Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#319926 by Tracer
Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:54 am
Yo, welcome fellow newbie, and nice KLK avatar; that show was a ride start to finish.
PM me your youtube if you don't wanna post it; I'm gonna learn bass this summer so I'll watch some covers.
#319947 by Yrkib
Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:22 pm
Indeed. KLK was insane and I loved it. My youtube is the same name as here if you want to check it out.
#320096 by Kleo
Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:49 pm
I am such a lurker that despite having been around since the email list days, I really do not know anyone. Well actually there is a fair shot some recall me but honestly my memory is so thing like people call their dogs ummm spotty that I legit recall nothing, so hello people of Devdom. I am whatever my handle is here. I was shocked to find there were cookies.
#320100 by Blazingmonga
Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:04 am
Kleo wrote:I am such a lurker that despite having been around since the email list days, I really do not know anyone. Well actually there is a fair shot some recall me but honestly my memory is so thing like people call their dogs ummm spotty that I legit recall nothing, so hello people of Devdom. I am whatever my handle is here. I was shocked to find there were cookies.

Welcome Kleo...your handle is familiar!
#320306 by Kleo
Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:14 pm
Kleo is an old nickname. Found me taking myself very seriously around 18. Had this tendency towards talking down to everyone when it came to music. So I took a nick from this ultra-simple, mega-cheesy song as a sort of "hey look don't be a dick. You love music that's far crappier than what you're bashing." Of course I was a dick for other reasons but hey diagnosis and treatment are not always easy, right?
#320559 by djp132
Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:22 am
Hi folks, I'm djp

I've been a musician and music lover all of my life and my tastes have run the gamut. My playlists would go from Cannibal Corpse to The Carpenters to Rush to Eminem, etc. I've always known who Devin was, I knew he was the crazy bald dude from that weird Vai album. I even saw him live and got to meet him many years ago when he opened for Symphony X in Pittsburgh. The thing is though, I just never "got" it. I would sample his stuff occasionally over the years trying to understand what the hype was about but I just could not get into it. Even now I can't really say what I didn't like at the time, it was just... weird.

About a year and a half ago I went through a really dark phase of my life mentally and emotionally. I was talking to a close buddy of mine about the situation and he said "This kind of reminds me of an album I have, you should listen to this", and he gave me a copy of Deconstruction. That night I listened to it front to back and something clicked. Not since Master of Puppets turned my 14 year old brain inside out have I had that kind of emotional reaction to any kind of music, let alone crazy prog metal. From that moment on I became obsessed. I got the entire discography all the way back through SYL and consumed it like an addict. Its actually become difficult for me to listen to anything else. Devin has changed the way I hear and feel music.

Currently I cannot stop listening to Terria. What a magical album!! The second half of Tiny Tears... wow.

Sorry for the book, just wanted to share my story. :) Can't wait for Z2!
#320561 by KeasbyNights
Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:03 am
djp132 wrote:Hi folks, I'm djp

I've been a musician and music lover all of my life and my tastes have run the gamut. My playlists would go from Cannibal Corpse to The Carpenters to Rush to Eminem, etc. I've always known who Devin was, I knew he was the crazy bald dude from that weird Vai album. I even saw him live and got to meet him many years ago when he opened for Symphony X in Pittsburgh. The thing is though, I just never "got" it. I would sample his stuff occasionally over the years trying to understand what the hype was about but I just could not get into it. Even now I can't really say what I didn't like at the time, it was just... weird.

About a year and a half ago I went through a really dark phase of my life mentally and emotionally. I was talking to a close buddy of mine about the situation and he said "This kind of reminds me of an album I have, you should listen to this", and he gave me a copy of Deconstruction. That night I listened to it front to back and something clicked. Not since Master of Puppets turned my 14 year old brain inside out have I had that kind of emotional reaction to any kind of music, let alone crazy prog metal. From that moment on I became obsessed. I got the entire discography all the way back through SYL and consumed it like an addict. Its actually become difficult for me to listen to anything else. Devin has changed the way I hear and feel music.

Currently I cannot stop listening to Terria. What a magical album!! The second half of Tiny Tears... wow.

Sorry for the book, just wanted to share my story. :) Can't wait for Z2!

Well, welcome to the forums man! It's always cool to hear stories like this, about anything, but since we're here it's especially cool to hear things like this about Devin's music. I'm hoping in some way the music has helped you out of that dark phase, and into the awesome new world of hevydevy. :mrgreen:

Also, I second your statement about the second half of tiny tears. That's my favorite song on Terria, aside from Nobody's Here.
#320614 by djp132
Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:41 am
KeasbyNights wrote:Well, welcome to the forums man! It's always cool to hear stories like this, about anything, but since we're here it's especially cool to hear things like this about Devin's music. I'm hoping in some way the music has helped you out of that dark phase, and into the awesome new world of hevydevy. :mrgreen:

Also, I second your statement about the second half of tiny tears. That's my favorite song on Terria, aside from Nobody's Here.

It has helped me more than any therapist. I'm still kinda crazy but I've come to accept that about myself and also realized that everyone is a little crazy in their own special ways. :mrgreen:

Its freaky to me how well his music can align itself with whats going on in my head. I think of it like a set of noise cancelling headphones. The mental chaos is a certain type of white noise, and there always seems to be a song or album by Devin that will act as a negative and cancel it out. I never would have thought that something like Alien or Deconstruction could be considered peaceful, but the end result for me is often exactly that. As I continue to find myself and accept myself I connect more and more to the concept of Home on the Terria album. Amazing stuff.

Thank you for the welcome Keasby and thank you Devin for doing what you do.
#320908 by NeoDevAdict
Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:56 am
Well HELLO lost family, or at least new found fellow freethinking fornicators! I seriously cannot believe I had never heard of Devin before last week, being that I'm a bit older than him and have been into guitar and muthafukin METAL since junior high. Even had a round of Vai worship for a few and still never knew. Well, long week short... I've watched Circus three times, all of Thread (Ki-Addicted twice), SYL Download twice, and the EMG vids (where I stumbled across Dev in an Andy James list) about fifty times, Kingdom probably more... much more. Loved every minute! Apparently this amazing music, and creator, has uncovered a buried obsessive-compulsive disorder in me I didn't even know I had :D . Maybe I need to get that checked out..... after it finishes healing these other things. I don't know what to say but holy fuck how did I never cross paths with this "dope-shit" before now? It just resonates with me in a way music never really has and this coming from a huge Dream Theater fan and music fan in general.
I watched Circus once with my eighty year old alzheimers afflicted mother. Had to see it on the giant screen with thunderous surround sound echoing off the neighbors houses (it was kinda cool with a little extra delay :lol: ). All she could say after was "I don't see how anyone could leave that show without a smile on their face". She "got it". I said "fuckin right mom, I can't remember ever feeling that happy after being at an actual concert". Then she said "what are you talking about?" At least she had it for a minute and I thank you for that Dev! There's enough shite in this engineered "inversion of reality" to make you feel angry and violent. I never even considered melodic yet crushing BROOOOTAL METAL that could make you happy. If Huey Lewis and the News are still alive they need to be jammin Dev!
Anyway, hope to meet some cool lucky animals here and have a fuggin-grrrate day!
#320910 by KeasbyNights
Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:06 am
NeoDevAdict wrote:Well HELLO lost family, or at least new found fellow freethinking fornicators! I seriously cannot believe I had never heard of Devin before last week, being that I'm a bit older than him and have been into guitar and muthafukin METAL since junior high. Even had a round of Vai worship for a few and still never knew. Well, long week short... I've watched Circus three times, all of Thread (Ki-Addicted twice), SYL Download twice, and the EMG vids (where I stumbled across Dev in an Andy James list) about fifty times, Kingdom probably more... much more. Loved every minute! Apparently this amazing music, and creator, has uncovered a buried obsessive-compulsive disorder in me I didn't even know I had :D . Maybe I need to get that checked out..... after it finishes healing these other things. I don't know what to say but holy fuck how did I never cross paths with this "dope-shit" before now? It just resonates with me in a way music never really has and this coming from a huge Dream Theater fan and music fan in general.
I watched Circus once with my eighty year old alzheimers afflicted mother. Had to see it on the giant screen with thunderous surround sound echoing off the neighbors houses (it was kinda cool with a little extra delay :lol: ). All she could say after was "I don't see how anyone could leave that show without a smile on their face". She "got it". I said "fuckin right mom, I can't remember ever feeling that happy after being at an actual concert". Then she said "what are you talking about?" At least she had it for a minute and I thank you for that Dev! There's enough shite in this engineered "inversion of reality" to make you feel angry and violent. I never even considered melodic yet crushing BROOOOTAL METAL that could make you happy. If Huey Lewis and the News are still alive they need to be jammin Dev!
Anyway, hope to meet some cool lucky animals here and have a fuggin-grrrate day!

Welcome to the forums then! :D It's a great time here. We're like a big happy family and we're glad to have a new face in the mix. :mrgreen:
#321177 by Beard
Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:32 pm
Hello! I'm Chris or Beard (depending on where you find me on the internet). 24 year old guy from Norway.
Been a fan of Devin since the STL days when my brother "allowed" me to borrow his copy of 'Alien', and now I'm here.
I suck at writing about myself because I'm honestly not that interesting in the first place, but I'm happy to answer any questions.

Until next time!
#321188 by JuZ
Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:51 pm
Beard wrote:Hello! I'm Chris or Beard (depending on where you find me on the internet). 24 year old guy from Norway.
Been a fan of Devin since the STL days when my brother "allowed" me to borrow his copy of 'Alien', and now I'm here.
I suck at writing about myself because I'm honestly not that interesting in the first place, but I'm happy to answer any questions.

Until next time!

Welcome aboard! :D
#321194 by KeasbyNights
Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:46 am
Beard wrote:Hello! I'm Chris or Beard (depending on where you find me on the internet). 24 year old guy from Norway.
Been a fan of Devin since the STL days when my brother "allowed" me to borrow his copy of 'Alien', and now I'm here.
I suck at writing about myself because I'm honestly not that interesting in the first place, but I'm happy to answer any questions.

Until next time!

I enjoy your nodding, bearded black man smiling at me constantly.

Also, welcome. :mrgreen:

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