Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#157173 by Zyprexa
Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:16 am
Alright, I'm going to try not to make this sound like the outpouring of hate that it will be by first acknowleging what an ingenious marketing strategy these twats are. I mean, if I could profit off young girls insecurity and need to be accepted into some sort of clique to the extent they're doing, I'd probably do the same! But. I have morals.

And therein lies the problem. No matter what way you look at it, making children feel that the only way to look is like a complete whore with a head four times the width of your body, alright. Anorexia is a fairly attainable goal. But being in school and looking as though you're about twenty is a bit ridiculous. Are they implying you should be so stupid you have to constantly stay back classes into your adult years?

Oh God. I dunno how this shit is legal. And any parents reading, surely some sort of ban on these in your household should be enforced. What kind of a child will you have if you let them aspire to be like a brat? Probably this kind :

#157175 by sj_2150
Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:49 am
so im guessing Bratz are those dolls that girls dress up all skanky...

who am i kidding, i know it is :?

oh well, i blame the parents who let their kids play with that crap.

#157180 by sarai-chan
Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:17 am
Oh, they should be illegal.

They just give me the creeps, Barbie is nothing compared
to these things.

And the name, Bratz?!
How horrible.
I've seen many real bratz-girlz hanging around in the town,
looking like bratz-dolls and behaving like brats.
"You mean I can't have my 100$ jeans?! What kinda mom are you?!
You are ruining my life with that crap!"

That's how they make me feel.

I agree on Zyprexa's every word, every letter she/he wrote.

#157181 by :)
Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:37 am
my friend wants me to come with him to see the movie, because he's curious to see just how bad it is.

if imdb is anything to go by, it's... yes, the worst movie ever. no, a cartoon version is the worst ever. but the live action one is apparantly the 40th worst ever.

#157191 by shiram
Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:17 am
them living dead dolls arent too good either

but it seems to me this as always been going on, its just easier to notice now since we're older...
of course show like pokemon, digimon, yugioh are basically commercials for the crap they sell, and it works, its the same thing for girl-toys

but back then, we had transformers, ninja turtles and gijoe, wich we all wanted as kids...

anyways, i dont think we grew up too screwed because of that
and i'd put more blame on bands like spice girls and pussycat dolls for teenage girls looking like cheap hookers...

#157211 by black_tooth_grin
Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:33 pm
Our society is fucked up because of these dolls. They tell girls how to act, think and dress, and it's turning them into pieces of shit like that 15 year old hooker. I remember back in the day when they use to advertise children's dolls and made them so innocent, yet now nothing is sacred. It seems all these companies want to do is turn our little bundles of joy into money hungry drop outs who do nothing but feed off the government and do nothing to contribute to society.

Some one needs to step and do something, cos sooner or later the children who buy these products will turn into Paris Hilton or one those other brain dead fuckers who always get there own way and contribute nothing to our life or their own.

The whole problem is image and advertisement. No one needs to look like a whore to be accepted into life. We all have our own life to control, and we shouldn't be bullied into what we think or say. Most of these problems can be solved with a simple action...turn you're TV OFF!!.

#157212 by djskrimp
Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:14 pm
I kind of agree with I'm a Strapping Young Lad, except for one point:

Society didn't get screwed up from the dolls, the dolls are a result of how screwed up society is. You can't market dolls like that, and have them sell, unless there was already a want. That want was created prior to the Bratz by more and more pop stars showing that dressing age-inappropriate and mixing silly, innocent girl looks with slutty demeanor was the way to be.

#157216 by Atari
Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:06 pm

#157217 by niklang
Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:57 pm
Blame Dirrrty Christina Aguilera.

I have always thought the Bratz dolls send out the wrong sort of message to young girls, I regularly bore my girlfriend with a tirade against the falling values of society. So when I saw the trailer for the Bratz movie she knew she was in for a boring lecture :-)

#157220 by JuZ
Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:28 am
djskrimp wrote:I kind of agree with I'm a Strapping Young Lad, except for one point:

Society didn't get screwed up from the dolls, the dolls are a result of how screwed up society is. You can't market dolls like that, and have them sell, unless there was already a want. That want was created prior to the Bratz by more and more pop stars showing that dressing age-inappropriate and mixing silly, innocent girl looks with slutty demeanor was the way to be.

I'm with you there. Corporations live and die by their bottom line and their share price. So they depend on parents buying this crap for their kids. The target market doesn't (or shouldn't, in my opinion) have enough of a disposable income, so the buck stops, literally, with the parents.

I don't have kids so I really shouldn't be so quick to judge, but fuck it... I will anyway. It's only the internetz, after all.

People can do what they want to themselves and each other, as long as no one gets hurt. But projecting adult concepts onto children is just going too far. There's a good quote I can't quite recall about corporations... They have the rights of a citizen, with almost none of the responsibilities. It's insane. Short of Government legislating against this sort of thing (which might be a good idea... contact your local represetative, hehe!), I suppose you can start by looking at your own life.

So... when we start a family we won't be buying our kids Bratz dolls. And that's the whole deal right there, I think... what can you do to change this sort of trend in your own life? It's gotta be tough as a parent these days, trying to curb the influence of a thousand pop videos, ads and TV shows relentlessly bombarding your kids. Thankfully there are a lot of good role-models and musicians and what-not to balance this. And I guess the best role-models for kid are their parents. So if you breed, make sure you drag 'em up proper!


#157222 by JuZ
Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:30 am
Oh, and Lego is kewl.

#157225 by sj_2150
Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:53 am
Atari wrote:BRING BACK LEGO!

Truer words have not been spoken :lol:

#157228 by Keeker
Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:04 am
Atari wrote:BRING BACK LEGO!

My 10 year old has Barbies but they are the fantasy fairy and mermaid type ones which I think are fine.

She DOES have a ton of Lego. The Belville girlie lego is EXCELLENT and I'm not ashamed to say I play with it a bit myself. She currently has a huge construction taking up half her floor consisting of a bizarre mixture of parts from a mermaid's palace, Sinbad's palace, several other Hans Christian Anderson themed sets, a normal big house set and tons of lego garden stuff. In and around this are wee lego people, cats, rabbits, monkeys, parrots, a horse & carriage set, a Barbie, an Action Man, two dinosaurs, a rubber crocodile, a fairy on a horse, a set of handcuffs and a flip-flop.

#157229 by sj_2150
Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:11 am
pfft. next thing is that theyll probably ban lego coz its unsafe or something

#157230 by Keeker
Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:21 am
sj_2150 wrote:pfft. next thing is that theyll probably ban lego coz its unsafe or something

Only if you stand on it in your bare feet. :D

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