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What is your favourite song from Accelerated Evolution?


#84317 by CardDinour
Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:49 pm
when i first got this (was my first) i thought it was amazing, then i got hold of all the other ones and i barely listened to it thinking it wasnt as good. but over the last month or so ive spun it a few times and its just amazing. i never really took notice of the last 5 songs, but damn they are great!! cant believe ive neglected this album, glad i put it on since now i have more tunes to listen to!!

and my favourites would be Storm, Deadhead and Sunday Afternoon :)

#85641 by Dissentient
Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:13 am
i would have to say suicide, and away...

#85669 by Frosty
Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:50 pm
My favorites are Deadhead,Slow me down and Storm..But i voted Slow me down.It was very difficult to choose it...

#86493 by Dartwa
Tue Aug 30, 2005 9:03 am
Traveller for me.

#86502 by heavy metal machine
Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:58 am
NotSoSilentPete wrote:I can't believe I'm the only one who voted for Storm :shock:

Funny story about that song, I dloaded AE from p2p when I first decided to check on Devy. The only song I didn't have was Storm. I listened to the rest of the album A LOT during the following weeks really freaking out at how good this CD is. So I finally ordered it a month later, when it came in I had forgotten about Storm, so I put it in my roomies DiscMan and go out to take a walk 8)

When I got to Storm I nearly shit myself a couple of time!!! I had it so loud that when Dev hit that insane scream at the end (Stay with me-heeee-hiaaaaa) I swear I lost my balance and nearly fainted!!!!!!(It was also very hot outside)

Ever since, every time I take my shower I put AE on my radio full blast and scream my guts out to every song, especially Storm (also Depth charge)!!
I love this albums in its whole, suicide is definitively a beautiful, dark and inspiring song... but Depth Charge just simply kick my ass every time i listen to it, this song is all about dynamics, the drum is incredible!
AE was a masterpiece of beautiful modern metal, can't wait to hear the new one;)

#86554 by VampireDaveGrohl
Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:56 am
I think Suicide just wins it. The chorus is so beautifully sung and i love it how the roar kicks in on "Waaaasting my tiiiiime, like you KNEW THAT I WOULD! KNEW THAT I WOULD BOOOOOY!!"

#86600 by Engulfer
Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:32 pm
Traveller is my favorite. I like to listen to AE on road trips, as I do with all DT albums.

#86628 by IronMaiden736
Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:32 pm
Deadhead is one of my favorite devy songs ever. It so moving and epic

#88101 by S D M F
Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:26 pm
I voted for "Away", its been years (yes years) since a song has had an effect (hope I spelled that correctly) on me like "Away". It hit me in a way that a got goosebumps. I tell ya' I live for that!!!!!

Anyways, back to AE and Dev's other various works. 8)

#89931 by Annie
Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:40 am
Voted a couple of days ago and I cannot even remember what I voted for... Traveller? All I gotta say is that Accelerated Evolution contains one of the best lines EVER! it's in Random Analysis: "I'm not insane, I'm just smarter than you." Yeah!

#93047 by Ocean Soul
Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:41 am
Either Depth Charge or Deadhead for me, great uplifting album! :D

#95759 by MindRevolution
Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:22 am
I had to go with Deadhead but the whole album just fucking rocks.

#97457 by zoobee
Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:18 pm
my favourite song - Sunday Afternoon
it makes me fill somthing i dont know...

#97521 by Poey
Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:48 pm
VampireDaveGrohl wrote:I think Suicide just wins it. The chorus is so beautifully sung and i love it how the roar kicks in on "Waaaasting my tiiiiime, like you KNEW THAT I WOULD! KNEW THAT I WOULD BOOOOOY!!"

I'm right behind you with this one. It was the one that caught my eye (or ear) when I first heard the album.

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