Face your chaos, know who you are!
#198458 by swervedriver
Tue May 19, 2009 10:08 am
Hex wrote:What's the back ground chorus saying towards the end of the song "Ki" ? Tried listening to it a few times and I can't figure it out and it's drivin me nuts. X.x

(oh for all it matters I'm new to these boards so hi ! /wave :D )

On page 3 of this topic:

The Dev wrote:'Here's a little riddle bout a when I was a little toddle, piddle in the puddle and my head was in a muddle
you can sing it when you're sad, you can sing it when you're mad, you can sing it in the shower come along the latest's
Gaia to gaia to gaia to gaia (etc)


If you feel like you are incomplete, yet you are still in love yet you are sleeping, eternal I, I, I ,I (etc)
#198462 by Hex
Tue May 19, 2009 10:18 am
swervedriver wrote:
Hex wrote:What's the back ground chorus saying towards the end of the song "Ki" ? Tried listening to it a few times and I can't figure it out and it's drivin me nuts. X.x

(oh for all it matters I'm new to these boards so hi ! /wave :D )

On page 3 of this topic:

The Dev wrote:'Here's a little riddle bout a when I was a little toddle, piddle in the puddle and my head was in a muddle
you can sing it when you're sad, you can sing it when you're mad, you can sing it in the shower come along the latest's
Gaia to gaia to gaia to gaia (etc)


If you feel like you are incomplete, yet you are still in love yet you are sleeping, eternal I, I, I ,I (etc)

Thx, I must be blind or something, heh.
#199057 by Jack8the8Ripper
Sat May 23, 2009 12:41 pm
The Dev wrote:Jean Michael ... = Ozzy (with a french twist)

that's cool because the whole "symptom of the universe" lyric was the first lyric to pop out at me during the listen
#199324 by hairbearbunch
Mon May 25, 2009 1:54 pm

ride the light: give em the hi-phi with lo-phi!'
Do you suppose if someone could prove in court that the stellar function of DNA
to create gravity centroids for star making... required its highest expression : Bliss.....(braid implosion)... that natural law would win?

become the SUN
Last edited by hairbearbunch on Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#199852 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Thu May 28, 2009 5:40 pm
Abydost wrote:Haha for some reason it is hard for me to imagine gay men listening to metal. :D ... Rob Halford. Nevermind.

Then there's Gaahl. Not into Gorgoroth, but for some reason, I know about him being gay. That's the metalist thing I've ever heard.

eteled wrote:Consider this thread re-railed.

The more I listen to Disruptr the more it makes me laugh, and the more I enjoy it. The lryics are 100% metal, and you can just tell by listening. The thing that makes me laugh though is the use of the word Disruptr, and the placement in the song. Picking that word, spelling it like that, placing it in that part of the song and that exact time and the way it's said, it's all just so... cheesy, and I fucking digg it. It's like "Hey you inbred half-wits, this is a metal song played on a clean guitar, with an old guy playing like 3 fucking drums. Suck it".

I just love it. The song gives me such a tongue in cheek feel. I guess I really just love metal that is a parody of metal. Some finer SYL momemnts, Ziltoid... Dethklok (<3 Dethklok).

Great song, so much power in the end.

So it's ok then that I hear "master-ta-bating" ... what with the extra syllable in there to match the rhythm? :lol: That's what I was hearing haha BUT, I guess 'master' is only followed by 'debating' for one reason: counting on people mishearin it 8)
#199854 by Abydost
Thu May 28, 2009 5:50 pm
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:So it's ok then that I hear "master-ta-bating" ... what with the extra syllable in there to match the rhythm? :lol: That's what I was hearing haha BUT, I guess 'master' is only followed by 'debating' for one reason: counting on people mishearin it 8)

By people, you mean YOU. YOU, Cat. Only you.
#199891 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Thu May 28, 2009 10:52 pm
Abydost wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:So it's ok then that I hear "mastur-ta-bating" ... what with the extra syllable in there to match the rhythm? :lol: That's what I was hearing haha BUT, I guess 'master' is only followed by 'debating' for one reason: counting on people mishearin it 8)

By people, you mean YOU. YOU, Cat. Only you.


You're projecting, you totally thought he sang that too ....

Right? :mrgreen:

I was certainly not the ONLY one here to have thought they were hearing "masturbating" rhythmically whispered in their ears... c'mon people!
#200034 by Jantz
Sat May 30, 2009 12:51 am
Thanks for lyrics! I don't dare to read lyrics from text book thing, I'm scared I tear it :( Lyrics book for Ki is so beautiful.
#200064 by FUBAR
Sat May 30, 2009 7:01 am
Dev just out of interest, why didn't you include the lyrics in the cd booklet?

I was kinda looking forward reading them with the music.
#200081 by Lolliklauer
Sat May 30, 2009 11:02 am
I heard that the Inside-Out-version (with slipcase) contains 2 booklets, 1 one of them with lyrics.
#200101 by hairbearbunch
Sat May 30, 2009 4:50 pm

"Now, we become...
The sun."
What's your theories on this, the most prominent symbol of Ancient religion and modern secret societies?

"Train upon the quantum, a Kai, the string theory"
I really liked the idea of string theory when I learned about it, it coincides with Seth's teachings of Faster than Light particles, (whether or not Dev's referring to it in this sense, I'm not sure). But what is "a Kai"? and how does porn fit in with who we are? Westernised poor attempt at tantra?

Just dissecting with interests, not meaning to look tooooo deep.
#200261 by hairbearbunch
Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:48 pm
'Spose a simple google doesn't go astray: Kai (singing), a kind of throat singing practiced in the Altai Republic ... Kayı boyu, or Kai Boyu, a Turkish tribe to which the ruling family of the ...
#200483 by cardula
Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:44 am
Anyone guess what Devin is saying/whispering during Gato at around 3:20 (after the heavy part ends)?

It sounds something like..."I am fine. I see you, I am the final guide, oh..."

I could be wrong though, especially the first part as it is somewhat obscured by the end of the loudness.
#200486 by Naz
Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:33 am
Damn it, Dev! I told you earlier how to spell honour properly! This may be the first mistake I've ever seen you make....I'd let you off if 'twas any other word...

Still, now that little bit of grammatical fascistic rage is finished, cheers for posting the lyrics! And, to continue on with what seems to be the current theme of the thread, string theory has given way to M-theory and people are espousing supergravity a fair bit of late. I hath neither the time nor inclination to debate the finer points and flaws of these systems, but suffice to say they prove rather interesting to research. Might want to look into Schwarzschild Geometry whilst you're at it, too...
Last edited by Naz on Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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