Hey! You're awake!
#184270 by Persuader
Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:29 am
"Universe in a ball" you say...Men in black?

Deliver the galaxy!
#184273 by Sam-I-Am
Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:36 am
New to the boards as of this evening...hmm...morning, I suppose. Coming to Hell-A for playing, per chance, as well as recording? A girl can dream, anyway...someone's got to enrich the cultural landscape around here! Last concert I went to was yours (with Symphony X...Accelerated Evolution touring)...would love for the next show I hear/see to be yours, too...lol. "Addicted" is a very good name...sums up nicely how most of us probably feel about your music! Rather difficult to not sound like a total kiss-ass when discussing it.
#184274 by sj_2150
Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:11 am
Persuader wrote:"Universe in a ball" you say...Men in black?

Deliver the galaxy!


#184340 by Grimview
Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:32 pm

Dev, you realise, of course, that releasing this much music in one year is an awesomeness overload?
You know those really lame Much Music commercials where people's heads blow up from the supposed "awesomeness" of the shit that channel plays?

You're going to make those real this year. Except the music involved will be good. :P
#184342 by The Dev
Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:42 pm
I canna help't cap'n!

enjoy, it's gonna get interesting real quick.
#184355 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:56 pm
I wonder how Ki will stack up on the noob chart - the noob chart being: which Townsend CD's are the most enticing and easy to get into for a noob.

Yes, I actually have a written chart. I'm quite the nerd, but I'm not ashamed!!

I've always thought of Ocean Machine as a good intro for new listeners; and I wonder where Ki will fall. I'm just thinking (typing?) out loud here. 8)
#184374 by Mealz
Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:03 pm
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:
Yes, I actually have a written chart. I'm quite the nerd, but I'm not ashamed!!

I've always thought of Ocean Machine as a good intro for new listeners; and I wonder where Ki will fall. I'm just thinking (typing?) out loud here. 8)

Ah, i have thought of this issue aswell (its not nerdy, just a bit OCD my friend j/k), it would be different for different people too, styles etc....i've found terria for people who arnt into metal, gets em into dev, then they start to change, dramatically.

i actually used to cop shit in highschool, for listening to dev because of his voice, those same people actually like him now, go figure. haha, though i think OM was what got them into it in the end (due to me forcing it at them at how much it ruled too haha)

Have you worked out a place to record addicted yet dev?

this years lookin wickkkkked yeah woooooo go dev
#184380 by Jormungandr
Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:42 pm
Mealz wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:

i actually used to cop shit in highschool, for listening to dev because of his voice

Who in their right mind would give you shit for Devin's voice? I can't even fathom that! Anyways, I turned most of my friends who listen to metal on to Dev through SYL. I was hooked after hearing Alien, but Synchestra was my first foray into his solo thang.
#184384 by XIII
Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:41 pm
The Dev wrote:This one has got lots of colors, purples, black, white, red, yellow...lots of fun.

I'm very intrigued by this notion. An automatic association of color to music? I really want to try this out.

What really confuses me, though... is you have black and white. Now defining colors, there's 2 schools of thought.... additive, where in all colors at the same time are white; subtractive, where in all colors at the same time make black. Additive is like pixels, when you mix em all together, they make a white pixel. Subtractive is like paint, where you mix it all and it makes black. You know?

So the idea of having music give you black and white reactions automatically seems awesome. Like... a sensory overload (how many times has that phrase been used in these forums?).

Can anyone correct me if I'm wrong (if there is a "right" and "wrong" in this theory)....

Ocean Machine - cold colors (blue, purple, white).
Terria - earth tones (brown, green, yellow).
Alien - red and black is all I see.

If Devin would be so kind... was the design of The New Black done as a reference to this idea?

Sorry, this is a 2:00am rambling, and I hope I was coherent enough to get a response.
#184399 by Mealz
Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:29 am
XIII wrote:
Ocean Machine - cold colors (blue, purple, white).

The main colour for me for OM would have to be Grey. like, stormy overcast chaotic grey.

that is a really interesting thought though. additive and subtractive. its like you start with black or white with an original musical thought, then its taken from there, a colour that is visual only through expressing, in a sense its live colours that are constant and changing
#184406 by Devymetalnut
Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:33 am
I tried to get a dude at my music college to listen to Ocean Machine, starting with seventh wave. He listened for about 20-30 seconds and said the usual stereotypical crappy thing, 'its just noise, all metal is noise'. His loss i spose, although any dimwit with 2 brain cells can work out that any music isnt just noise..... its structured noise :lol:
#184420 by Purple Phoenix
Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:59 am
XIII wrote:If Devin would be so kind... was the design of The New Black done as a reference to this idea?

I'm not Devin, but I believe I recall him saying that the title was something Gene came up with, while they were throwing around ideas or titles... I rather like your idea, though. I also think Devin has said that SYL is generally red for him... someone correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, that's just his vision of it- anyone can see it differently.
#184421 by XIII
Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:16 am
Purple Phoenix wrote:
XIII wrote:If Devin would be so kind... was the design of The New Black done as a reference to this idea?

I'm not Devin, but I believe I recall him saying that the title was something Gene came up with, while they were throwing around ideas or titles... I rather like your idea, though. I also think Devin has said that SYL is generally red for him... someone correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, that's just his vision of it- anyone can see it differently.

I meant the design, as in the way the packaging looks. SYL logo is red/yellow, booklet is like, hot neon colors, etc.
#184422 by teller
Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:35 am
Devymetalnut wrote:I tried to get a dude at my music college to listen to Ocean Machine, starting with seventh wave. He listened for about 20-30 seconds and said the usual stereotypical crappy thing, 'its just noise, all metal is noise'. His loss i spose, although any dimwit with 2 brain cells can work out that any music isnt just noise..... its structured noise :lol:

I have this problem with everyone with all music. They only like what they already know.

It's frustrating, but expected. Music listening is a learning process; part of a song "growing on you" is the fact that your brain begins to anticipate the sounds that are coming next, like an itch that is about to be scratched. This can't happen on first listen, unless it already sounds like something else--which explains why cheap formula pop attracts the kiddies--it requires no work on the listener's part.

If I want someone to really get something, I'll make sure to slip the same track into their ear, in the background, over several different times and places, until I have subversively caused them to somewhat "learn" the track without actually making them sit down and listen to it directly...then one day they're like, "hey, what's that song that's playing?" Hehe...whatever works.

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