Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#261021 by Malikarcanum
Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:13 am
catharsis wrote:pffft. I (and many here) have been anticipating these albums since about March of '09 when the 4 album project was first announced. and it was all originally supposed to come out that same year. how do you think we feel? cool that addicted seems to have gained him some new fans, though.

Don't you "pffft" me, mister.

I didn't become a fan because of Addicted, just after it came out. Ziltoid is actually the album that set me off.

Also, how long you've been a fan doesn't affect how much you anticipate the album. Granted, you have been waiting longer than I, but I can almost guarantee you that I want these albums just as badly as you do.

Jaglavak wrote:
Same here for me; right down to becoming a fan after Addicted came out. It will be kind of sad, in a way, because I've been anticipating Deconstruction and Ghost since January 2010... I was so ridiculously pumped up, too, when I found out Dev had finally gotten the ball rolling on recording them in August. When June finally comes around, my mind'll be blown, but... I won't have any musical masterpieces to look forward to, possibly for a long while. The only other time I was even close to being this excited over new music was when Porcupine Tree released The Incident in 2009... though, somehow, I don't think Decon and Ghost will be disappointments to me like that one was. No matter how sad I'll be for no longer being able to anticipate them... it'll all be made up for by being able to actually listen to them, I'm sure. :D

(IMO, The incident is pretty lackluster and jumbled - good album, but it's no where near the quality of In Absentia/Deadwing/Fear of a Blank Planet)

I have yet to fully dive into Porcupine Tree's material, but so far Fear is my favorite. Haven't listened to the Incident yet. Some have loved it, some hate it.
#261044 by Antiyou
Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:16 am
Aniland wrote:
Jaglavak wrote:
Malikarcanum wrote:Well, probably won't be too long now, but I'm buying it anyway, so I won't feel bad. :D

Overall, it's gonna be kinda sad for me when these 2 records come out, as they're the first Devy records to come out since I became a fan (right after Addicted was released), & I've never been this excited about any other release by any band.

Oh well, at least we'll have Z2 soon after. :twisted:

Same here for me; right down to becoming a fan after Addicted came out. It will be kind of sad, in a way, because I've been anticipating Deconstruction and Ghost since January 2010... I was so ridiculously pumped up, too, when I found out Dev had finally gotten the ball rolling on recording them in August. When June finally comes around, my mind'll be blown, but... I won't have any musical masterpieces to look forward to, possibly for a long while. The only other time I was even close to being this excited over new music was when Porcupine Tree released The Incident in 2009... though, somehow, I don't think Decon and Ghost will be disappointments to me like that one was. No matter how sad I'll be for no longer being able to anticipate them... it'll all be made up for by being able to actually listen to them, I'm sure. :D

(IMO, The incident is pretty lackluster and jumbled - good album, but it's no where near the quality of In Absentia/Deadwing/Fear of a Blank Planet)

gs48 wrote:Decon cover.

I lol'd, haha.

The Incident was a pretentious mess and I'm upset that it was the album it was.

Likewise, I have some faith in Steven's songwriting after hearing a few tracks from the new Blackfield. I do think the days of him writing masterpieces may be very, very limited from here on out though.

Totally off topic, but I can't disagree more about "The Incident". I'm not sure how long some of you have been fans of PT. However, without getting into a longwinded tirade, SW was done after the "Stars Die" set. Whiney Brit whines that nobody loves him. I suspect it was demand from the Opeth fans that had recently discovered PT that reinvigorated SW. Consequently, In Absentia, etc. followed. All of which I think were considerably forced to tie in to this newfound fanbase. SW cannot be heavy. It is absolutely ridiculous when he tries. Long story short... I love "The Incident". I hear the first true PT album since the "Stars Die" set. I think it is totally cohesive and a great return to form for a band that had lost it's way pandering to their newer fans. There were flashes of brilliance amongst the trilogy of fake heaviness (Trains especially) but overall, pretty forced sounding tool-ish riffs played by a band that were more than capable but ultimately insincere. I would go so far as to say that "The Incident" is my favourite PT record since "Signify".
Whatever though... opinions and assholes right?
#261049 by ohmk
Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:38 am
Antiyou wrote:Totally off topic, but I can't disagree more about "The Incident". I'm not sure how long some of you have been fans of PT. However, without getting into a longwinded tirade, SW was done after the "Stars Die" set. Whiney Brit whines that nobody loves him. I suspect it was demand from the Opeth fans that had recently discovered PT that reinvigorated SW. Consequently, In Absentia, etc. followed. All of which I think were considerably forced to tie in to this newfound fanbase. SW cannot be heavy. It is absolutely ridiculous when he tries. Long story short... I love "The Incident". I hear the first true PT album since the "Stars Die" set. I think it is totally cohesive and a great return to form for a band that had lost it's way pandering to their newer fans. There were flashes of brilliance amongst the trilogy of fake heaviness (Trains especially) but overall, pretty forced sounding tool-ish riffs played by a band that were more than capable but ultimately insincere. I would go so far as to say that "The Incident" is my favourite PT record since "Signify".
Whatever though... opinions and assholes right?

Not sure if I agree with your reasoning, but I definitely agree with The Incident being amazing. Seeing the whole thing live front to back was just spell bounding. I felt it might not have had so many WOW moments as previous albums, but the consistency and the way the tracks were interlaced has left me dumbfounded ever since. One of my favorite concept albums.

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