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#184426 by Amber
Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:33 am
Purple Phoenix wrote:
XIII wrote:If Devin would be so kind... was the design of The New Black done as a reference to this idea?

I'm not Devin, but I believe I recall him saying that the title was something Gene came up with, while they were throwing around ideas or titles... I rather like your idea, though. I also think Devin has said that SYL is generally red for him... someone correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, that's just his vision of it- anyone can see it differently.

I get the feeling of red a lot as well. Black and white too though, espeically with songs such as "Wrong Side" Although in certain songs I feel murky/deep greens and browns too. Obviously I don't know what Devin gets, thats just what I kinda pick up on.

And Teller - Thats exactly what I do too. Hooray for us sneaky ninjas :P
#184432 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:46 pm
I'm thinking that everyone connects music and color to some degree - some more than others. But I would guess that many of those connections come from album art, the colors used and so on, the predominant theme of the album.

Alien is... black and red(silver as well)
Ocean Machine is... blue, grey, white, purple-ish
Terria is... browns, greens, earthtones


So while there are some synesthetics on this board, I think it's probably only natural that the rest of us correlate colored mental imagery with up what we already know and have seen. Not a whole lot of point to this post, but just an observation.
#184433 by Lawrence
Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:48 pm
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:I'm thinking that everyone connects music and color to some degree - some more than others. But I would guess that many of those connections come from album art, the colors used and so on, the predominant theme of the album.

Alien is... black and red(silver as well)
Ocean Machine is... blue, grey, white, purple-ish
Terria is... browns, greens, earthtones


So while there are some synesthetics on this board, I think it's probably only natural that the rest of us correlate colored mental imagery with up what we already know and have seen. Not a whole lot of point to this post, but just an observation.

I agree completely
#184435 by soundsofentropy
Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:10 pm
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:So while there are some synesthetics on this board, I think it's probably only natural that the rest of us correlate colored mental imagery with up what we already know and have seen. Not a whole lot of point to this post, but just an observation.

For me (a synesthete), Dev's albums are usually tons of colors. It's part of what makes them so much fun. For instance, "Truth" is a wet, silvery blue, but by the time "Bad Devil" comes up, things have turned a bit reddish and blurry--and it keeps going: "Ants" is sort of purple and white and "Colonial Boy" is a gorgeous green. When I think of an album on the whole, I don't get anything but the cover art colors, but when I'm actually listening, it opens a whole new world.

Also, Terria has evoked some of the most vivid, intense colors I've ever associated with music.

One last thing: Beethoven and a few others come in a reasonable second to Dev in synesthetic evocation, for me.

Not a whole lot of point to my post, either...
#184439 by Spaceman Spiff
Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:24 pm
Hey! I'm in LA and I'm from Canada! :o

I'm not recording anything though.
#184441 by Spaceman Spiff
Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:26 pm
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:I'm thinking that everyone connects music and color to some degree - some more than others. But I would guess that many of those connections come from album art, the colors used and so on, the predominant theme of the album.

Alien is... black and red(silver as well)
Ocean Machine is... blue, grey, white, purple-ish
Terria is... browns, greens, earthtones


So while there are some synesthetics on this board, I think it's probably only natural that the rest of us correlate colored mental imagery with up what we already know and have seen. Not a whole lot of point to this post, but just an observation.

I'm sure this is the case. Even when we dream and see faces, they're faces we've actually seen at some point in our lives.
#184445 by Amber
Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:51 pm
soundsofentropy wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:So while there are some synesthetics on this board, I think it's probably only natural that the rest of us correlate colored mental imagery with up what we already know and have seen. Not a whole lot of point to this post, but just an observation.

For me (a synesthete), Dev's albums are usually tons of colors. It's part of what makes them so much fun. For instance, "Truth" is a wet, silvery blue, but by the time "Bad Devil" comes up, things have turned a bit reddish and blurry--and it keeps going: "Ants" is sort of purple and white and "Colonial Boy" is a gorgeous green. When I think of an album on the whole, I don't get anything but the cover art colors, but when I'm actually listening, it opens a whole new world.

Also, Terria has evoked some of the most vivid, intense colors I've ever associated with music.

One last thing: Beethoven and a few others come in a reasonable second to Dev in synesthetic evocation, for me.

Not a whole lot of point to my post, either...

I agree with what DsD said too. I get mental imagery, (in colour) But I don't think I'm actually a synesthete. I can just feel the colour of it, if that makes sense? I think I have overactive imagination :D

And thats is a rather cool array of colours there. Do you think there is a kinda of... 'generic' colour with certain types of music? If that makes sense. Like for example, red usually is associated with anger, but red can mean a multitude of different things too. One persons red could be another persons blue...
Sorry, I rambled. :P
#184454 by FFLinchpin
Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:25 pm
Amber wrote:One persons red could be another persons blue...

This is something i theorized. Probably not quite what you mean, but i thought perhaps people may see colors differently, and the only way to know is if we exchange bodies for a day lol.

i used to think my synesthesia was just an overactive imagination until i heard its an actual "condition" or whatever. Most people i talk to it about say theyve never experienced anything like that. i also see numbers when i hear songs. Its interesting to hear what everyone else sees when they hear specific music :)
#184460 by Amber
Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:03 pm
Haha well I certainly do not see numbers when I listen to music. I am mathmaically retarded in every sense. I find Sudoku overwhelming on my poor brain. Its just like a bunch of jumbled lines everywhere. :P

Thats interesting though.

But no I know exactly what you mean on colour - I have wondered if one person sees a square as a triangle, but like you said the only way to find out is switching bodies. Although shapes probably not, I do not see why colour couldn't be. If that makes sense? :D

And I get movies playing in my head whenever I read or hear something. Thats why I think its just a silly imagination (although I am very thankful for it. It's provided me with 90% of my artistic stuff, funnily enough. :P )
#184469 by Wosko
Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:39 pm
someone should draw me a picture :D
#184495 by Grimview
Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:56 pm
I'm not a synesthetic, but there's certain things I tend to get out of certain songs and albums... Terria has a habit of sending me off into daydreaming from the first few notes, and whatever daydreams I end up having are usually very earth-themed, and seem to follow the flow of the album... more exciting/scary/energetic things at the start, during Mountain and Earth Day, and leading into calmer, more peaceful things as the album goes on.
Synchestra's similar, although that's pretty much entirely peaceful... with the Vampolka/Vampira duo tending to result in very silly daydreams...

For another example, though, listening through Porcupine Tree's Lightbulb Sun makes me get very calm, if somewhat despondent... whereas Fear of a Blank Planet tends to bring out a hint of melancholy, and get me thinking a lot.

I think everyone who actually listens to the music they have playing experiences it differently. Some see, or perceive, colours... while others get certain moods. If that makes any sense?

I dunno. The best music makes me daydream, and the themes of the songs, and their moods, tends to effect the daydreams - and the presentation (and colour) of things in the daydreams. Terria and Synchestra result in very earthy dreams, filled with greens and browns... but Terria's have more greys, and darkness, while Synchestra's have more light, and some yellows.
To go back to the Porcupine Tree examples, Lightbulb Sun tends to result in very muted-coloured daydreams, where things are very flat, almost black and white, with some blues... while Fear of a Blank Planet results in more soft-edged dreams, where the colours tend to blur a bit, with light and most objects having a vague blue tinge. Porcupine Tree in general tends to give things a blue-ish grey tinge when I zone out listening to them, though, so that may just be a sign of the band.
#184496 by AlucardXIX
Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:23 pm
Yea...I hope everyone talking about music invoking "colors" has synesthesia...because if not you're just a bullshitter, or you're just generally saying that album has a "texture" resembling a "color". I wish I had it though =/
#184498 by XIII
Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:05 pm
AlucardXIX wrote:Yea...I hope everyone talking about music invoking "colors" has synesthesia...because if not you're just a bullshitter, or you're just generally saying that album has a "texture" resembling a "color". I wish I had it though =/

Oh, so it's NOT automatic in everyone? See, that's what I thought, I thought it was something everyone could do. I mean.... it takes work, but I could kind of do it. But if there's an actual mental condition that allows this, I don't think I have it.
#184500 by Nathan_lol
Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:18 pm
"It's only a number
It's only a death
Another soldier died in action
The telegram regrets"

First person to name that song gets...er...my acclaim! Anyways, I hear colors in some music, but not all, and my colors aren't often that specific. Like alot of Opeth's music just brings out alot of really bleak, sad colors like gray and murky brown, while Porcupine Tree's "Fear of A Blank Planet" gives me a really futuristic blueish feel. Devin's music is the easiest for me, though. Like Deadhead is green, Bastard is sort of a dark blue, silverish thing, and Unity is like a really clear, translucent color.
#184509 by AlucardXIX
Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:44 pm
Synesthesia off of Up The Downstair by Porcupine Tree, their second proper album...Dude I'm a freaking PT nut, I have EVERYTHING, even Tarquin's Seaweed Farm from before Steven even had PT! BTW if you dont have the 8 minute extended version of that song I HIGHLY suggest getting it!

I wish I could say it invoked "colors" for me, but music just fills a need for me right now. I feel like I would go crazy without a certain amount of music per day(thats exaggerating, I just listen to a lot of music during the day)

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