Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#252567 by eaerth
Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:43 am
i must say, aside from this being my first devin show, i thought the venue was kick ass. the big security guy down in the pit was great, as was the rest of staff there. i heard it was something like second oldest theater in the usa? i dunno but i do know that the show was phenoneminalapia! my buddy said he saw devin rocking a shop-vac when he went on a side adventure underneath the stage haha...
but yeah, we had the passes to see the acoustics and meetngreet and like... i was a moron and didn't have anything to have signed; so on the trip to oneonta from corning (what's that place you might ask? no matter... well, i'll tell you it's definitely not as glassy as people make it out to be.......) anyway yeah i did a bunch of doodles and ended up doing a personalized caricature of devin; if i can ever get drivers for my scanner in linux i'll upload a picture of it for sharing. i wanted to give him that but i also kind of wanted that one to be signed so i could have it all jazzied in a super duper cool frames on my walls so i ended up doing another two doodies. one was all castles and fire and clouds because i was inspired by ozzy's FIRE IN THE SKYYY'YYY (all his castles were burning) which i think it was more fun to me because of those silly in the moment things... and the other one i did was of satan's ice cream truck with a teddy bear riding on the roof, away from the sunset, on the way to go make picnics with the beelz' ...i really got a kick out of devin's facial expression when i said he could have one and he picked that one. so i like to think that maybe when he got home he put it on his fridge with a ziltoid magnet and his kids all like WOW YOU HAVE THE COOLEST FRIENDS EVERRR DO THEY WEAR BIG GAY UNDERWEARS TOO!!??! ...a man can dream, right? hahaha

anyway, awesome awesome show and i would totally recommend to anyone to go to that venue if you're local (if that's the case, like you didn't already know?) or if a band you really like is playing there. honestly i don't even know if they do a lot of shows there or not? i wouldn't mind going back there for more though, for sure.

da end. :zzzz:

oh yeah and i happened to be down wind of devin during the acoustics when he decided to make farts happen! i'll definitely save that one for the grandchildren.

#253620 by Odysseas
Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:17 am
That vid has to be the most awsomest vid I've ever seen of Dev and audience. It's twelve gigatons of concentrated awsomness.
You lucky bastards you! :D
#321583 by Jack8the8Ripper
Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:56 pm

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