A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#194086 by swervedriver
Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:37 am
So uhh.. I'm in a band too... Links to music are at the bottom of this post; what follows immediately is a short summary of this thing.

Currently Simius is a 3-piece formation playing some sort of rock/grunge/metal/prog crossover or whatever. Classifying music is kinda hard, and it's even harder to classify your own music so that may or may not have been an accurate description. Anyway, we started around 5 years ago, then under the name Devolution. I play guitar, my friend from high school plays bass and sings, and his brother plays the drums. The drummer also did backing vocals but since he's having some health issues related to his lungs I've temporarily taken over those duties. It's going alright, so we'll be trying to incorporate all 3 of us singing soon.

We recently changed our name from Devolution to Simius, because that name was "stolen" from us late 2008 when some Austrian punk band put their songs on iTunes under "our" name. Explanation of the new name is simple as it's basically an extension of Devolution, humankind devolving into monkeys; Simius being Latin for monkey. The monkey might also be an animal associated with arts/creativity or something, I'm not sure.. I always explain it like a completed 'devolution'.

As Devolution we recorded 3 demos/EPs/whatever you want to call them. The first was total crap; poor instruments, recorded 3 songs in a day and the guy who mixed it fucked it up unbelievably. The upside was that it didn't cost us anything, because the guy who "helped" us with the recordings bailed on us 2 times before (so this one was free, as a peace-offering). Anyway, we figured we couldn't do much worse than that so we bought some of our own recording equipment and went to work. The end result was a demo with 2 songs sounding more crisp but still a bit sloppy and very raw, but learning a lot about recording, mixing and whatnot.

So we upgraded some equipment, software, instruments and set out to do an EP with 5 songs. While still on a tight budget we did manage to make something we still enjoy listening to, to this day, despite its imperfections. The cymbals are too present in the mix, and the drums on the whole take up a little too much "space"; rather than only impact peaks it's a band of drums. But hey, for something that's only recorded with a left and right input (all drum mics had to be mixed right there on the mixing table) it doesn't sound half bad. Plus the songs were getting a bit more mature as well.

From there on we wanted to really up the quality (mainly of the drums) so we invested in equipment that would allow us to record all drum sounds separately (and thus be able to mix them after recording, instead of on the spot) as well as some better mics. To test this new equipment we recorded an acoustic single, also because I felt the need to whore my newly acquired Ovation. :D This is why we had to change our name, because we intended to put this online for sale. We're currently in the middle of recording a small album containing 7 songs with sexy-sounding drums, I'll start to lay down some guitar tracks somewhere next month. This album to will be sold, but we're intending to have a small number of cd's pressed and such, so that we will have something tangible and sounding nicely too. :)

Anyway, blablabla. Music links.

The old 5 track EP can be heard in full on last.fm here. To whore myself, I'm mainly responsible for writing of all the solos (most notably of Mindfuck and Clone) and the full instrumental track Voyage.

The new acoustic single can be heard also on last.fm as well as on myspace. We're still working on a new website of our own (we have one now, but it's not been updated for a year :P ). These 2 songs will also be up for sale on iTunes in about a month, but they're already available via amazon and a few other webstores (I think napster is one of them). I'll spare you those links as I expect all of you to throw your money at Dev. Consider this as a background story about me (as this is my biggest hobby), and possible a source of entertainment for thine ears.

Thanks for reading (if you got this far). Enjoy the music, and if you don't then I'm sorry for having wasted your time. ;)
#198594 by swervedriver
Wed May 20, 2009 3:03 am
Sorry for the desperate cry for attention (I'm not that comfortable whoring myself yet), but it is kinda weird to be selling our music instead of just giving it away. :P

We're now available for purchase on several major webstores, such as Amazon as well as on the iTunes store (just search for Simius). The songs'll remain available for online streaming though, so no need to buy things or anything. Work continues on our first proper album (mixing the drums), and we've expanded ourselves with another guitarist so to give a bit more depth to the songs, both on recordings as well as live.

Fun times! Wish we could work as fast on our album as fast as Dev does on his though. Stupid life responsibilities... :P
#200006 by Phase
Fri May 29, 2009 6:19 pm
I am currently listening. Stain is pretty. =D
#231244 by swervedriver
Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:31 am
^ Kinda late saying this, but thanks. :)

Anyway, small update about the album: the drums are pretty much finished (and sound really well, considering the gear we're using), and we're in the process of recording all the guitar stuff. It took a while since we focused on easing in the other guitarist and me leaving for Italy (from which I return by the end of this month). Normally we shouldn't take over a year to record a couple of tracks. :P

Perhaps we'll post some instrumental snippets later on, but for now this is pretty much useless bump of a thread serving to inspire me to get my ass in gear and record everything. :D
#231280 by daneulephus
Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:34 pm
swervedriver wrote:^ Kinda late saying this, but thanks. :)

Anyway, small update about the album: the drums are pretty much finished (and sound really well, considering the gear we're using), and we're in the process of recording all the guitar stuff. It took a while since we focused on easing in the other guitarist and me leaving for Italy (from which I return by the end of this month). Normally we shouldn't take over a year to record a couple of tracks. :P

Perhaps we'll post some instrumental snippets later on, but for now this is pretty much useless bump of a thread serving to inspire me to get my ass in gear and record everything. :D

Bumped again for inspiration. :D
#231283 by Biert
Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:43 pm
Why did I never download those tracks from Last.fm?
#231286 by swervedriver
Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:01 pm
Yes, why didn't you?
#232302 by swervedriver
Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:07 am
Finished up my part of recording one song 2 days ago, whee! Frustratingly fun. :D

Since we're trying to enter a couple of festivals which require a demo, and we're not going to send our EP from several years ago (well, not *just* that one), we'll probably make a rough instrumental mix of one or two songs. I think we'll throw some of that online too, just for fun. Should be around mid-February. :)
#235272 by swervedriver
Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:54 pm
As promised: http://www.myspace.com/simiusmusic

It's the second half of a song called Watership Down (yeah, it's about bunnies). Doesn't have all guitar parts so far nor is the mix that polished yet, but it'll do. :)
#235313 by daneulephus
Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:02 am
The adjective that most comes to mind is "pleasant". Had no idea it was gonna be like this, but I am pleasantly surprised. I hear a bit of the band Far in the song "Orpheus". Good stuff.
#235704 by Biert
Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:58 am
You should have enlisted for the Twitterfeest at Effenaar, Eindhoven :P

Let me know if you're gigging anywhere near.
#235735 by swervedriver
Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:10 pm
Thanks dan. :)

Biert, we don't use Twitter, I would think that's a requirement. :P

In other news, finished my part of the recordings for another song. That leaves five. Vocal recordings are planned for May, by then all other songs/parts will be recorded. I think we'll be able to push this album out in summer.
#248576 by swervedriver
Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:29 pm
So, no summer release then. Currently mixing the whole thing though, it'll probably end up sounding pretty cool despite our limited budget and expertise. That myspace fragment really isn't anything to go by yet.

We've also been approached by a small label who want to help us distribute our stuff (online mostly), and possibly promote it to a bunch of radio stations, both local and international. So things are looking good on that end. Just need to get gigging again, because it's been way too long...

Oh, tiny teaser. :P

#248577 by daneulephus
Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:32 pm

Almost like "The Kill" by Napalm Death. Nice and short.
#248701 by swervedriver
Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:37 pm
Hehe thanks, it's just the last few chords of a song though, not a stand-alone thing. :P

There's also a video of the whole song (from which that clip was cut), but the performance after several beers and 3 hours of rehearsal may not be the best indication of what it sounds like. :roll:

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