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#311947 by Aden
Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:06 pm
LicoriceLain wrote:
Aden wrote:^ Thanks Licorice... assuming you mean zone out as in, relax, and not zone out as in... this is horrendously boring :P

I am an Anthropology major which means a fuckton of reading which means very good. :D

Yay :D
#311953 by aleksi
Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:39 pm
Aden wrote:Nah they weren't actual guitars, assuming you mean 'actual' as in "did you pick up a real acoustic and record it with a microphone?". I can't remember which 3 sounds I used exactly, but they were all from the Xpand2 plug-in that (i think) comes with Pro Tools, so if you tried to use them to sound authentic, they'd probably still sound like "forced crappy synth guitars", cus you wouldn't have the things that make them sound genuine (like... fingers sliding over the strings etc.) - if that's what you were going for. Strumming chords would probably sound weird...

I was going for a more programmed/digital sound though so it worked for what I wanted to do.

Sorry if my answers are crap. What type of thing are you trying to do exactly? Did you want an acoustic guitar sound? Or electric/distorted?
Electric/distorted. For acoustic parts I'll play it myself. I'm trying to get a somewhat electronic sound + maybe something like what Massive Attack used in Angel:

I have a cheap electric guitar but its on the other side of the country and I'm not a good guitarist. Still its looking more and more like thats the way I have to go. :(
#311963 by Aden
Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:33 pm
Guitar tones are just trial and error when it comes to finding the one you want. Keep at it and you'll find it eventually!

I'm rubbish when it comes to guitar tones though. I'm not particularly fussy.
#316156 by Aden
Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:55 am
Lookee here, I done did a new dreerm n beerss serng.


Nothing particularly special musically. This was more just for production practice. Hopefully your ears won't begin to bleed though...

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