Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#261064 by GhostReverie
Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:01 am
Here we are talking about Steven Wilson, and no one has mentioned that he and Mikael Akerfeldt have finished writing stuff for Storm Corrosion? And you guys call yourselves SW fans... :P

OT: I really want a taste of Decon. That Feather edit was enough to satisfy me for Ghost, but it'd be awesome if we could hear a piece of Decon.
#261068 by Jaglavak
Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:58 am
GhostReverie wrote:Here we are talking about Steven Wilson, and no one has mentioned that he and Mikael Akerfeldt have finished writing stuff for Storm Corrosion? And you guys call yourselves SW fans... :P

OT: I really want a taste of Decon. That Feather edit was enough to satisfy me for Ghost, but it'd be awesome if we could hear a piece of Decon.

(Sorry if this response comes off as snobbish; I just read your comment and felt obligated to respond, haha)

Didn't mention Storm Corrosion because it's so far off from being released. They've finished writing, but they haven't recorded anything, to my knowledge... and, between touring with Blackfield, finishing his new solo album up (and possibly touring for that), recording/releasing the new Bass Communion he mentioned, mixing the 70's mystery album in 5.1 AND Mikael's duties to Opeth, seeing as they're about to release a new album, I doubt SC will see the light of day for a while. I brought up his new solo material because it (seems to be) on track for September release, meaning we'll be able to get a very good look at where Steven's been musically in the near future. He said something like early 2012 for SC's release date... or, at least, what he's aiming for. We can only hope.

Antiyou wrote:Totally off topic, but I can't disagree more about "The Incident". I'm not sure how long some of you have been fans of PT. However, without getting into a longwinded tirade, SW was done after the "Stars Die" set. Whiney Brit whines that nobody loves him. I suspect it was demand from the Opeth fans that had recently discovered PT that reinvigorated SW. Consequently, In Absentia, etc. followed. All of which I think were considerably forced to tie in to this newfound fanbase. SW cannot be heavy. It is absolutely ridiculous when he tries. Long story short... I love "The Incident". I hear the first true PT album since the "Stars Die" set. I think it is totally cohesive and a great return to form for a band that had lost it's way pandering to their newer fans. There were flashes of brilliance amongst the trilogy of fake heaviness (Trains especially) but overall, pretty forced sounding tool-ish riffs played by a band that were more than capable but ultimately insincere. I would go so far as to say that "The Incident" is my favourite PT record since "Signify".
Whatever though... opinions and assholes right?

Haha, opinions and assholes indeed - how else would I look at it as being a pretty poor record (by what I think are PT's standards), and yet hold something like In Absentia in such high regard? My only question for you is; how do you like the heavy sections on The Incident, if you dislike the ones found throughout the previous three albums? The Blind House, Octane Twisted and Circle of Manias aren't radically different from any of the other heavy songs they've done, IMO, so I'm just interested to see what you think sets them apart. I actually think it's really cool how different people think different PT albums are the best; just goes to show that they didn't write one good record, then crap out for the rest of their career. Their discography's been diverse and high-quality enough that every record has at least one fan who thinks it's a masterpiece. Most people I've talked to seem to think Deadwing/FOABP are the best; then I've heard from some who hate everything pre-Gavin Harrison; some who hate everything post-Gavin Harrison, some who love mostly everything they've done, etc.

Something that's actually on-topic, amidst me running my mouth - any theories as to what Deconstruction's cover is going to look like? I, for the life of me, can't really come up with something that I think is fitting. I know the slipcase is supposed to be 'meat and bone' (according to a tweet forever ago by Dev) but nothing's been mentioned of the cover. We'll have it soon enough, I'm sure, but... it bothers me that I can't envision anything for it, for whatever reason. I see the color black, but... oddly enough, nothing else. Normally I get all these colors and vibes and shapes and whatnot swirling around in my head, whenever I hear music without art, but Decon, I've been at a loss at.
#261072 by mymomlikesdogs
Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:25 pm
Jaglavak wrote:Something that's actually on-topic, amidst me running my mouth - any theories as to what Deconstruction's cover is going to look like? I, for the life of me, can't really come up with something that I think is fitting. I know the slipcase is supposed to be 'meat and bone' (according to a tweet forever ago by Dev) but nothing's been mentioned of the cover. We'll have it soon enough, I'm sure, but... it bothers me that I can't envision anything for it, for whatever reason. I see the color black, but... oddly enough, nothing else. Normally I get all these colors and vibes and shapes and whatnot swirling around in my head, whenever I hear music without art, but Decon, I've been at a loss at.

For some reason I always imagined something along the lines of this:
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... 9,r:11,s:0
#261076 by EphelDuath666
Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:37 pm
uhm...I don't mean to be the party pooper although I do like to poop but yeah...this ain't the Steven Wilson thread :lol:

you guys could open a thread about SW and any of his projects in the general discussion forum.
#261082 by Jaglavak
Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:06 pm
EphelDuath666 wrote:uhm...I don't mean to be the party pooper although I do like to poop but yeah...this ain't the Steven Wilson thread :lol:

you guys could open a thread about SW and any of his projects in the general discussion forum.

Yeah, sorry about that... I'll look into making one in a few days, if someone hasn't already beaten me to it.

GhostReverie wrote:True, we're getting fairly off topic, haha. Anyway, back to Decon...

mymomlikesdogs wrote:For some reason I always imagined something along the lines of this:
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... 9,r:11,s:0

I'm not gonna lie; that'd be an awesome cover.

I laughed; awesome pic. I guess I'd want it to be a bit more serious, myself, just because Dev keeps stressing how serious the actual album is about it's message. Maybe something like a brain being 'deconstructed' in some artistic way or another, with an image of a cheeseburger in the skull? Or in a thought cloud inside of the deconstructed brain? Or some kind of dark artistic take on that concept... I dunno. I just wanna see the actual cover!
#261083 by mymomlikesdogs
Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:22 pm
Jaglavak wrote:
EphelDuath666 wrote:uhm...I don't mean to be the party pooper although I do like to poop but yeah...this ain't the Steven Wilson thread :lol:

you guys could open a thread about SW and any of his projects in the general discussion forum.

Yeah, sorry about that... I'll look into making one in a few days, if someone hasn't already beaten me to it.

GhostReverie wrote:True, we're getting fairly off topic, haha. Anyway, back to Decon...

mymomlikesdogs wrote:For some reason I always imagined something along the lines of this:
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... 9,r:11,s:0

I'm not gonna lie; that'd be an awesome cover.

I laughed; awesome pic. I guess I'd want it to be a bit more serious, myself, just because Dev keeps stressing how serious the actual album is about it's message. Maybe something like a brain being 'deconstructed' in some artistic way or another, with an image of a cheeseburger in the skull? Or in a thought cloud inside of the deconstructed brain? Or some kind of dark artistic take on that concept... I dunno. I just wanna see the actual cover!

Yeah I'm dying to see the legit cover, he said that CM and management wanted to handle revealing the cover (same with Ghost, but he took it in his own hands to "leak" it himself, haha) but when are they? It's sad that I'm becoming more impatient for the album art rather than the actual album. :P
#261135 by azure
Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:33 am
I'm so grateful this release is nearing. I discovered Devin in 2005 when i saw SYL for the first time at the Sounds of the Underground tour in Seattle and I went initially just to see Opeth. I was super impressed, especially when Gene then filled in for Opeth. After that show I didn't enjoy the SYL stuff as much as I did the DTP albums and Synchestra had just been released nice and fresh to me. I had the whole backlog of albums to take in.

The next year Opeth came to Spokane, WA and DTP had been touring with them right up until that particular show. I was so bummed that I wasn't going to be able to see them live after now appreciating the music. Ziltoid came out and I tried to get everyone I knew to listen to it. It's influence in my playing got me 'hired' by a band who liked my style (although it didn't go anywhere). I couldn't wait to hear some of it live. Then the news of Devin's break from music came and I realized I'd not get to see DTP play.

A few years later, DTB was announced, Ki came out at just the right time in my life and shortly later I found myself at a little coffee shop in Redmond, WA where Devin walked in the door, stood next to me, and I got to finally meet and hear the Man after all these years. Finally with his Addicted tour in 2010 I got to be front row to the most fun show I've ever seen finally hearing the music I love live and especially experience By Your Command live.

So, I can wait a few more months. I'm very grateful to have this tremendous effort on his part nearing completion and distribution especially when it was unsure if there'd be anymore.
#261157 by catharsis
Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:00 am
Malikarcanum wrote:
catharsis wrote:pffft. I (and many here) have been anticipating these albums since about March of '09 when the 4 album project was first announced. and it was all originally supposed to come out that same year. how do you think we feel? cool that addicted seems to have gained him some new fans, though.

Don't you "pffft" me, mister.

I didn't become a fan because of Addicted, just after it came out. Ziltoid is actually the album that set me off.

Also, how long you've been a fan doesn't affect how much you anticipate the album. Granted, you have been waiting longer than I, but I can almost guarantee you that I want these albums just as badly as you do.

just jokin around, didn't mean to offend.

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