Get down there and... well, you know the rest
#188669 by Falling Upward9
Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:23 am
hevysyl_rob wrote:
Falling Upward9 wrote:....Shitstorm made me have a panic attack right in the middle of Sam's Club.
No joke, I felt lost. The chaos of everyone going in different directions.
All I could hear was, "I fucking hate myself!".
It sucked and rocked all at once.

:shock: Dude, that sounds like you had a blast :P i remember i was listening to for those aboot to rock really loud and theres a bit in that (cant remember which) where dev just screamed and i did it along with it and i most done it wrong :D and almost blacked out, the blood like rushed to my head, and my vision went all blurred and there was like some sonic boom went off in my head :P and everything just went quiet for about 30 seconds before my hearing and vision came back fully...thne i continued to headbang and scream :twisted: i love dev, and headbanging very voilently to in the rainy season for the first time proper going for it and i fainted from dizzyness and it may of been all the blood rushing to my brain and the mass amounts of it swirling around my head, that i damage some blood vassels or somthin' and i woke up after fainting with a nose bleed, and i had about 7 nose bleeds within 2 days after that 8) but that didnt stop me from doing it again...but i seem to of grown immune to I.R.T.S now :| no more dissyness but still that massive buzz :P like with most devs songs

Haha, that is awesome. I finished the whole album in the store.
I am sure the bag boys didn't know what to do.

Do you actully work on your vocals? sounds like you have a ton of fun playing around with it.
#188695 by hevysyl_rob
Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:24 pm
Falling Upward9 wrote:Haha, that is awesome. I finished the whole album in the store.
I am sure the bag boys didn't know what to do.

Do you actully work on your vocals? sounds like you have a ton of fun playing around with it.

no i do not work on them persay i just scream and scream unil it stops hurting :P not ethical but "meh" :twisted: i would love to get professional training, id love to scream to love and be able to last the whole duration of the last "control" scream :)

What are your vocals like?
#188856 by Falling Upward9
Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:58 pm
Well, I am more into growls. I have been working on my screams but, have never really had problems with my voice hurting.
I learned to sing with my diaphragm so it helped to translate that to harsh vocals.

I do it all the tim though. Everyone at school looks at me like I am posessed! haha :twisted:
#188880 by hevysyl_rob
Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:12 pm
Falling Upward9 wrote:...I do it all the tim though. Everyone at school looks at me like I am posessed! haha :twisted:

Hahah :P you the DEV!

i might look on the internet for vocal training techniques etc..but fine with a little pain :twisted:
#189448 by SouvlakiSlowdive
Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:30 am
The Official Bootleg version of 'Truth', with the extended beginning always gets me.
'Funeral', the beginning right after the build-up; first introduction of the drums. The guitar work is so awesome.
'Noisy Pink Bubbles' just after it finishes the lyrics that are in the booklet but that you can't hear (at least I can't), the almost ambient/sonic guitar grabs me by the nuts 100%. And then later when he says "Fine Fine Fine..." That just rips em off. In a good way?
The part in Planet Rain when he screams "Show you've a soul by crying!" and the last part of all the "Sorry"'s.
The middle of "Mountain" with all the "Wo-oah wo-oah wo-oah!"'s.
"Universal" It's the weirdest song I can think of, ever, but I love the bluesy/folksy guitar in the first half of the song. It's so easy-going.
"3 A.M." The whole thing is so beautiful. I never get tired of it.
The EPIC scream build-up in "Regulator".
The entirety of "The Death of Music", but especially after the part "No matter where we run, we will simply not be alone."
And then I'd have to say in Dynamics, "There's only one KEY to unlock the door!" I love that part.

I can't honestly even think of everything. There's just so much.
#190977 by Schrödinger
Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:34 am
Deth Warmdover wrote:Don't you EVER forget
If you want crazy...
If you want fucking crazy..
I'll show you how to be crazy..
FUCK YOU...................Chills every time

This. That and Velvet Kevorkian - the whole song is just awe-inspiring.
#191038 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:13 pm
Awesome thread, my two cents off the top of my head:

*Skeksis - 2:50 (so many voices)all the way through that "relates to" passage
*Oh My Fucking God - chorus, verses, whole thing.
*AAA - the beginning really gets me. "Now maybe he pulled a little closer/cold in a mousy way/boom boom as they came a little closer/put a bolt in the curse today..."

Solo Dev
*The Death of Music - the whole song really, but especially 9:25 on. The scream that leads into that whole epic vocalization. Amazing.
*Bastard - "And they can push me harder/But you know I'll never go/And they will justify it, but you know/It will take them slow..."
*Earthday - Chorus!
*Funeral - whole thing, really
*Soul Driven Cadillac - whole thing
*Hyperdrive - whole thing

#191069 by swervedriver
Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:06 am

- S.Y.L. - intro through to the chorus; starts really haunting and dark and then you feel the rage building and building and finally exploding into "I FUCKING HATE YOU!". Also the keyboards in the background of the 2nd verse (whose pitch slowly shifts up) give it a very dramatic effect, so good. And then the music stops and Devin screams "I!!!" (continuing with "worked for you fucking bastards"), yum.
- In The Rainy Season - The opening bass notes before the drums kick in, right at the beginning. Also the part with "OH HOLY FUCK OH HOLY FUCK OH HOLY FUCK!" gets me every time. And needless to say, the breakdown.
- Happy Camper - Every audible breath Dev takes, especially the very first. :D
- Satan's Ice Cream Truck - The whole thing really, but the real highlight is the solo. Extremely cheesy, but oh so great.

- Velvet Kevorkian - What's that I hear? I'll just turn up the volume. *shockwave ensues*
- All Hail The New Flesh - The chord progression from the "I'm so sorry" part into the "All hail.." part.
- Oh My Fucking God - The mental screaming (around 2:00) before the song changes its tempo. I love that part too, btw. And the final scream is amazing.
- Detox - From "How did I get here tonight" through to "All my hopes and aspirations / Nothing but puke!". I love singing/screaming along with that part.
- Home Nucleonics - "The beat starts here" :D Also, the "I... WILL... NOT... CHANGE!!!" screams and the following riff (which is fucking heavy).

- Dire - The whole thing, it's just so beautiful to listen to.
- Consequence - When the song comes back to the same chords as in Dire, while Dev is grunting "OOOOHHHHHHH" and then continues with "YOOOOUUUUU FAAAAAAAAAIIIIIILLLL!". Fucking chills!
- Rape Song - "I WANT YOU FOR YOUR BODY, WANT YOU FOR YOUR BODY, WANT YOU FOR YOUR BODY, I WANT YOU FUCKING DEAD" ...and then the immediate transition into:
- Aftermath - Pretty much the whole song, but my favorite part starts at 4:27. An insane scream by Dev, guitars ring out while the drums are going double-time and then the whole major heavy riffage thing, which then transitions into another chorus. Brilliant stuff.
- Force Fed - The choruses.
- Bring On The Young - The insane "BRING ON THE YOUUUUUNG!" shriek.

- Imperial - When the rhythm changes to 3/4. And the last bit with "now is the time we deliver" and ending with "WE.. SHALL BE HEEEEEAAAAAAARRRRD!!"
- Skeksis - Every single note, holy shit!
- Shitstorm - Been mentioned to death, so +1 for all that mentioned the build-up to the insane "FUCK YOUUUU!". The melodic outro is also very nice.
- Love? - "There's no external way to tell if a woman is ready to receive." :D
- Shine - The part with the choir singing "shine on shine on etc". And the same part when it's played without the choir.
- We Ride - "Cold and foreign, spirit broken, please can we go home? NO!" *solo* And the bit with "I'm being completely rational / I'M NOT YELLING!!" up to "I know I have my issues, and we know you have yours!" Especially the word 'we' in that passage. :)
- Two Weeks - In its entirety.
- Thalamus - Great build-up culminating in the massive screaming and then instantly transitioning into the serene "Close your eyes.." part. Eargasm.

- Decimator - I love the opening riffs.
- You Suck - "Even your girlfriend fucking sucks / HELL YEAH SHE FUCKING SUCKS" Comedy! :D
- Antiproduct - The instrumental breakdown.
- Monument - The weird rhythm throughout the song. Like that beat was stolen from some hip R&B song.
- Wrong Side - The chorus where Dev does insane sweeps and insane vocals, wow. The solo is also great.
- Hope - Love how it starts off pretty slow, but gets totally crazy towards the end.
- Far Beyond Metal - Every second, right down to the final out-of-sync guitar strum and drum crash.
- Almost Again - The main riff and verses, especially the last one with one of the best vocal performances I've ever heard. Also in the outro it sounds like someone is falling from the sky and hitting the ground, lol.
- Polyphony - A great transition into:
- The New Black - "YOU BURN THE MEDIC!" Those choruses sound vicious.. The melodic part with "Sleepwalking / Same thing as but of" is also really great. Finally, the "OUR WORLD.. HAS BEEN BLACKENED" and the following outro which sounds dissonant at first but still manages to end on something that sounds peaceful.

Devin Townsend (Band):

Fuck that, maybe later. This has taken enough time as it is. :p
#191538 by therapist
Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:16 am
- "Our world has been blackened" on The new black
- "Technology will be the second coming" on Home nucleonics
- Chorus of Love?
- Chorus of All hail the new flesh
- Intro scream on Dire
- "No one fucks with me" on AAA
- When guitar harmonics come in on Aftermath
- "YESS!" scream on Decimator
- "Vacation, procreation, sterilization, DISNEYLAND!" bit on Possessions
- Solos on We ride
- Chorus of Far beyond metal
- Chorus of Wrong side
- Horn section on Anti-product
- Bring on the young, whole song
- Room 429, whole song
#194626 by Naz
Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:24 pm
If I was to start picking apart my favourite musical parts, I'd be here forever, so I'll just go with the lyrics that make me break when I sing them due to relevance, in no specific order or with track names, but with reasons.

"Oh Earth, what changes hast thou seen?" - Gets me worked up over how we're slowly destroying the planet.
"Can we be saved? Does anybody even care?" - as above.
"So from the great plains...From the void...I will wait for you" - Reminds me of my pledge to Archæon (RIV).
"I know... -> ...feeding time begin!" Reminds me of the last conversation we had before he left.
"Here I am, living life inside a comic book, Here I am, bored with everything..." - Me for my teenage years, all inclusive.
"I'm not insane, I'm not insane...I'm just smarter than you." - Got me through being unpopular due to liking quantum mechanics instead of (UK) football.
"Every dream I have wants me to stay, Every night I try to find a way" - A girl I knew. Suffice to say it stayed a dream.
"All the time I needed your approval to be me" - Same girl.
"Sexy 17-year-old, moving up and down the pole" - Same girl decided to turn my screws.
"Will you save me? Hooray for you" - Same girl, looking back with my tongue firmly drilled through the side of my jaw.
"It's so cold today, so I get away, and I'm left behind with nothing but words..." - A month away from home after a stupid argument summed up in one sentence.
"Same thing, every time, It always seems to need what I'm not" - Life and me, an ever-repeating pattern.
"People predisposed... ->...starting to go" - I saw a friend's face change the moment their THC level went over the top. Such a sudden thing, so unexpected.
"That bump in your armpit is Cancer" - The last thing we expected, but she pulled though. Shame the pills make her so angry, but she's still here.
"Well, it's just entertainment folks" - Because I just can't accept the fact.
"And now I'm 29 years old, And I'm a million miles away" - I plan to be off this rock and traveling the universe by 29, regardless of the wants of others.
"All my life... -> ...inside, boy!" - The will of others.
"The Greyhound Home" - is my home. Sometimes I think I'm the only person that understands these three words bar him, but it's probably just my own slant.
"Did you know that Time is not a straight line?" - I did, but try explaining that monosyllabically! Peons...
"Modular forms... -> ...chill, man" - My thoughts and the response I get from people in return. If I could, I would. Cheers. Any other ideas?
"I'm Ziltoid! The Horror!" - I saw someone lose all their sociological masks in one chemical-fueled night, and they ended up screaming just like that for hours.

/lifestory :oops:

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