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#136035 by Leechmaster
Sat Dec 16, 2006 2:21 pm
Borat's great craic!
Funniest scene all year, in my opinion, goes to this one from Borat. Just for the gross-out factor...

#136048 by JuZ
Sat Dec 16, 2006 5:30 pm
Borat was my last movie too. And I loved it. I've preferred Borat to Ali G for a while now, so I wasn't surprised to see how successful it became. What DID surprise me was how well it's done in the US. Well done America! We make sexy time? High five!

#136064 by black_tooth_grin
Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:23 am
I also saw Borat.
Bloody hilarious. :lol:

#136066 by Chris
Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:45 am
Im A Strapping Young Lad wrote:I also saw Borat.
Bloody hilarious. :lol:

Oh, you did? And I was starting to wonder where your avatar came from...!

As for the link Leechmaster posted... Yeah, that one goes definitely on my list of the Most Disturbing Movie Moments

#136740 by Chris
Wed Dec 27, 2006 2:50 am
Finally saw Sleepers. Impressive cast, good movie. Just a few minutes after that, I watched the remake of Assault On Precinct 13. It's been years since I saw the original movie, but I think that lots of things were added for the new version. I got just what I expected: An entertaining, fast action-movie.

Oh yeah, the same day I watched most of Peter Jackson's King Kong (again). Who needs much of a story when you have so many CGI's? :wink:

#136748 by ASHORIZZOR
Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:23 am
Departed! Simply great! :o :D

#136754 by DevonH
Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:42 am
Miami Vice remake......pretty decent...I was surprised, I didn't have very high expectations and figured it would be in line with movies like 48 HRS and other old school "buddy cop" action movies from the 80's with tons of faceless machine gun fodder.

There's a pretty brutal scene toward the beginning where a couple guys get shot up inside a car with a .50 caliber sniper rifle.... slow mo cam inside the car and one guy's arm flies off.

#136765 by fragility
Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:06 pm
Watched some of the hills have eyes on xmas day...will not be watching any more of it!

#136777 by kyl88
Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:12 pm
My wife and I saw "Apocalypto" yesterday. Uggh.

Should have seen Rocky :(

#136778 by Persuader
Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:17 pm
Jackass nr II, haven't laughed that much in a long time. :D

Maybe I need to grow up...

#136792 by Hughie
Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:56 pm
My fiance and I just saw Night At The Museum, it was awesome.

#136837 by Greg Reason
Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:03 pm
Babel by Allessandro Gonzalez Inarritu.... what a master he is. He is able to make comment on twenty or more aspects of society within the space of a two hour film and generate more thought than I could have believe possible.

Rather than deliver crushing blows in the plotline like he did in 21 Grams, this film is more subtle and more a subjective affair. I think that some people will get a lot out of it and some people will probably end up wondering why people think it's so damn amazing.

Rest assured though, this guy is one of the greatest directors of our time for his sheer command of the art. Every shot, every piece of dialogue, every sound, every movement an actor makes; it's all perfect.

#136838 by feelgoodmordecai
Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:17 pm
Like Hughie said, we went to see A Night at a Museum, and it was so hilarious! Robin Williams was really good as FDR, and Ben Stiller was good too. It was odd that their main character would be a divorced out of work dad. I mean think about it, 20 or so years ago, there would have never been a movie with said main character.

They'd all be happy families...

Nonetheless, A Night at a Museum was a really nice movie. A lot of adultier jokes for the parents, and older crowd to keep their attention.

#137022 by fragility
Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:28 pm
Last night I watched Dirty Dancing..haven't seen it since I was like 5, when we used to watch it all the time. It was funny, everything about it was so incredibly familiar except know I actually understood what was going on :)

#137026 by DevonH
Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:54 pm
I got to watch A Scanner was OK....if it wasn't for the interesting visual aspect, the film would suffer.
It's basically a drug abuse movie with a lot of random, dumb dialog and drug induced paranoia from dopers.

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