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Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:48 pm
by HauntingTheHoly
Octillus wrote:
HauntingTheHoly wrote:I have calculated the POWER LEVELS of each song on the album! You're all very welcome!

In order, the songs power levels are as follows:

1) Ih-Ah! - It's over nine thousand!



But it is, it really is. lol.

I think it's amazing, Dev's story about dreaming this song, waking up with it in his head and going to the studio to record it. I thought it was gonna be a "Two Weeks" like break on the album, but the song is full of power and energy! And a nice change of energy for the album at that - and much needed! The album would indeed have been way too "thin" without this song. And it's the best song on the album.

Dev should sleep and dream as often as possible. :)

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:10 pm
by cjb
ok, couldn't resist it............i am happily awaiting my cd and hoodie bundle so i dont feel bad about having an early peek at my christmas gifts :mrgreen:
very good stuff.
as great as the songs are and as happy as i am with the record, i really have to say that for me, this record is at its strongest when devin is singing.........thats just a personal taste thing i guess.

supercrush may well be the best song ever though :)
and i still love bend it like bender :mrgreen:

ok, quick edit...........Ih-Ah!.......utter perfection........ i am in love with this song...........

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:11 pm
by Liquid
What do power levels measure, exactly?

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:26 pm
by twentyjunious
I do believe that they measure power. :)

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:56 pm
by Rational.GaZe
just wanna say two things

1-Numbered is one of the greatest examples of music I have ever heard. (anekke's free singing bit @ 3.48 - 4.21, and the end when its just anekke layered vocals.
2-The very start of awake - aaaaaauuuuuuuh! pure awesome. (Devins voice on this album. Sounds so fresh, so similar, such attention getting vocal melodies).

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:27 pm
by No OnE
Liquid wrote:What do power levels measure, exactly?

They measure your strength/energy in proportion to your psysique (it's a dragonball z thing). To figure yours, (i stole this from some site google found)

1. What’s your weight?
2. What’s your age?
3. How much can you lift?
4. How tall are you in inches?
Now, add your weight, age, pounds you can lift and how tall you are in inches, together and divide by 50. There’s your Power Level. The normal Human is between 5-8.


Haven't heard the leak yet, my internet is slow :cry:

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:50 am
by OutsideofNight
I listened to it 10 times today.

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:55 am
by Piru
BetaBeeblebrox wrote:I will buy it for every single friend who has a birthday coming up in the months before Deconstruction comes out.

Excellent idea. At least one copy will go to my brother as a christmas present.

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:55 am
by Telescopes Are Gay
This is one of the few, if not, the only album where I never skip a track. Anneke's vocals add a whole new dynamic that makes me, well, jizz in my pants.

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:30 am
by hog
twentyjunious wrote:I do believe that they measure power. :)



Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:36 am
by Dewy
Telescopes Are Gay wrote:This is one of the few, if not, the only album where I never skip a track. Anneke's vocals add a whole new dynamic that makes me, well, jizz in my pants.

Honestly, from the album teaser, I though that I was gonna hate some of these songs...I love them all. This album is like Accelerated Evolution and Ziltoid had a baby that took bits and pieces from uncle Synchestra and aunt Terria, and of course grandpa Ocean Machine.

Dev, I think you've created your magnum opus.

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:15 am
by ScottMcTony
Hmm, well I found BiLB to be your worst song ever, but whatever it had to be something at some point, although this might be the first one of yours I didn't enjoy at all. Ih Ah*[1] was another one I wasn't too hot on. Although both of those I expected to feel that way about. The Way Home and Awake actually dissapointed me, but I pretty much loved all of the rest,*[2] and only expected to love Addicted and Hyperdrive, so total sum enjoyment was slightly above expectations. The biggest surprises I think was quite how much I loved new Hyperdrive*[3], and the fact that I probably digged Anneke's vocals on this album more than Devins. And hey, since instead of a collection of songs I like, as I expected, it's 6 songs I love and 4 songs I don't really care for, I can even just skip the 4 songs I mentioned some of the time and turn the album into a 30 minute orgasm.

[1]Although those soprano vocals prove once and for all that Devin has the ability to transform into a woman at will, so it does serve one very important purpose.

[2]Although I think I might've enjoyed a shorter Supercrush more, it sort of sounded, um, cluttered but also repetative by the end? And I think Resolve could've kept up the schizphrenic (synth?) riffs that was cool

[3]I mean seriously, one of my favourite games is Iji, including one of my favourite soundtracks, although the stage 1/6 song was a bit dull for blowing stuff up so I changed it to Hyperdrive before. With this new version, I've replaced half the game with Hyperdrive, jeeze.

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:26 am
by Hearty
Get home from halloween party

Hungover as fuck

Make cup of tea

Find addicted leak

Ring girlfriend who ive been obsessing to since the teaser came out

Stick supercrush on

Life is GOOD.

Dev, you are a fucking GOD!!!

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:32 am
by dazbug
I refuse to download it, nothing beats the firs time you pop the cd in your cd player :)

Hopefully everyone buys it as well to support the artist. Although theres not huge $$ in cd's for artist, I like to support them everytime I can with buying theres cd's/tours etc. Just think if you don't support them, they ca't afford to tour and make more music for us. Can't wait for my cd/t-shirt pack sometime this month when it ships to Aus. :)

Re: Dev's opinion on discussing leaks.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:35 am
by Archetype
Well, what's the difference between downloading a leak, and buying the CD anyway, and not downloading a leak, and buying the CD.
Won't the artist be supported anyway? I'm guessing there's nobody on this board, who is only going to go with the leak, and not buy the CD.