#84745 by ASHORIZZOR
Fri Aug 12, 2005 5:31 am
Sorry for such a stupid question but during a radio interview I heard Devin saying the following things:

1. Do it as well as you can.

2. Work as hard as you can.

3. Don't shit where you eat.

Would you agree to that, I mean has Devin ever said such things to you or to somebody else or would you say, Devin's philosophie has changed a bit? In case the statement above is correct. Thanks in advance.

Necrophagia a.k.a. ASH.
#84747 by Chris
Fri Aug 12, 2005 5:56 am
I guess Dev has been a perfectionist throughout his whole career. Points one and two kinda relate to each other, since doing something as well as you can normally includes the will to work hard. Look at his albums' productions, for example - some might prefer this album and others that, but apart from taste everyone should acknowledge the hard work put into it and how much you can get out of the production of Dev's records.

So, the answer to your question would be YES, and I heard those or similar quotes before too...

...maybe for his third advice, he had to go through a longer (and not that tasty... ahem) learning process.

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