Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#255569 by Lettuce
Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:13 pm
Billy Rhomboid wrote:My 5 yr old daughter went to dinner at a friend's house the other day and they served carbonara. She sat and looked at her plate and when asked if everything was alright she carefully explained that the bacon was flaccid and looked shop-bought and definitely was not proper Guanciale, and that using cream was not authentic and why was there no egg yolk on top, and would it be alright if she just had plain spaghetti?

The child's parents were a tad shocked, to say the least. To have your dinner rubbished by a five-year food-critic must be quite crushing.
When we came to collect her I was quite torn between being toe-curlingly embarrassed and immensely proud.

I love your daughter. I always tell people off who put cream in carbonara!

Made a madras earlier, YUMYUMYUMYUMYUM.
#255571 by SushiSushiGirl
Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:27 pm
No pics but i made money glazed chunky chips last night for me and my daughter :) she said Mmmm mummy these taste very very nice thank you haha i nearly burst with pride :D Shes only 3 as well <3
#255596 by JuZ
Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:27 am
Billy Rhomboid wrote:My 5 yr old daughter went to dinner at a friend's house the other day and they served carbonara. She sat and looked at her plate and when asked if everything was alright she carefully explained that the bacon was flaccid and looked shop-bought and definitely was not proper Guanciale, and that using cream was not authentic and why was there no egg yolk on top, and would it be alright if she just had plain spaghetti?

The child's parents were a tad shocked, to say the least. To have your dinner rubbished by a five-year food-critic must be quite crushing.
When we came to collect her I was quite torn between being toe-curlingly embarrassed and immensely proud.

The embarrassment is totally understandable in the situation but if that were my five year old I'd be chest burstingly proud! She said the bacon was flaccid and looked shop-bought? That, sir, is gold.

Ps if you have a good carbonara recipe, I'd love to hear it! The bog standard "carbonara" is so horrid but I've never cooked it myself and it's been a while since I've been to a quality Italian restaurant.
#255761 by mEh!
Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:48 am
didn't have time for breakfast today and i'm not happy.
#255771 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:09 am
My breakfasts for the last few days have been packaged liquid breakfasts; Up & Go to be exact, and it truly makes you up and go - straight to the toilet. I find it's best to just consume them as I'm walking to the bulding, and spare myself a train ride of malaise.
Real breakfast for the time being has been reserved for my days off.
#255773 by Lettuce
Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:27 am
There's no excuse not to have a proper breakfast! Eat it on the train, that's what I do when I've got early starts. Do I care if some city businessman on the tube with his briefcase and his brogues and his jacket gets pissy because my toast is crumbing all over him? Not really.
#255777 by swervedriver
Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:57 am
I only have breakfast in weekends. During the week I tend to not have time for it because I like to maximize my time in bed before work.
#255779 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:25 am
It's only til I get paid next week, then it's back to tupperwared cereal (I use the milk at work).
#255780 by Tyroshai
Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:31 am
swervedriver wrote:I tend to not have time for it because I like to maximize my time in bed before work.

#255781 by Billy Rhomboid
Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:36 am
Bookwyrm83 wrote:My breakfasts for the last few days have been packaged liquid breakfasts;

Hell Yeah, I used to do the packaged liquid breakfast thang as well. Have given up on that now in the interests of not looking like Lemmy.

#255862 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:07 am
Awesome - that looks nice!
I'm currently using this:
#256018 by Billy Rhomboid
Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:05 am
looks great.

We have pork slow-cooking in cider which will have apple puree added at the end (after 6 hrs).

And I made a huge batch of venison bacon this morning. Oh, and some crispy pig's ears yesterday. they were delicious.
#256540 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:01 am
I maced myself for dinner.
In that I had some left over macaroni and linguini in my pasta container, and since there was enough for one serving of food all up, I went to to the shop, got some cheese, diced lamb, and kumato tomatoes (having those tomorrow).
Anyway, cooked the pasta and veal simultaneously, and decided to rub some Death Rain (strong habanero powder) on some of the pieces before frying. Even with the kitchen fan on, the fumes of the chili acted a bit like pepper spray, and by the time I was mixing the cheese with the noodles, I was coughing hard, and my nose was dribbling. Made sure to wipe my face before finally settling down to eat. As expected, none of the chili had lost its potency, but the cheese served as a counter balance. Love it.
#256541 by Billy Rhomboid
Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:10 am
I am thawing a barrel of blood to make black pudding today. 3 gallons of it. At the moment it is most of the way thawed and resmbles the world's goriest Slush Puppie.

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