The place to speak about Ryan Van Poederooyen projects
#141413 by Drumdude13
Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:04 am
Feb 20th 2007

God Damn People !

Thanks for the overwhelming response on our first medley release on our Terror Syndrome My Space Page - We had a whopping 800 plays the first day alone ! We've also had a ton of very cool emails along with some great comments. It's really cool to see that you all dig the sounds of Terror Syndrome. Keep it coming...

Originally we were going to put out a medley sampler every two weeks but we've had so many emails wanting to hear more that we decided to put another 3 song medley out after a week. This time around you get to hear a couple songs with guest appearances in them. The medley starts off with one of our catchiest songs "My Next Victim" followed by "Riot of Red" which features Christofer Malmstrom (Darkane, Non-Human Level) on lead guitar and then we end Medley Part 2 with "Disposable Empire" featuring Byron Stroud (Fear Factory) on Bass. Hope you dig the punishing METAL to be heard here. Again, we apologize about the MP3 quality but you can still hear how huge this does sound.

We will be posting more Terror Syndrome songs in the near future, maybe even a full song, you never know. The remaining guest appearances featuring Devin Townsend (Strapping Young Lad, Devin Townsend Band). Alex Skolnick (Testament), Trevor Dunn (Mr. Bungle, Fantomas) and Michael Manring (Bass God) will also be posted in the near future. Stay tuned...

The Terror Syndrome Website will be designed by the one and only Deep Peace Design. They are a phenomenal website company and do amazing work. We are working out the details and plan on getting started on the website soon. We'll let you know when it's in progress and close to being done.

For now, enjoy the metal that is Terror Syndrome !

All the best,


#141417 by gozu
Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:05 am
i'll just say what i said on myspace....

GUYS! fucking awesome! really awesoem! especially "my first victim" great melody and dentons voice sounds awesome! keep it heavy -Gozu

seriously Ryan get the album out! i need to see you guys live!

#141421 by sj_2150
Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:43 am
Ryan r00lz!

#141435 by Drumdude13
Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:20 pm
gozu wrote:i'll just say what i said on myspace....

GUYS! fucking awesome! really awesoem! especially "my first victim" great melody and dentons voice sounds awesome! keep it heavy -Gozu

seriously Ryan get the album out! i need to see you guys live!

Thanks dude....

"My Next Victim" is definitely part of the catchier side of Terror Syndrome but it still maintains some brutal riffs and metal. Gotta' hear the full song to get the full effect though :wink: maybe soon...

Enjoy and thanks for the support.


#141465 by the toilet
Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:55 am
Sounds good to me, THUMBS UP!!

#141469 by Biert
Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:03 pm
Cool stuff again, man!! Keep 'em coming!! :twisted:

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