Get down there and... well, you know the rest
#165807 by Amerikraut
Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:13 pm
Ok i'll try and be right to the point with this. I dont want to know your favorite SYL songs, but more so the specific transitions or parts of songs that grabbed you by the nuts (or ovaries respectively) the first time you heard it. Whatever had the most impact on your opinions of SYL today.

So in no apparent order:

*The climax of Shitstorm, that piercing "FUCK YOU" he screams resolving what is the craziest build up on any SYL album.

*When Skeksis transitions from the solo to Dev screaming, while Gene Hoglan keeps that off beat high hat going the entire time.

*We Ride transitioning from 1st to 2nd verse.

*The first 40 or so seconds of Possesions.

Apologies if this thread has been done before.

#165812 by Coma Divine
Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:50 pm
The hammerblows near the start of "S.Y.L." just after Bubba Dev's little story.

It was the first time I'd ever heard anything from Devin, and I remember feeling a little creeped out right at that point, and thinking "woah! this dude means business!".

Then the vocals commenced, and I ran for my life. :lol:

#165816 by Dunkelheit
Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:14 pm
"im tired of waiting for fucking nothing"

that line in particular

especially when im singing along

#165833 by Persuader
Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:33 am
Agreed, I actually got chills right now by just humming the chorus. :)

#165834 by frequency-lsd
Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:53 am
The chorus from Underneath The Waves and the i fucking hate you part in Syl

#165836 by djskrimp
Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:08 am
frequency-lsd wrote:The chorus from Underneath The Waves and the i fucking hate you part in Syl

So true.


"All Hail the New Flesh" when Dev sings that line....oooh.

Hyperdrive. The whole thing.

The Greys. The whole thing.

Greetings. The whole thing.

Sit In the Mountain.

The scream at the end of "Things Beyond Things"

The beginning of "Suicide" and "Depth Charge"


Well, a lot, anyway.

#165846 by simbelmyne
Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:49 am

"I see you
I need you
I leave you behind"

-part in Tiny Tears

Funeral - the whole song

Detox: "how did i get here tonight... "

#165847 by RastaPappi
Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:06 am
Depth Charge - almost the whole song, starts when Dev starts to sing
Suicide - Chorus n the one part with just scraping the strings when Dev says "Suffer!" n the whole song is so freaking good
By Your Command - 6:30 ->
Planet Smasher - "Tell me what you want from me?"
Earth Day - whole song

ok so this was about SYL.. but i didnt have my SYL with me right now n only some of his own stuff *sorry* :oops:

#165870 by Liquid
Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:39 am
In Thalamus, when he screams, "IN US!" and you wonder if he could possibly be more amazing, and that's when he chooses to hurl out his lungs with "We're all we have now." There is no comparing. Well, to other artists, anyways. Dev's got other things like it.

#165895 by Purple Tentacle
Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:49 pm
S.Y.L. :

Velvet Kevorkian : The first two hits on the drums at about 7 seconds in.

Thalamus : When Dev screams "OF MY FAITH, OF MY FATE" and then the "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS". It's one of the most intense scream ever.

Love? : At about 39 seconds, when the keyboard kicks in.

Skeksis : At about 30 seconds, when the 2nd guitar makes a HUGEE slide then comes in. During the whole beginning, I thought that it sounded full, and then the 2nd guitar kicks in and the sound is full x 1000, with a huge bass boom at the same time. Awesome.

Force Fed : The last chorus. "To loveeeeee, AGAAAaaAAaaaAAAIIN!!"

The Devin Townsend Band :

Storm : The last chorus : "WHAT WE NEVEEER, BEEEEEEEN, BEFOOOooOOoore!!!"

Suicide : At 5:36, during the guitar solo, the guitar bend + silence from the rest of the band. It lasts about one second, but it is SO cool.

Hypergeek : The wall of sound at 1:00

Triumph : 4:00 to 4:55

A Simple Lullaby : the song ends on the F#... or so you think, because they sustain the note for a VERY long time. Then, silence. Then, a few drum hits and then, FINALLY, the G, to end the song. Pure genius.

Devin Townsend solo :

Seventh Wave : 4:55 to 5:20

Life : 3:56 to 4:11

Truth (live, from the bootleg CD) : 1:30, right after the guitar slide. I don't know what's up with that, but the whole choir thing sounds absolutely stellar.

By Your Command : The very end. The groove is so cool + the men group saying I-Don't-Know-What sounds incredible.

N9 : 2:14. The song is fast paced and heavy, but at this point, radically turns slow and "SO BEAUTIFUL". Genius.

Planet Smasher : The first growl from the Planet Smasher at about 1:36.

Mountain : The first growl, at the VERY beginning.

The Fluke : 2:52 to 3:15

Stagnant : The last chorus.

Ok, I realize that it makes quite a lot of different songs to check out, but all of those give me the chills lol

Also, could anyone help me understand what's up with the parts I mentionned in "Seventh Wave", "Life" and "The Fluke"? I find them all very similar but I don't quite understand why. Maybe it's a similar chords progression?

#165896 by ghaleon0075
Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:51 pm

-The choruses in Force Fed
-The middle part of Detox (the less heavy part?)
-The part before the chorus in All Hail the New Flesh
-Pretty much all of Almost Again
-The chorus parts of Wrong Side
-Pretty much all of Spirituality
-The part after the second chorus, before the third verse (the in between thing) in Room 429.

Devin Townsend [Band]

-Sit in the Mountain intro+part after the second chorus
-The Hallelujahs in Truth
-All of Wild Colonial Boy
-First verse of Dynamics
-Last few minutes of Noisy Pink Bubbles
-Chorus/solo in Planet Rain
-The first 2:50 of Judgment
-Pretty much all of Ocean Machine and Terria
-All of Away
-Probably a bunch more that Im forgetting...
#167183 by Matt Nevens
Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:06 am
All hail was the first thing i ever heard by Dev way back in 1998, and it still makes the hairs on my arms stand up!!

truth - the whole thing
Christeen - the end part "oh we know..."
Seventh wave "On my way..."
Bastard "Gone now in a field of green..."
Earth day "If you dont belive me.."
Stagnant "find my way home..."
SYL - chorus
Skeksis - beggining
Zen "must remember to keep..."
Almost again - the drums
Color my world - the ocean machine bit

and the song Red Tomorrow

peace :)
#167300 by Deth Warmdover
Sun Mar 09, 2008 6:35 pm
Don't you EVER forget
If you want crazy...
If you want fucking crazy..
I'll show you how to be crazy..
FUCK YOU...................Chills every time
#167329 by Marijn
Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:22 am
The chorus of Fucker! Nasty :D .

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