The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#301238 by Virtua Afro DJ
Wed May 09, 2012 2:15 pm
Derek wrote:

I am so close to buying that...
#305251 by wyldweasil
Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:07 pm
ppinkham wrote:More delays. They are slowly trickling out to people, but the process is extremely slow. They were telling people a 8-12 week wait, and now it is up to 6 months.

pretty weak. But then again I'll probably have the money for it by the time it actually comes out...
#306856 by DrDezard
Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:42 am
It arrived today so here's some pics. Really impressed with the quality. The pics don't really do it justice. The neck is thin put feels like it could withstand quite a beating.











#312682 by DrDezard
Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:32 pm
Very nice. Glad to see you got yours! It seems they may have changed things up a bit as the top headstock horn seems longer than mine, the Peavey logo doesn't have the white outline and the strap button near the neck is in a different location.

How you like the sound? It's a beast and just sounds heavy with the weight to match. lol
#312781 by ppinkham
Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:10 pm
DrDezard wrote:Very nice. Glad to see you got yours! It seems they may have changed things up a bit as the top headstock horn seems longer than mine, the Peavey logo doesn't have the white outline and the strap button near the neck is in a different location.

How you like the sound? It's a beast and just sounds heavy with the weight to match. lol

Mine is kind of an oddball due to some peculiar circumstances involved with the company I ordered from, and Peavey stepping in to take over and expedite one to me. Mine is definitely not production, though all of the proper parts and pieces are there. If you notice, I don't have the production information on the back of the neck, either. All that info is on the inside of the cavity plate in the back. The whole situation was crazy, so it only makes sense that the guitar should be odd as well. lol

I am extremely impressed with the balance, feel, and sound of the guitar. I am most impressed with the single-coil. I was not expecting it to sound as good as it does. I find myself playing clean in the neck position more than rockin' out. I am very happy with this guitar. It surpassed my expectations, big time.
#313130 by DrDezard
Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:11 am
Here, here! I couldn't have put it better myself. And the oddities def add the uniqueness of the instrument. Too me the scale length of the guitar makes the neck feel more like a six string than a 7 string. The neck especially blows me away def in my top 3 of the guitars I own if not numeral uno. And Planet of the Apes captures perfectly the tone of the guitar tuned to Open B. Muuwhahahaaha!!
#323611 by Chris87
Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:56 am
ppinkham wrote:BTW, these guitars are officially discontinued now.

Not really surprised, concidering all the shipment issues. Reviews also didn't sound too convincing if you're planning to play more than cold-sounding metal.
Maybe there will be some Framus deal with an evertune bridge in the future? That would be awesome :D.

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