#84539 by asparagusDuck
Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:46 pm
Hey Tracy. I was just wondering, do you and Devin ever get sick of us? I mean we are constantly asking questions, talking about you guys, kissing Dev's ass and everything. Do you or do ever feel like "damn you people! leave us alone for 1 second!!!"
I could imagine Dev feeling this way especially at times when people are always analyzing him and his work all the time.

#84541 by Tracy
Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:01 pm
Short answer is yes and no. For the most part, you're awesome and it's great being able to have a relationship with you...

But there are some people that you can't please no matter what you do. The more you give, the more they want. People can get creepy and possessive. It is a double-edged sword. People think that they have the right to invade and to criticize... They think you owe them.

Genuine curiosity questions are fine. I sometimes just wish people would think before they ask. No, the band can't play your birthday party in South Africa! No, Devin is not willing to fly to Portugal to sing on your band's demo. And, if you have a complaint please think about whether it is valid and be respectful. Don't swear at me and make accusations because you're pissed off, it's likely not our fault. The tour isn't booked in your town? ASK THE BOOKING AGENCY! It's likely there was no promoter or venue available in the small window of time needed to book said tour. Don't take it personally. The band has no idea where a tour goes. They show up at the bus when they are supposed to and rely on the driver and tour manager to get them there on time - wherever that may be. Also remember that shit happens! I got so many hateful letters because the band had to cancel a couple of shows last month because they didn't have a bass player... One example from many.

Anyway, I like this forum. It's much better for me than email which got so infuriating I quit answering it. I have 180 mails in my Inbox that I hope to get to one day.

I like the praise mails, I like the curiosity mails, I don't like the demanding "Give me" mails.

#84542 by IronMaiden736
Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:59 pm
Tracy wrote:And, if you have a complaint please think about whether it is valid and be respectful

I'm sorry for asking the question about the cd prices. Now that I think about it, it was stupid to ask. :( Will you forgive me? :)

#84546 by Tracy
Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:38 pm
I'm sorry for asking the question about the cd prices. Now that I think about it, it was stupid to ask. Will you forgive me?

I was more referring to the ones who yell at me because there were no small shirts in the design they wanted at the show or something like that (HDR does not supply or have anything to do with tour merchandise). Your question was valid, how are you to know why there are differences in pricing? If you said

"What the f**k is it with your pricing? Everything else is cheaper so why are you ripping everyone off!"

That would have been disrespectful.

#84549 by Atari
Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:55 pm
Tracy wrote:"What the f**k is it with your pricing? Everything else is cheaper so why are you ripping everyone off!"

That would have been disrespectful.

And impossible. Chin up.

#84550 by IronMaiden736
Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:58 pm
Tracy wrote:
I'm sorry for asking the question about the cd prices. Now that I think about it, it was stupid to ask. Will you forgive me?

I was more referring to the ones who yell at me because there were no small shirts in the design they wanted at the show or something like that (HDR does not supply or have anything to do with tour merchandise). Your question was valid, how are you to know why there are differences in pricing? If you said

"What the f**k is it with your pricing? Everything else is cheaper so why are you ripping everyone off!"

That would have been disrespectful.

so you don't hate me? :)

#84584 by CardDinour
Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:02 am
Tracy wrote:I was more referring to the ones who yell at me because there were no small shirts in the design they wanted at the show or something like that

just a side note on that, are you behind the stall selling the shirts at the gigs ? or do you just attend backstage?

and your hair red hair looks nice in that photo!

as far as people getting on your nerves, despite this forum is dedicated at you - everyone here is just posting like any other forum where r'ships are formed, so i imagine it is nice to talk to the same people over and over :)

#84597 by WickedBuddhi
Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:52 am
People are too picky. They take choices for granted and think they have a right to demand or bitch about what they want.

You gotta make a living and do whatever it takes even if it does piss off a measly group of fans.
#84602 by Christophe_F
Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:58 am
so that's why Tracy has not answered my email... jeeee.

#84641 by Tracy
Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:17 pm
are you behind the stall selling the shirts at the gigs ? or do you just attend backstage?

I used to be at the booth then Devin started getting upset that I never got to be with him at shows. I still do it for local DT shows but not SYL ones.

#84774 by Guest
Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:55 am
If I was ever too demanding at some point over the last . . . umm 8 years, I apologize wholeheartedly. My teenage years were riddled with dickheadedness. Now I just bug Byron :)

#85891 by Goat
Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:34 am
Tracy, a month ago I ordered loads of stuff and I got a newsletter, on which there was a note in green: "Thanks, Jernej! :) ". Was that yours or someone of the staff?

And could you pleasepleasePLEASE tell me what Dev said to the Symphony X fans, y'know, the incident stuff, I can't find that info anywhere. I know it doesn't really matter, but I'm a sucker for words.


P.S. In Wikipedia, under Strapping Young Lad>History, your name is spelled wrong: "... manages it with his wife Tracey."

I told you I'm a sucker for words.

Good day. *bows*

#85906 by geoff
Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:39 am
Devin apologized to the Symphony X fans ... he was just a bit sarcastic with the audience, some people took what he said too seriously.

#85921 by ASHORIZZOR
Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:16 pm
geoff wrote:Devin apologized to the Symphony X fans ... he was just a bit sarcastic with the audience, some people took what he said too seriously.

Off topic: Buharhar geoff, your avatar rules, all possible thumbs up. :D

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