#150263 by steve_dave
Wed May 23, 2007 3:23 am
First off, I've been a member of the the board for feckin years but for some reason last year my works firewall stopped me from visiting... anyhoo it's back now so, hoorah! As I've been away for so long, I'm sure that every question has been answered a long time ago but I really can't be arsed to look back over a years worth of posts, so I'm almost certain that this will be a duplicate thread/post/whatever. So mods, feel free to do whatever you will with the thread ;)

Basically my question is, when is the new merch kicking in? And who is the new company? WILL THERE BE ZIP UP HOOOOOOOOODIEEEEEEES???


#150275 by Hughie
Wed May 23, 2007 6:12 am
Hey, this is unrelated to your question entirely, but I saw your sig.. there's been a band in the US called Big Fuckin Skull since maybe 2000. What a weird name for two different bands to have:p

#150278 by steve_dave
Wed May 23, 2007 8:00 am
Hughie wrote:Hey, this is unrelated to your question entirely, but I saw your sig.. there's been a band in the US called Big Fuckin Skull since maybe 2000. What a weird name for two different bands to have:p

Haha, I really should change that actually. No longer in that band, and haven't been for a while now! But yea, I seem to remember being told about this other Big Fuckin Skull a while back. We just though it was funny at the time! haha

#150304 by Leechmaster
Wed May 23, 2007 11:15 am
CyberMartyr said somewhere that he's still searching for the best place to take over the Dev merch, and that he'll let us all know as soon as something has been finalised.

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