I'm gonna melt you guys!

#60474 by Kristopher
Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:10 pm
Mizzike wrote:So I got mine today, and here are all my random thoughts:

Calling this sort of a mix between EKO and Love Load is highly inaccurate....both of those are very musical (rhythm, melody...), where as Devlab is almost entirely chaotic sound (despite a few misplaced, although very cool musical tracks, like number 13). Similarly, when I hear "heavy metal ambience" I think of Death of Music type stuff, not this.

On this album, I prefer the more open, spacy parts to the more abrasive ones as far as pure listening pleasure goes, but as this strikes me as a stream of consciousness piece, the combination of the different moods makes it feel more natural and real.

The layout and written piece on the inside are BRILLIANT. Visually, the remnants of humanity (the handprint, Dev's face, that other thing (ear?), sitting amongst the blackness are awesome, and fit perfectly with the written piece. It seems the themes of infinity, nothingness, the void, paradoxes, and all that that Dev was planning for SYL came to life on this project, which couldn't be more fitting, given the album's stream of consciousness content.

The transition from track 14 to 15, the alarm clock and subsequent gasping for breath as if he's coming out of a dream that he was drowning in, is a fantastic touch. Maybe "stream of subconsciousnes" is a better term? That's how I'm going to describe the album to people anyway.

Not sure I'd put it in while driving, unless I was alone for a long trip in the middle of the night. This is the kind of CD I could fall asleep to....mostly aimless soundscapes that occupy an aural void.

I don't really listen to ambient music though, so I can't compare this to others in the genre.

Ultimately, not what I think Dev descirbed it as, but somehow this is what I expected, and I quite enjoy it for what it is.

Now I really hope the postman comes today... the dogs tied up out the back so he doesnt chase him away... I think some of you guys understand how muchs dev's music/noise just seems to click at the same speed as the clock in your head... even if there is no beat.

I like ambient music, and if some of you dudes could recommend a good ambient/noise outfit I should get my hands on, please fire away.

#60476 by LouiLoomis
Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:24 pm
So is this album anything like Fantomas' Delirium Cordia? I'm asking because that was the last 'ambient' album I brought.

#60555 by Janne
Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:26 am
fragility wrote:I don't think you really reserve the right to call any music 'crap' as it is entirely subjective. You can say that you really dislike it and fail to see the attraction, but I'm not sure it's anyone's place to call any music crap

It's an opinion, just like the words "brilliant" or "amazing". Who's place is it to call music brilliant?

Blazingmonga wrote:You are more than welcome to voice any kind of opinion...but we are also equally likely to discuss it.

I wish that was the case, but I see few or none discussions that question the positive reviews. Of course we will have people agreeing and disagreeing - that's not what I'm after. It's how this one negative review was questioned as valid and the reviewer himself was - in a way - questioned as well.

That doesn't strike me as very respectful.

#60575 by Olive?
Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:33 am
LouiLoomis wrote:So is this album anything like Fantomas' Delirium Cordia? I'm asking because that was the last 'ambient' album I brought.

Well... Sometimes it can remind something Fantomas-like, but without drums and giutars and in a Devy way...
Some tracks are crazy, with background noises and with Dev's voice doing weird stuff and... Other are more "ambient" with soft pads, keyboards and synths layered together.

The more i listen to it, the more I like it.
Very different, but very enjoyable.

#60610 by Blazingmonga
Wed Dec 15, 2004 5:46 am
Janne wrote:
Blazingmonga wrote:You are more than welcome to voice any kind of opinion...but we are also equally likely to discuss it.

I wish that was the case, but I see few or none discussions that question the positive reviews. Of course we will have people agreeing and disagreeing - that's not what I'm after. It's how this one negative review was questioned as valid and the reviewer himself was - in a way - questioned as well.

That doesn't strike me as very respectful.

You are right, but thats the point. We are discussing somebodys negative review of the album, and if anyone wants to discuss a positive one that is equally welcome. Maybe it just doesnt happen that way around because we think Dev is so awesome here.

You are right about attacking the reviewer though, thats not right. Opinions, even badly worded or bold or whatever, are still opinions and do not reflect the nature of the reviewer.

So lets just all relax, its fine. If anybody steps out of line I will smack them up with a shitty plank.

And back on topic....I STILL dont have my Devlab! I cant wait to hear it now, I am really hoping to weird out some wasted friends at christmas with it. It seems ideal from what people have said.

#60671 by Janne
Wed Dec 15, 2004 8:46 am
Well said! And point taken - a negative review in a place like this will obviously get an extra amount of attention.

I'm still waiting for my Devlab as well. Man, does these reviews make me curious!

#60802 by Mizzike
Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:16 pm
day old male wrote:Mizzike wrote:

Maybe "stream of subconsciousnes" is a better term?

Ultimately I'm pleased Dev did it because I think it's a stepping stone in his career in creating astonishing soundscapes to merge with his music.

Indeed, this album is like all the background noise that usually accompanies the songs on an album. Sort of the antithesis of Accelerated Evolution then, as that was pretty straight forward, with everything up front. It's like all the weird background stuff that Dev had going on in his head that didn't get put on AE just poured out onto this disc.

Also, thanks to all for all the love my little review got. :guitar:

#60806 by The Dev
Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:48 pm
Thanks for the discussion guys!

I'm sorry to those who don't like it... (I really tried to warn you) :D

But please...call it what you will!!! Crap, great...I love it all!

I love Devlab, it was such a release to have no structure to worry about, I could do 'tardcore, noisescapes, whatevah!

The real seperation is gonna come with Alien...but ya know...each one is just a really laboured version of what it is. And they're all the same in the end. I respect sound, and everyones opinion is welcome.

I release things on the site for people who seek it out only. Devlab won't be in stores. We made 500 and we may make 500 more. It's either that or it stays on a cdr in my car, and honestly...Devlab rocks my discreetly pruned anus, so there ya go.

Stay tuned for lots more tunes! You're all gods!

#60811 by fragility
Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:28 am
hahaha, fair enough ;)

#60821 by Guest
Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:33 am
The Dev wrote:Stay tuned for lots more tunes! You're all gods!

So Dev who are you ? I mean if we are all gods ... Who is this powerful and unknown spirit that brought us here ? :angryyoda:

#60832 by Devinaddicted_Nils
Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:53 am
geoff wrote:
The Dev wrote:Stay tuned for lots more tunes! You're all gods!

So Dev who are you ? I mean if we are all gods ... Who is this powerful and unknown spirit that brought us here ? :angryyoda:

the god of us gods maybe? ;)

#60834 by Guest
Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:55 am

that's depressive ... It brings us back to philosophy. This is not allowed here !!! It's all about metal !!!

#60837 by Devinaddicted_Nils
Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:59 am
yeah, metal supplemented by philosophy...that's disgusting...lol

#60850 by EphelDuath666
Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:18 am
can someone lend me his credit card please? I´m very trustworthy (I swear :wink: )

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