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#314843 by thatadamwalker
Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:08 am
Hey everyone,

My name's Adam, I'm in my mid-30s and hail from Sheffield in the North of England, I spend my time working for an internet and communications company along with shredding myself silly with a local band or two that I'm involved with. I love pointy guitars, weird metal bands, peanut butter, FPS games and curvy redheads, that's me in a nutshell!

I've been a fan of Devin in one way or another for around a decade now. My passion for metal led me to find SYL and everything clicked with me, they dared to be different, dared to be crazy and not image conscious, these are all things I identify with strongly as a person and I know Devin carries on trying to be that way. Naturally after becoming interested in SYL I found Dev's other works which all seemed to speak to me in a big way.

I've been lucky enough to meet him on 3 separate occasions now and I find his approach to what he does completely inspiring and compelling, he has an admirable philosophy to life in my opinion and his music seems to speak volumes to like minded people. In fact a chat with him actually pushed me into changing a few aspects of my life for the better.

I find it quite sad when people focus too much on his mental health issues, this should be irrelevant. If someone makes amazing music I really don't care what's going on in their head. If I go to a restaurant and eat an amazing meal I really don't give a hoot if the chef has bipolar or PTSD. However I'm also not afraid to say that I've had problems with my mental health in the past and the fact that some of Devin's music does touch on this has helped me through some difficult times which I think is another reason his music means a lot to me.
#314846 by Tyroshai
Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:05 am
Eh up, Adam!
Welcome to the forums, it's good to see another Yorkshire native here. :D

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