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Re: The Mighty Masturbator (Spoilers!)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:37 am
by mrbean667
No OnE wrote:
Bamonte wrote:Is it actually Ziltoid speaking, I thought he was one of the attractions at the carnival, no?

Yeah, Dev brought Ziltoid in as one of the many guests on this album :D He is a famed pop star who is as talented as Jennifer Lopez & Celine Dion, after all.

Well said! Yes indeed, look at the album credits, you shall see Dev's poopy smeared adoration of the almighty Ziltoid.

The Mighty Masturbator Outro Dialogue?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:15 am
by quakegod667
So, I'm having a bit of trouble deciphering Ziltoid's dialogue on the Infinte Waltz section of The Mighty Masturbator. So far, what I've made out is this:

*Parentheses denote unknown/unintelligible sections

(Turn it down!) Ladies! Ladies and gentlemen! See the four-faced boy! See the man with seventeen testicles! See the (rancid couple of ????) See the child stare backwards-ly into the infinite void! You! Young lad! Step forward! See the vagina-faced lady! Two for one! Indeed! I'm your host, Ziltoid The Omniscient!! Ladies and gentlemen! (And as laughter of my testicular fortitude made its way home to me!) My role in this world is only to vacate the human mind! And (twice) now, towards the sky! The men on trampoline: The Flying (Mingky, Mingling, ???) Brothers! Yessss! Flatulence, ladies and gentlemen, free of charge! And with every admission ticket, you get one (???, I think it starts with an F)! Egads! Astounding! My worlds! Ladies and gentlemen, I now see my life's purpose! I... am the Mighty Masturbator!

Trying to decipher those unintelligible phrases is really bugging me, so thanks in advance!