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#71783 by Sicostello
Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:39 am
ive just finished a uni course so im pertty poor at the mo, but im lookin into getin a new guitar amp. Ive been using a 30 watt marshall amp for 3 years but now i want to get something good that ill be able to perform with. Id really like to get the marshall AVT100, but id like any other suggestions and recommendations. Im lookin at anything between £250 - £350 as i cant really afford much more. thanx

#71789 by Jeroen
Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:23 am
I have the AVT150 combo, and I must say that I don't have any complaints about it... However, I'm not really an expert in this and don't know many other amps.. so there are probably a lot of other amps that sound better (depending on the type of sound you're looking for). I can say that I am pretty content with the durability of the amp.

#71801 by Sicostello
Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:06 am
id really like to get the sound from the 1st 3 metallica albums.. and i also really love the sound fear factory have.. but as i sed i dont have megabucks to spend. how about a slighly cheaper amp, and then some footswitches, a mate of mine swears by the boss mt 2???

#71802 by Bobby7777
Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:12 am
hmmm... footswitches... i would stay away from those... unless you want a cheaper sound (my opinion here)..
I had the boss metal zone and the MT as well... then i went for a peavey 5150 combo... much, MUCH better.

Maybe go for a secondhand Peavey 5150 combo? it is with tubes though, and if you want to get that fear factory sound, then you migh want to use a transistor tube.. (christian used transistors as well on archetype) good sound!

i am not familliar with the valuta you gave us.. how much could you spend, in let's say, euro's or dollars?

#71806 by Sicostello
Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:53 pm
I can spend the equivalent of around 450 - 650 us dollars.. if that gives anyone any ideas on what i should buy. A friend of mine plays a les paul (a copy, not even epiphone) thru a 100 watt peavey amp and a boss mt 2, and i much prefer the sound of his set up to mine.. i currently play an ibanez rg320, which i really like (also thinkin of puting new pickups in when i can afford it) i have a zoom gfx 707 (original) and a 30 watt marshall practice amp of some kind, i think its called a GCD30 or something similar. I dont get paid for another week so im open to all suggestions.. once again, thanks

#71833 by Archetype
Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:27 am
Engl or Bogner

they're the only way

#71859 by Bobby7777
Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:55 am
Sure, some ENGL's and bogners are good.. but those are not options for sicostello...

#72134 by jon
Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:37 am
The Marshall AVT100 sounds pretty good. I had the AVT275 and gigged it for about 6 months until it blew up. i dont know why. Marshall dont know why. But they fixed it within 2 weeks.

Also look out for line6 - a lot of mixed reviews about how they arent as good as mesa or marshall but they are great value with a shed load of gadgets, knobs and flahing lights to keep you happy.

#72150 by Jersen
Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:39 pm
I use a Line 6 Spider II halfstack and I love it. I think it's gonna be a loooooong time before I think about getting another amp. The halfstack is about $850, but I'm sure the combo version is much much cheaper, with 2 12" custom Celestion speakers. Go try it out, you won't need pedals anymore, unless you're like me and use a tuner pedal and a noise supressor pedal.

Just go to someplace that sells Line 6 amps and have somebody walk you through it, or I can tell you all about it.

#72239 by FinnAtLondon
Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:53 pm
Line 6 spider II 150W combo definitely for you price range.

Stack looks prettier if you want to play live, but dont know if it is any use to invest if youre skint.

I got the half stack and the small 75W combo at home, not much to complain. Expecially for the price.

cheap marshalls are utter shit

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