The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#213184 by FUBAR
Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:54 pm
Excuse the blunt thread title! :lol:

Devin, you've mentioned a few times that you see colors when you hear music. Apparently this is called Synesthesia. I was just wondering if you could explain a little about what happens. I don't want to get all weird on you but I'm making a short film about it for my uni course and it would be cool to hear first hand from people who actually have this experience. I've heard others members here mention that they also see colors when they hear music aswell, feel free to tell me about your experiences, please! :)
#213187 by bluedrgn456
Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:54 pm
I've always wondered this myself (about myself :P) I always seem to remember songs as having certain 'colours,' and when i write songs, I often have a colour in mind. And as an aside, Dev's music is easily the most 'colourful' when im thinking about music in this respect. I'm assuming this sort of thing is relative, so maybe devy and I would disagree on what colour his music is lol
#213200 by twoheadedboy
Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:05 pm
I am a Ph.D. student in psychology. I work in a lab at McMaster University that studies synaesthesia. From Devin's descriptions of his sound-colour mappings, it certainly sounds like he has synaesthesia.

Devin, you have mentioned that for you, certain musical tonalities are associated with certain colours. Do you actually experience the colours or do you simply use the colours as a means of describing the feeling associated with a particular musical tonality? Does a particular tonality always evoke the sensation of a particular colour for you? If your personal mapping has that kind of consistency, you probably do have synaesthesia. In any case, it's nothing to be worried about. Most synaesthetes consider it to be a gift that enhances their lives.
#213214 by Biert
Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:49 am
I have exploding head syndrome, does that count?
#213233 by mushroom
Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:02 am
I don't directly see colours, but i imagine them according to certain melodies.. yeah lame confession, hope it works!
#213234 by Billy Rhomboid
Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:28 am
I am pretty sure Richard James aka The Aphex Twin is synaesthetic, and also dreams music in colours which he then transcribes on waking, and there have been some lengthy articles & interviews with him on the subject.

Sorry to hear about the shingles, Dev. That's not fun at all. Hope you get better soon.
#213242 by The Dev
Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:55 am
I mean, I haven't spent much time analyzing my process...I have spent FAR to much time analyzing my intentions and such, but the process? I mean, yeah...colors and sounds and numbers etc are all related, no?

I think it's actually kind of funny that the realization of that warrants a space age name like 'synthsazzenia' or whatnot...coooool.

I'm annoyed by space chickens, whats the title for that?

I keed, I keeed...
#213245 by ffian1
Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:00 am
stratman687 wrote:
The Dev wrote:
I'm annoyed by space chickens, whats the title for that?

Chicken Karma

...or aggro-astrofowl?
#213246 by FUBAR
Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:04 am
The Dev wrote:I mean, I haven't spent much time analyzing my process...I have spent FAR to much time analyzing my intentions and such, but the process? I mean, yeah...colors and sounds and numbers etc are all related, no?

I think it's actually kind of funny that the realization of that warrants a space age name like 'synthsazzenia' or whatnot...coooool.

I'm annoyed by space chickens, whats the title for that?

I keed, I keeed...

Thats cool, I kinda thought maybe I shouldn't ask this, heh. Anyhoo it's not like I'm making a documentary just a visually interesting short film (hopefully)...Hmm now what music shall I use ;)
#213248 by sylkicks
Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:45 am
Hey, thats a pretty sick title for the last record, Synesthesia. I guess sounds a little too close to Synchestra, but it seems like a good title to envoke this color motif throughout the albums. Just a-sayin :P
#213255 by twoheadedboy
Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:08 pm
The Dev wrote:I mean, I haven't spent much time analyzing my process...I have spent FAR to much time analyzing my intentions and such, but the process? I mean, yeah...colors and sounds and numbers etc are all related, no?

I think it's actually kind of funny that the realization of that warrants a space age name like 'synthsazzenia' or whatnot...coooool.

I'm annoyed by space chickens, whats the title for that?

I keed, I keeed...

Ha, well you could say that colours, sounds and numbers CAN be related in different ways, but for most people, the sensory experiences of colours, numbers and sounds are not related in any consistent way. For people with synaesthesia, the sensations are related in a consistent way. One theory is that in people with synaesthesia, the brain is wired such that there is more activation or "cross-talk" between sensory areas processing stimulation in different modalities (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile) than there is in most people. So, the "space age" term is not used to describe the normal physical relationships between energy patterns in different modalities, but to describe the unique sensory experiences of people for whom energy patterns in a single modality give rise to sensations in multiple modalities.

Devin, it's totally cool if you aren't interested in picking apart your own process. I know what it is like to feel most comfortable with just letting the process unfold as it will. It's just that you make my favorite music, so I can't help but want to learn about your process.
#213301 by Aniland
Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:30 pm
The Dev wrote:I'm annoyed by space chickens, whats the title for that?

...Cosmic Foul? *is beaten to death by Dev and everyone in the forum*

#213333 by The Dev
Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:40 pm
Yeah, sorry...not trying to be rude. It's not that I'm not interested in picking apart my process, it's just that I never think to. I just grab em as they float by and try and have some fun on the side.

Sounds interesting though!

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