Face your chaos, know who you are!
#202950 by Mazaro
Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:07 pm
The part a little more than halfway through "Heaven's End" where the mix just cuts out and you hear uninteresting, completely standard studio chatter and no other sound, before jumping into a near-exact repetition of the previous chorus... yeah, I thought it really killed the momentum. I don't see the point in reminding the listener that the musicians are in the studio tediously recording the tracks over and over again. Also, throwing the chorus back in seems like a cop out move to me. Metric 4 bars patterns, predictable, simple, boring. Anyone else feel like that?

Now if the whole album was like "Ki"... That's the Devin I know and love. Subtlety, detail.
#202955 by hairbearbunch
Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:20 pm
Dunno if it's my over active imagination, I figured it was a bit of joke about views that heaven is an end. Listen to what they actually say. Our cultures view on death can have more of an impact on us then the way we view life. Hang on, am I going too deep?, rrrrrrrrrrttttt puttin the brakes on.
#202961 by Lettuce
Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:37 pm
I think the break in Heaven's End is pretty awesome...when listening to it in the car with my friends it's pretty much the bit where you go "waaaaaaait for it...POW!"

If the entire album was like the song Ki, I'd personally get bored. It's got a fair bit of variety in it which is why I like it.
#202964 by hevysyl_rob
Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:45 pm
For starters..no need to spam topic posts.... :coucou:

Secondly this album was amazing, I loved every part of it, and as for the breaks in songs etc I thought that just added to the uniquness of the album.

I respect your right to make the above opinion but I disagree :P I feel it extenuates the standard studio recorded feel of most albums and shows it for what it is a live jam and an amazing one at that...now its 4 in the morning im off to bed :zzzz:

Night All
#202965 by gitrplaya4u
Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:52 pm
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with this song. However, there is the song "Heaven Send." I joke, I joke.
Maybe it was put there so that you don't get too lost in the album and it will jolt you back to reality. I, for one, like it.
After all, like hevysyl_rob said in...the other topic...there was a lot of jamming-ish stuff on Ki.
#202975 by GuyOne
Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:34 pm
i think it fits perfect. Devin said that sometimes he closes control in his music and ends up becoming very chaotic. This is sort of a "whoa, wait a sec this is going too far.... Ahhh, fuck it. Lets going back, play it through again and get it out of our systems!" moment.
#202988 by djskrimp
Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:30 am
When one focuses on the imperfection of a single leaf, they miss the magnificence of the tree.

And, I never noticed any awkward break, not hear any awkward break after your notice.
#203005 by The Oid
Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:58 am
I like it when studio stuff gets left in songs, it generally shows that the people creating it were having a good time.
#203019 by The Dev
Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:10 am
It was a great take, but Duris didn't feel like he nailed the last chorus...it was supposed to end where it did, and we were on such a roll, that we just played the last chorus again under the assumption that I would edit it later...but I decided not to edit the drums, so we just used that moment in time.

I love it.

...I've been known to be wrong though :)
#203025 by Liquid
Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:36 am
I absolutely love it. Ki is on the whole a bit of an exercise in not so thoroughly producing and perfecting the music, leaving some rougher songs (like Heaven Send and Quiet Riot) rather than the usual very calculated and composed, produced, and put together music that we've seen in the past. I love the studio banter, the band feel to Ki. Of course, that's dropped for the title track, a bit of a taste of what's to come if that's what should be believed... I don't know. Plus, I think the prechorus and chorus are much better that third time around.

Also, Devin has a thing for doing choruses in twos. Vampira, Deadhead, etc. Lots of songs like that. A few have 3x chorus, like Heaven Send and Seventh Wave. I just like how he changes things up a bit.

Any song on Addicted have five choruses? That would be neat.
#203030 by GuyOne
Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:23 am
The Dev wrote:It was a great take, but Duris didn't feel like he nailed the last chorus...it was supposed to end where it did, and we were on such a roll, that we just played the last chorus again under the assumption that I would edit it later...but I decided not to edit the drums, so we just used that moment in time.

I love it.

...I've been known to be wrong though :)

Well the actual explanation doesn't have the same flare as some of the ideas here so I think I will keep my own in mind! :wink:
#203034 by Mojo
Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:05 pm
my favourite 'bit', amongst many, on the whole album is the guitar feedback before the song kicks in again - spine tingling :D
#203043 by Zyprexa
Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:25 pm
I think that the break certainly isn't awkward. It feels very natural and the song is so intense that the abrupt cessation of the music is actually a pleasant transition. Then when it picks up again you're like "WOW minor orgasm".
#203044 by Mazaro
Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:25 pm
Thanks for responding, Devin! Yeah, I could tell it was Duris asking for another take.

Knowing that no editing was done and that it really was a capture of a moment's energy that way makes me appreciate it a bit more, and I see why it was done. That last chorus was really all done live, as a band? That's great!

The reason why I post things like this is because I hope to understand the intentions behind the music more. I'll probably enjoy it a lot more now.

Also, to clarify, I didn't mean to say I wanted the whole album to SOUND like "Ki", I guess I meant I thought it hit the perfect balance... more ambience and layering in the mix than some of the other songs, but still undeniably mellow and fitting to the album... and I liked the slightly more developed song structure. More sections, not so verse / chorus / verse as some of the tracks. Allows the song to really go somewhere, and oh boy does it go somewhere. But I'm not concerned, I know I'll get my fix of classic Devin maximalist denseness on at least some of the other 3 albums.
#203048 by Carpathian Psychonaut
Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:04 pm
Took me a second to work out what the thread title was referring to but then realised which bit it was. I've never heard it as awkward, really,but more people in the heat of it and rolling with where it took them. If anything, I find the second run even better - it just seems raised a notch or two higher - so having that as the 'out' for the track is ideal in terms of energy.

Dev wrote:I love it.

...I've been known to be wrong though

Hey, Dev, don't second guess yourself. You do what you do, we'll do what we do and it'll all work out fine...

...I've been known to be wrong though

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