I'm gonna melt you guys!

#61317 by IBrokeAString
Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:10 am
I totally need this thing....hope I got the cash together before the 500 copies are gone (yes, I am actually THAT broke, shoot me). If not...I'll call shotgun for Dev's car stereo CD-R! hahah I'll might even trade it for an almost new safety copy of my Myrkskog Deathmachine promo ;)
Last edited by IBrokeAString on Sun Dec 19, 2004 3:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

#61328 by powercozmic
Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:18 pm
Listening 2 Devlab 4 the 4th time now. Gets better everytime. Very different, unexpected and wonderful.

#61756 by Blazingmonga
Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:04 am
hog wrote:Got it today. Brilliant, I love it!!!!

Dammit! Why'd you get yours on saturday and I still dont have mine!!! I preordered using paypal aswell! I just hope I can get it before christmas so I can take it home with me.

The antici....................pation....is killing me

#61766 by Guest
Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:54 am
I'm sure they lost it lol

#61772 by Lardarse
Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:12 am
Just got it and havent listened to it yet, but no doubt it will be fucking great ;)

#62082 by angelofmetal
Wed Dec 22, 2004 10:30 am
Was anybody else scared shitless by parts of this album?

There should be a disclaimer. Warning - Do not listen to Devlab while operating a vehicle. Devlab is known to cause reality tremors, causing the listener to feel themselves enveloped in a "trance" - a clear, hallucinatory episode that seems to take the person far from their actual location. Do not let small children listen.

I popped it in for an hour on the road last night, and nearly went off it six times. Yeah, it was that kind of trance. Oooo...

I have movie ideas I want Dev involved in after listening to this. Evil movie ideas...

#62147 by hog
Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:43 pm
Im gonna melt you....................!!!!!! :D

#62160 by DimeWeed
Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:20 pm
Wow - Mine came with my shirt on a Saturday!! - We were at an X-mas BBQ and we chucked the CD straight it. The looks on the faces of those that didn't get it were priceless.

Last night i listened to the whole thing, in the darkness of my room. It certainly takes you places - I forgot where I was, and where the sounds i was hearing were coming from. Each time i remembered that it was Dev, and not sounds coming from the dark i was totally spun out.

#62228 by Loki
Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:47 am
I got it yesterday but didn't listen to it till 2 am this morning.. It hasn't left my CD player.

Its a really great soundscape, it really takes you someplace else, just close your eyes and relax. Its great "Background" music too while you're on the net or cleaning or cooking..

I want to listen to this while on shrooms..

#62560 by BLOOOR
Sat Dec 25, 2004 2:48 am
good thing theres a warning about listening with a flu!
had i gotten this thing a couple of days earlier i'm sure i woulda vomitted a storm and knocked myself out

this is great stuff, just what i needed.
the first track reminds me of the microphones "singing from mt eerie" stuff,
Some of the stuff towards the middle gets me thinking the kinda shit i havent thought of since i was about 5 years old. Like "is that coming from my cupboard?" or "i sware i just saw someone standing by the window".

I for one would like to see this kinda thing incorporated into the "proper" albums someway. Or at least treated equally with slick produced songs.

#62682 by 21st Century Jesus
Sun Dec 26, 2004 12:13 pm

I want MP3s. Sorry to post this, but my November 04 HDR order took 6 freakin weeks to arrive, and now wait yet more 6 weeks before listening to Devlab? I mean I'm already preparing my second order including Devlab, but why isnt this baby available in the net yet? Are you all sitting on it like chickens, man, I wanna listen to weird ambient DevMetal, BRING THE NOISE!!!!!!

#62768 by Archetype
Mon Dec 27, 2004 4:56 am
Damn... I've ordered Devlab and demos 2 more than month ago, and it isn't here yet. I can't wait for these records

#62832 by simen_88
Mon Dec 27, 2004 3:22 pm
I got Devlab today along with Punky Brüster. It's pretty weird. Although I didn't stand listening to it while doing nothing, it really is background music. Listening to it while reading Lovecraft works great, though.

#62854 by Metalhead
Mon Dec 27, 2004 5:51 pm
Got it for Christmas and listened to it last night when asleep...

The damn thing woke me up a few times at one point where it gets really really loud and messed up. The music was making me conjure up some very weird dreams, and it was often even weirder whenever I opened my eyes and I found all these crazy sounds surrounding me!!

Awesome!!! :D
#62870 by Guitarzan
Mon Dec 27, 2004 7:55 pm
I finally got my Devlab along with For Those Aboot To Rock, which rules as well.

Devlab...is impossible to really describe. Some of my feeble attempts at describing it---kinda like the soundtrack to what was going through those dudes minds in Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. I dunno. All I know is it's amazing and kicks ass.

Some of the moments truly conjure some awesome images in my head. It's very stream of thought which makes it all the more unpredictable which adds to the overall enjoyability and repeated listening.

All I can say is it's probably the weirdest and most...'different' thing Dev has done and I'm LOVING it...

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