#84586 by fragility
Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:15 am
Without trying to poke fun at people...well, actually that's exactly what I'm doing, I was getting pizza last night, laughing at the other member of staff on the phone saying "I can't pick what you want on your pizza, you will have to tell me what you want" which went on for about 10 minutes, lol, anywho, got me thinking about how when dealing with members of the public, you always get some completely crazy/highly amusing are the most bizzare/funniest letters etc you've had at hevydevy?

#84604 by ianlogan123
Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:39 am
That sounds like my Mum ordering food.

"What's nice? What should I get? What would you recommend? Is that a spicy one? Oh no, not if it's spicy! What should I go for? Well I don't know! Just choose one for me."

#84613 by Falk
Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:15 am
Lol, a comic in France has done a show about that, for instance :
At the restaurant, the waiter to two customers who just came in :
"2 places ?
-No, we're 45, but the 43 left are still in the bus... *asshole...*
-So 2 places ?
-No just 1, my buddy will eat with his hands, directly on the table... asshole...*asshole...*"

Another one, the contrary this time :
"Excuse me, is the fish fresh ?
-No no asshole, it's rotten for 5 weeks but we try to sell it anyway *asshole*"

(of course my approximative translation doesn't sound as good as the original^^)

(Edit : ha crap, the censorship... :lol: Well it was about a certain part of anatomy around the lower back)

#84698 by fragility
Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:09 am
I used to work in the lingerie department of a department store and you get people ask to be tell them what size they are, and they don't want to be that size so they ignore you and go get another size which doesn't fit them at all, lol

And my personal favourite was when we were not supposed to let people in our fitting rooms unless they were trying on lingerie. So this lady comes over with a dress and my colleague says to her "have you got any underwear?" and the woman says with a completely serious face "yes, I've got a bra and knickers on" bahahaha

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