Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#318680 by swervedriver
Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:44 am
Did you see the Devin Townsend Project at the Metropolis Fremantle in Perth?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!

#318773 by Pik_Nick'92
Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:14 am
I'm glad to say I saw the Dev in Perth for the first time. Plus had a brief greeting afterwards, mostly to compliment on his amazing talent as a musician (Ultimate fan-mode on argh... :D ).

I should admit though I have seen him last time when he was on the lineup for our Soundwave music festival a while back. Although of course with festivals, he played a generally short set and as a result, left me wanting to see him properly at a venue of some sort. Unfortunately, I didn't really have the chance to see his sideshow tours back then, to even at least further understand the real experience...until now. But HOLY FUZZSHIZNIZ BALLS it was awesome! Setlist was great. Always good to hear him play a few songs from his past records, as well as ripping off a fair lot from Epicloud. Highlights from the set for me would have to be: Regulator, Gaia, Kingdom, Storm, Save Our Now, Addicted, Vampira and almighty Planet Smasher.

Oh and Deep Peace. Of course I may not be the only one, but that being one of my all time favourite songs of his, to hear it live finally was definitely something.

I don't actually have a lot of pics to put up, but I do have this dodgy looking shot up front hehe.

#321199 by Jennifer
Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:06 am
Hi, I very much wanted to post to say - had a great time at this show! While I felt like he was a little drained on this tour (compared to his visit to Fremantle a few years prior to this gig), he still put in so much effort to deliver a great performance. I left the venue feeling elated, intense and very much alive!

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