Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#172913 by Kivenkantaja
Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:17 am
djskrimp wrote:Deployed to the desert? I can handle it.
Temps up to 48 degrees C, with relative humidities up to 30% at that temp: Okay, this hurts, but I'll live.
Fetid coffee: ARGHHHH!

Just kidding. Hi, all of you. I have interwebz again. Any new good music? (Besides Textures, which rules.)
It's kinda weird to recommend anything in a thread about un-awesome but check out Alcest.

Biert! Where is this fine lads orange welcome mat?!
#172915 by Biert
Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:05 am
Kivenkantaja wrote:
djskrimp wrote:Deployed to the desert? I can handle it.
Temps up to 48 degrees C, with relative humidities up to 30% at that temp: Okay, this hurts, but I'll live.
Fetid coffee: ARGHHHH!

Just kidding. Hi, all of you. I have interwebz again. Any new good music? (Besides Textures, which rules.)
It's kinda weird to recommend anything in a thread about un-awesome but check out Alcest.

Biert! Where is this fine lads orange welcome mat?!

Stoney was on these forums before I was, he's not getting no mat!
#172932 by Dunkelheit
Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:22 pm
djskrimp wrote:Deployed to the desert? I can handle it.
Temps up to 48 degrees C, with relative humidities up to 30% at that temp: Okay, this hurts, but I'll live.
Fetid coffee: ARGHHHH!

Just kidding. Hi, all of you. I have interwebz again. Any new good music? (Besides Textures, which rules.)


i woefully recommend chrome division and urfaust and ane brun and amplifier
#172941 by Biert
Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:28 am
Dunkelheit wrote:and amplifier

Yerrr I have one of their albums, it's good. A bit Oceansizy :D
#172947 by Leechmaster
Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:41 am
Tonsilitis. Great. Apparently one of the worst cases my doctor has ever seen in like.. 30 years. Fucking beautiful. So I've been stuck home for the last week taking tablets for laryngitis, which I didn't have (Thank you to the idiot replacement fuckwit I went to see last Saturday), and now I have to start a whole new score of meds. Two really really powerful penicillins, which really aren't meant to be taken on an empty stomach, and I can't eat a morsel. I can't leave the house, I can't be around anyone in case they catch it, and I'm going to miss going into my school to get my exam results and the aftermath of celebrating. Die, world. :cry:
#172951 by Persuader
Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:03 pm
That sucks big time Leechy, a party you don't wanna miss I guess...Get better dude.
#172952 by Biert
Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:27 pm
I've always found beer to help cure throat problems ;)
#172995 by Hughie
Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:10 am
Hows this for un-awesome. Panic attack last night, blacked out and hit my head real bad and bled all over the place. That sucked.
#172998 by Kivenkantaja
Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:36 am
Hughie wrote:Hows this for un-awesome. Panic attack last night, blacked out and hit my head real bad and bled all over the place. That sucked.

Panic attacks can be a real pain in the ass. I once knew a girl who had those and the stories she told did not sound like fun... :?
#173002 by kyl88
Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:04 am
Leechmaster wrote:Tonsilitis. Great. Apparently one of the worst cases my doctor has ever seen in like.. 30 years. Fucking beautiful. So I've been stuck home for the last week taking tablets for laryngitis, which I didn't have (Thank you to the idiot replacement fuckwit I went to see last Saturday), and now I have to start a whole new score of meds. Two really really powerful penicillins, which really aren't meant to be taken on an empty stomach, and I can't eat a morsel. I can't leave the house, I can't be around anyone in case they catch it, and I'm going to miss going into my school to get my exam results and the aftermath of celebrating. Die, world. :cry:

Leechmaster, I had my tonsils out the first of July, due to chronic tonsilitis. Easy operation, hellish recovery.
I was given oxycodone for the pain, and given explicit instructions to never miss a dose. So I did just as I was told.
I never abused the drug at all, and after about two weeks, I woke up one morning, and my throat didnt hurt anymore.
So I thought, "hey I'm healed"! And I was. All healed up... Then two days later I was driving to work, and I started shaking and sweating.
I mean really sweating. I got light-headed, and suddenly felt horribly sad. Within 20 minutes I had sunk into a nightmare.
Im going on and on, but what happened was I was having withdrawls from the oxycodone. My doctor told me I was supposed to ween myself
off by decreasing the dose over a few days. Opps. The last three weeks I can honestly say have been the worst in my life. I must have the
wrong body chemistry, or something, but these withdrawls have been hell. I'm never touching perscription painkillers again, I don't care about

Dude, I don't mean to wig you out, I'm sure you'll be fine. I not ever sure why I went on that rant. I'm still a little messed up, I guess.

Sorry, everyone. I don't mean to preach, I guess I'm trying to say that oxycodone is the DEVIL. For Me. Others are fine with it. They are lucky.

Good luck, Leechmaster. If you have to have your tonsils out, then you'll breathe alot better. And maybe lose a few pounds. ( I've lost 24) :shock:

And welcome back DJ Skirmp! :D Glad to hear your safe.

Oh, and R.I.P. Bernie
#173006 by Leechmaster
Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:45 pm
kyl88 wrote:Leechmaster, I had my tonsils out the first of July, due to chronic tonsilitis. Easy operation, hellish recovery.
I was given oxycodone for the pain, and given explicit instructions to never miss a dose. So I did just as I was told.
I never abused the drug at all, and after about two weeks, I woke up one morning, and my throat didnt hurt anymore.
So I thought, "hey I'm healed"! And I was. All healed up... Then two days later I was driving to work, and I started shaking and sweating.
I mean really sweating. I got light-headed, and suddenly felt horribly sad. Within 20 minutes I had sunk into a nightmare.
Im going on and on, but what happened was I was having withdrawls from the oxycodone. My doctor told me I was supposed to ween myself
off by decreasing the dose over a few days. Opps. The last three weeks I can honestly say have been the worst in my life. I must have the
wrong body chemistry, or something, but these withdrawls have been hell. I'm never touching perscription painkillers again, I don't care about

Christ almighty that sounds like some nasty shit.. Hope you heal up soon as well, man! I am, thankfully, on the up and up. Able to eat again, sort of.. only certain foods that can be pulpified, but the pain and swelling have gone down and the little balls of white stuff that were growing on my tonsils and dislodging into my throat and mouth, choking me, have thankfully up and fecked off. So it looks like this time I'll be missing out on hospital.. Unless I take a spiralling downturn to oblivion tomorrow I should be in the clear. Those penicillin tabs are nasty but they sure as hell do the trick, and a hell of a lot faster than the old crappy meds I had..

Just plain un-awesome and useless: Augmentin Duo and doctors who tell you you have one problem when you really have the other, just to increase your suffering.. Wankas. :roll:
#173027 by AlucardXIX
Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:46 am
I had my tonsils out in 6th grade, basically due to both chronic tonsillitis and the fact that from a young age my tonsils were constantly inflamed. Recovery is definitely hell. They gave me codeine when I got mine taken out, no adverse effects for me, and I was just a young'n!
#173037 by Migstopheles
Sun Aug 10, 2008 4:08 pm
Kivenkantaja wrote:
Hughie wrote:Hows this for un-awesome. Panic attack last night, blacked out and hit my head real bad and bled all over the place. That sucked.

Panic attacks can be a real pain in the ass. I once knew a girl who had those and the stories she told did not sound like fun... :?

My flatmate gets night terrors, he wakes up screaming and runs around terrified in the middle of the night. I guess it's kind of a similar deal, and it's really no fun at all.
#173042 by Dunkelheit
Sun Aug 10, 2008 4:54 pm
Migstopheles wrote:
Kivenkantaja wrote:
Hughie wrote:Hows this for un-awesome. Panic attack last night, blacked out and hit my head real bad and bled all over the place. That sucked.

Panic attacks can be a real pain in the ass. I once knew a girl who had those and the stories she told did not sound like fun... :?

he wakes up screaming and runs around terrified in the middle of the night. I guess it's kind of a similar deal, and it's really no fun at all.

u kidding me? screaming and runnin around terrifying ppl in the middle of the night is DA SHIZZLE
#173050 by Keeker
Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:56 am
My daughter was sick last night. Cleaning up vomit in the wee small hours is pretty un-awesome. :(

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