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#148580 by Tren
Sun May 06, 2007 12:32 pm
I have this B tuning i created that use on my gibson and have done for about 5 years. No problems here.

#148622 by Noodles
Sun May 06, 2007 6:33 pm
Archetype wrote:Haha, no stones from my side. That's just a matter of taste, but the solo's of Meshuggah, Dream Theater, Dev and even Soilwork (which are mostly copies of Dream Theater's solo's) really add to the song.
If a song has a solo, if really has to add something to the song. It shouldn't just be an extension of the guitarist's ego.

... well, only Malmsteen can get away with that :D

I always thought the appeal of Soilwork and Dream Theater were the guitar playing and the songs were just like... something for the band to fill with guitar playing. :P

#148623 by djskrimp
Sun May 06, 2007 6:38 pm
Noodles wrote:
Archetype wrote:Haha, no stones from my side. That's just a matter of taste, but the solo's of Meshuggah, Dream Theater, Dev and even Soilwork (which are mostly copies of Dream Theater's solo's) really add to the song.
If a song has a solo, if really has to add something to the song. It shouldn't just be an extension of the guitarist's ego.

... well, only Malmsteen can get away with that :D

I always thought the appeal of Soilwork and Dream Theater were the guitar playing and the songs were just like... something for the band to fill with guitar playing. :P

I've always enjoyed hearing the evolution of Strid's vocals. Particularly the histrionics he's show of late.

#148628 by Noodles
Sun May 06, 2007 7:43 pm
djskrimp wrote:
Noodles wrote:
Archetype wrote:Haha, no stones from my side. That's just a matter of taste, but the solo's of Meshuggah, Dream Theater, Dev and even Soilwork (which are mostly copies of Dream Theater's solo's) really add to the song.
If a song has a solo, if really has to add something to the song. It shouldn't just be an extension of the guitarist's ego.

... well, only Malmsteen can get away with that :D

I always thought the appeal of Soilwork and Dream Theater were the guitar playing and the songs were just like... something for the band to fill with guitar playing. :P

I've always enjoyed hearing the evolution of Strid's vocals. Particularly the histrionics he's show of late.

Yeah he's got a good voice too (although I kind of think he peaked on A Predator's Portrait/Natural Born Chaos and prefer his shrieking on the first two albums to his performance on STD/F#5...his harsh vocals are kinda weak nowadays). I also really like Soilwork's drummer. I guess my point was more that I listen to Soilwork for the performance of the individual members rather than that I think they write songs great songs with climaxes and stuff. Or something.

#148642 by Archetype
Mon May 07, 2007 1:14 am
superhydroyeast wrote:
Yanko wrote:Malmsteen doesn't have an ego.
It's a giant walking ego that has a tiny malmsteen hanging on it :P

and hell, my hands are small and chubby. So i play the drums :lol:

haha! hats off my friend, that was a brilliant feat of hilarity. but either way, tuning down to B, although some may prefer 6 strings, I'm thinking it may be because of the way they've been brought up to play guitar. if you've been brought up on a 6 string, you naturally play to the style of a 6 string. after playing a 7 string for so long when picking up a 6 string I keep bashing at the wrong string and stuff, so maybe they couldn't be bothered to get used to seven strings? I don't know, I thought about it a bit either way =D.
Archetype wrote:Meshuggah, Dream Theater, Dev and even Soilwork (which are mostly copies of Dream Theater's solo's)

since when did Soilwork's solos sound anything like Dream Theater's? I always thought Petrucci's solos were far beyond the skills and technicality of those from Soilwork. =/

Are you kidding me? Listening closely to the Soilwork solo's, it's pretty obvious the guitarplayer is completely influenced by Petrucci. I'm not talking about the quality of the solo here, but just the sound and the voicings. Just like a lot of Dev's solos sound like Vai, and Thordendal's solos sound like Alan Holdsworth. It's not bad to be influenced, this just happens when you're making the music you love.

#148644 by day old male
Mon May 07, 2007 1:32 am
If the 7th string on a guitar is tuned to B, and everything else is tuned as a normal 6 string guitar, what happens when you play a chord with the B and E strings? Forgive my musical ignorance, I only have a 6 string and I'd love to get a 7 string, but I'm scared of how it might challenge my lay person musicianship!

#148645 by Archetype
Mon May 07, 2007 1:38 am
You can play normal power chords, just like you can on the E and A strings.
If you play full chords, you will have to re-arrange some of your voicings, because you don't have the 3rd interval between the G and B you usually have when you play chords on a 6-string.
Something I like is to add the B to some chords for a much fuller sound, like a B chord, with another low B added to it. Nice big sound. Or play a E chord with a low B added to it.

#148648 by superhydroyeast
Mon May 07, 2007 2:20 am
Archetype wrote:Are you kidding me? Listening closely to the Soilwork solo's, it's pretty obvious the guitarplayer is completely influenced by Petrucci. I'm not talking about the quality of the solo here, but just the sound and the voicings. Just like a lot of Dev's solos sound like Vai, and Thordendal's solos sound like Alan Holdsworth. It's not bad to be influenced, this just happens when you're making the music you love.

maybe so, but they are hardly "copies" of the solos that petrucci plays. maybe a slight tinge of influence, but there isn't much that I hear in petrucci's solos that I hear in soilworks personally.

#148649 by superhydroyeast
Mon May 07, 2007 2:22 am
Archetype wrote:You can play normal power chords, just like you can on the E and A strings.
If you play full chords, you will have to re-arrange some of your voicings, because you don't have the 3rd interval between the G and B you usually have when you play chords on a 6-string.
Something I like is to add the B to some chords for a much fuller sound, like a B chord, with another low B added to it. Nice big sound. Or play a E chord with a low B added to it.

what ^that^ person said =D.

#148826 by day old male
Tue May 08, 2007 1:41 am
Archetype said:
Something I like is to add the B to some chords for a much fuller sound, like a B chord, with another low B added to it. Nice big sound. Or play a E chord with a low B added to it.

Awesome. Thanks for the explanation. Man that would sound fucking amazing. So if you play an E chord using the E and A string, what chord does it make exactly if you strum the B string along with it? Does it work?

#148836 by Archetype
Tue May 08, 2007 3:56 am
If you play a normal E chord with a low B added to it, you still have the same E, but with an extra fifth in the low register.
This is a nice trick for adding more balls to your recording, adding a lower fifth to your power chord.

#148849 by day old male
Tue May 08, 2007 4:36 am
Fantastic! Thanks again. I can't wait to get around to trying out a 7-string. I currently have the Washburn series Dimebag Darrell sig. edition, which I've had since 1996, and I love the thing. However, guitar tones have gotten thicker, lower and heavier since those days and I have a feeling the 7-string might be what I need to stay in the loop!

#148859 by Archetype
Tue May 08, 2007 7:01 am
Wait a little longer and the 8-string guitars will be avaiable at a decent price. :)
I'm not sure, but I believe Ibanez has plans of releasing 8-string Meshuggah signatures.

#148913 by Yanko
Tue May 08, 2007 4:29 pm
Archetype wrote:You can play normal power chords, just like you can on the E and A strings.
If you play full chords, you will have to re-arrange some of your voicings, because you don't have the 3rd interval between the G and B you usually have when you play chords on a 6-string.
Something I like is to add the B to some chords for a much fuller sound, like a B chord, with another low B added to it. Nice big sound. Or play a E chord with a low B added to it.

the fact that that sounds like giberish to me is another reason for being a drummer :shock:

#148918 by djskrimp
Tue May 08, 2007 5:28 pm
Yanko wrote:
Archetype wrote:You can play normal power chords, just like you can on the E and A strings.
If you play full chords, you will have to re-arrange some of your voicings, because you don't have the 3rd interval between the G and B you usually have when you play chords on a 6-string.
Something I like is to add the B to some chords for a much fuller sound, like a B chord, with another low B added to it. Nice big sound. Or play a E chord with a low B added to it.

the fact that that sounds like giberish to me is another reason for being a drummer :shock:

More Mixylodian, with a slight Dorian dialect thrown in.

Or something.


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