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#326143 by EphelDuath666
Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:39 pm
Red Dead Redemption 2...and it's pretty awesome. Graphically and technically VERY impressive. But if you play it keep one thing in mind. There's one NASTY bug in that game where certain characters can disappear in your camp and you cannot do or complete their side missions.

I'll mention which characters those are below, don't read if you don't want any type of story spoiler.

Spoiler: show
Jack, Abigail, Sadie and apparently even John Marston himself can disappear. Apparently the first mission you do for 'Uncle' in chapter 2 triggers the issue. Right now I'd recomment not to play the game or buy it before they patched it up properly.
#326156 by EphelDuath666
Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:03 pm
so RDR2 was amazing. I mean, so much has been said about the game I don't need to add anything other than: if you own a current gen console and aren't planning on playing this game then you're seriously missing out. This is an experience you won't get from any other game. I got my 100% completion for it which was a BITCH to get but I got there eventually and I'm glad I did.

So once that was done I moved on to another terrific game. Spider-Man on PS4. I kinda figured this would be good but I didn't expect it to blow me way the way it did. Better than any of the movies….in my opinion, I kid you not. (I will admit I have not seen Into the Spider-Verse yet but do want to) The story is strong and so are the characters. Makes you wonder why they didn't manage to get it done in the same way in the movies. Insomniac has done every Spider-Man fan a huge favor with this one. But the game itself is also a WHOLE lot of fun. The gameplay is fun , web slinging works so Incredibly well and combat is tons of fun and satisfying. This is definitely one of the best games of the year and together with the Batman Arkham series it's one of the very best games based on comic books.

So after I got all the trophies in that game and picked up the pieces of my blown mind I started playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I'm not very far into it yet but it seems to be as good and fun as the other 2 games of this rebooted Tomb Raider series. As far as I can tell this is pretty damn good too and I read there are way fewer shootouts in this game and it focuses more on tombs and crypts. That's good news to me since I always considered that to be what the Tomb Raider games should be about.

Well, this has been a stellar year for games, I think...if you forget about all the Fortnite and generic battle royale bullshit. God of War, Spider-Man, Detroit: Become Human, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, AC: Odyssey, Red Dead Redemption 2 of course. Heck, Ni No Kuni 2 and Far Cry 5 were really good too. A Way Out was one of the biggest surprises for me with its fun co-op style. The Shadow of the Colossus remake was phenomenal. It's been a good year for us gamers. Well, like I said...battle royale bullshit aside.
#326186 by EphelDuath666
Wed Feb 20, 2019 1:33 pm
OK. So....Red Dead Redemption 2 was awesome. Got my 100% completion a long while ago. One of the very best games of 2018 and one of the best games this gen for sure.

But much more important than this game was one that I have eagerly awaited for years. I have always hoped there would be a remake and then when there was an announcement for it a few years back I went nuts because this was really one of the most important games to me back in the day. That's right....Shaq-Fu, motherfuckers!!!!

NOT....of course I'm talking about Resident Evil 2. Capcom have really done a complete 180° in recent years. First Resident Evil 7 and now this. I can't even begin to explain on how many levels the RE2 remake is awesome. It's scary...I mean seriously, this is some legit stuff right there. No cheap scares. This is the real deal. Amazing atmosphere, excellent sound design, great gameplay and its visuals that are amongst the best I have seen in any survival horror game to date.

This might just be the best remake for a game I have ever played. Well, Shadow of the Colossus was pretty damn fantastic too. But Resi2 still tops it for me because it doesn't just simply copy the old game from '98 but updates it in all the right ways, without making it lose any of its scares. If anything this is 10 times scarier than the original. Yes, as usual all 4 campaigns (yup, there's 4 like in the old game) can be finished it relatively little time, just like all Resident Evil games (minus the later, shittier entries in the series prior to 7 and RE2R). But my first few playthroughs still took me 6 to 8 hours.

If you liked the original RE2 from '98 or just care for Survival Horror at all then please do yourself a favor and play this game. It's friggin' awesome and I don't regret buying the über-decadent collector's edition one bit.
#326279 by EphelDuath666
Fri Mar 08, 2019 6:24 pm
started playing Thimbleweed Park which is an old school type of point and click Adventure with old school graphics, kinda like Day Of The Tentacle, Monkey Island, etc. Really digging it so far. Twin Peaks was obviously an influence here. But I often have no idea what I'm supposed to do, heh. Guess it's been a while since I played a game like this one!

Edit: OK, Finished it. The ending was a bit 'meh' and not all the puzzles seemed all that logical to me (struggled with quite a few) but I still overall enjoyed the game quite a lot. And I hope there will be more retro adventure games.
#326290 by Sarpale
Wed Mar 20, 2019 4:55 am
I have found myself venturing to the unholy MOBA land.. Have not liked any moba's I've tried earlier, but Heroes Of the Storm have really kept me entertained. I logged to my Blizzard account to close autopay for Wow for a while, and ended up installing HOTS after that :D
My little brother promised that it's nowhere near as difficult as League Of Legends or StarCraft, so I decided to give it a go.
Weekly changing free heroes, free to play and several different types of maps (with one same big goal in the end) have kept me coming back to it for almost two months now.
You get one hero for free after you complete a match (or in the beginning at least) and you get to try out the free champs from all categories.
It's possible to spend real money there, but it is not pay to win. It took me about 5 days to unlock one champ I wanted, it cost 7000 game currency and by doing daily quests it was gathered up quite soon.
So you really don't have to spend money unless you want.

The characters are from all over Blizzard games, so seeing Lucio from Overwatch was a happy moment for me (he's my main character in OW) but I haven't played as him at all :D
I have now three characters bought with in game currency and I do try out the free ones as everyone has different abilities.
Even with random people it is fun to play, just don't set the difficulty beyond your own limits if you are with randoms :D

Haven't played Overwatch in ages now.. Wonder if my Lucio is missing me too!
#326292 by EphelDuath666
Fri Mar 22, 2019 6:33 pm
glad you're having fun with Heroes of the Storm :) Never tried a MOBA myself and I doubt I'll ever have time to get into that in addition to everything else I still need to play and watch and listen to! lol

last one I played was Day of the Tentacle remastered. And loved it. Don't quite remember if I played this one back when it was released for the first time in the 90's. I think I did with a friend. Definitely played the Monkey Island games. Oh well...had a blast playing through the remaster. Such a fun, crazy game with fun puzzles. Played through it a second time right away and it only took me an hour and a half or so. So once you know what to do it really doesn't take long to beat this game. But I wanted the platinum trophy too so I figured "Oh screw it, why not...".
#326321 by Liampie
Wed Apr 03, 2019 3:35 am
Roller Coaster Tycoon turned 20 as of last weekend, and I've been enjoying it on almost a daily basis for about 19,5 years out of those 20. What a beautiful game!
#326324 by EphelDuath666
Wed Apr 03, 2019 10:04 am
You know, I've been a gamer since the late 80's and never tried one of those Sim City type games. I should change that.
#326348 by Sarpale
Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:30 am
Cities: Skylines is awesome!
Early SimCities were cool, liked the one that had a robot descending from the sky and stomping your city to bits and pieces, but after trying Cities:Skylines I was hooked on that.
My only complaint about that game is that it always takes me 2-3 hours when I sit down to play (I set an alarm to remember to go to bed in time..) and that I suck at building freeway ramps! :lol:
Splendid game, definitely recommend it.

For past few weeks only "game" I have played is Pokemon Go, been just too stupidly busy to even think about diving into game world - sucks :(
#326375 by EphelDuath666
Fri May 17, 2019 2:40 pm
been buying a lot of digital games lately. The Playstation Store sales make that irresistible. And since I'm a PS+ member I downloaded What Remains Of Edith Finch for free which is supposedly awesome so I can't wait to play that. I haven't really given downloadable indie games much of a chance in the past so I'm trying to rectify that.
#326376 by Sarpale
Wed May 22, 2019 4:19 am
PS+ has been great!
Last month there was For Honor available, and I took that to my library. My SO actually bought it for us for PC back when it came out, and I wanted to play at lot of it.
Unfortunately, it didn't work very well and got so frustrating that I ended up just not playing it.
But now it's free to own on PS4 too so I will give it a new go.
Maybe the servers don't die so much anymore?!

Well anyhoos, there is currently a campaign in Origin where you can get Sims 4 for free:

I will be getting mine, thanks! :D
#326401 by EphelDuath666
Sun Jul 14, 2019 4:30 pm
started playing Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (finally) and darn, it's good! and gorgeous! And what a huge friggin world it is! I really enjoyed Origins already but this seems even better. Quite significantly so actually. I really enjoy the new combat system they added (since Origins, I believe) because I really didn't like the combat system of the older AC games.

Also ordered Days Gone. I wanted to wait for that game to be patched up properly first before buying it and well, Prime Day allowed me to get it for 30 Euros so I figured "might as well get it now!".

I'm also very interested in the game 'A Plague Tale: Innocence' and think that'll be the next one I'll buy.
#326465 by EphelDuath666
Sat Jun 13, 2020 9:11 am
The PS5 show was great. The games looked cool/great with a few exceptions. Hope the console won't be too expensive. Wish they had revealed a new Batman game and the rumored Silent Hill reboot. But you can't have everything!
#326471 by EphelDuath666
Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:01 am
Dang, The Last Of Us 2 is pretty damn awesome. On my 3rd playthrough and still enjoying it greatly. The visuals are exceptional.

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