniques are pretty much limited to the mixing of the instruments and a bit of touching-up (because every single artist in the world doesn't synthesise at least a fraction of their music? Oh wait. They fucking do.). And I think that an album featuring a full-length song about time space continuum ('Solar Winds') couldn't possibly be described as lacking in life.

The mere fact that Dev does all the music himself makes it uniquely his own masterpiece, and the reviewer says that this element results in a "distinct lack of personality in the performance". But how could this be true? The personality is entirely Devin's. The comments about Devin not "sing(ing) any interesting melodies" are absolutely untrue when you consider the haunting lyrics of 'The Greys' or 'Colour Your World'. Instrumentally, it does for parody albums the same thing Martin Luther King did for black emancipation. It doesn't even need to have such beautiful tunes considering that it's a skit on the music industry; but in my opinion, it does. But I suppose art is subjective. I do agree somewhat that it lacks in purpose; the structure of the storyline is rather jumpy when you consider that Devin is responsible for Punky Brüster's 'Cooked on Phonics' (which could be made into the punk version of Spinal Tap).

This reviewer is obsessed with the fact that Devin did this album alone "he couldn't hire any musicians to inject some life into this?", the point is that it was a solo project. Instead of most metal solo projects which touch on becoming ambient, over-produced musical disasters; Ziltoid is rich in the elements which make metal awesome - consistently heavy drumming, melodic keyboard to set a certain tone and best of all, beautiful guitar ('N9'). He compares it to Ocean Machine - Biomech, a completely different type of album which uses lyrical prowess as a foreground and is backed delightfully by enchanting melodic echoes. Ziltoid is more in-your-face melodically and of course, as a concept album telling a story, uses a completely different strategy lyrically. Speaking literally instead of figuratively can make all the difference to the more fickle of the fan base, it seems.

The reviewer can't think of any other pseudo-intellectual witticism and so he resorts to insulting Synchestra: "As good as that album got in some places, Townsend's downward slide was in the cards--just doesn't have anything new to say, so instead he's making jokes and love letters proclaiming how happy and content he is with his life." Devin ALWAYS made jokes, his first studio album was City for fuck sake (can anyone remember 'Oh My Fucking God'?)! Alright, he's happy and it's reflected in his music - do you want him to lie just to make you happy? If all you want is shouting and anger, get lost and find an angsty emo band to follow instead of one of the most prolific, poetic, musically talented and not to mention under-appreciated musicians in 2009.

Forgive me if I ask how any of the lyrics in Ziltoid fall under the reviewer's category of a "predictable song-writing technique". Maybe he has a problem with the fact that there are verses and a chorus in each one? "the songs never really get genuinely intense" - I profusely disagree, on the grounds that I find the musical intensity culminates to a climax in every single song; in 'By Your Command' the "gone too far from the universe..." passage reverberates in my mind, gives me goosebumps. Although again, maybe the reviewer just has impeccably high standards set in lieu of Dev's previous albums. As for it "sounding the same all the way through", anybody who has studied music even in the most primitive degree will know that the key signature continually changes throughout, the rhythm diversifies in each 'stanza' of the album and the lyrics represent a different paragraph in the story for every single track. I call bullshit.

The reviewer ends on the note that Devin is taking a break from the music industry for a while and says that he's glad. Personally, I can't wait for Ki and I hope it blows this faggot's pink sock off.

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