DTP boxsets galore!
#302622 by Pockets1777red
Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:20 pm
As said in the Subject line, Both versions of the Contain Us Boxsets are on sale at Century Media Record's Online Store plus all other titles that are not pre orders are on discount. (North American Store only!)

Here is the link to the webstore ->>>>http://www.cmdistro.com

Everything is 12% off except for pre-orders which are exempt from the discount.

A lot of the items will have an "ARMY" stamp on the picture of the item.
That means you can get an extra 10% off by entering this promo code in the "Promotional Code" box after entering your payment method.

The website has been slow at times for the past week or two so if it isn't working, try to refresh or come back to it later.

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