#84497 by Eyesore
Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:31 pm
I know DTB is still in the "solo" realm and they clearly kick ass, but DTB also have that whole "band" vibe going on. I am curious to know if Devin ever forsees another album such as Infinity or Terria, you know, something that sort of becomes bigger than any band and even Devin himself. There's just something magical about Ocean Machine, Infinity, Physicist and Terria that isn't there with DTB or SYL. Don't get me wrong, the music is still stunning and amazing, but the vibe is different. Am I making sense?

#84528 by Tracy
Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:33 pm
The only difference between the DTB and the previous albums is that the musicians stay the same. The writing process and recording is the same, Devin just didn't want to have to find musicians each time and wanted a consistent band to play the material live.

I'm baffled how changing the "name" (i.e. adding "Band") can change perceptions that much when there has really been no change at all to the process itself.

The vibe on every album is different, it may just be that the one on Accerated didn't click with you. It could also be that Devin didn't want the usual epic songs with that record.

I get this question a lot "Will there be a follow-up to ________?" No album is planned, they just happen. Unless his life circumstances in the previous year were extremely similar to that of a prior record, the sound is going to be different. If he forced himself to write in a certain style, the result would be insincere and possibly suck.

I really don't know why people misconstrue what Devin does as being far more contrived than it actually is. He writes whatever comes into his head without thinking. The "concept" is usually established by others after the record is released.

#84537 by Eyesore
Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:00 pm
Well, I put "themed" in quote because I had no other word for what I was getting at. I know Devin just writes what comes out, that I get. I've read enough interviews with him to know that's how it is. Maybe it is simply the name DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND that creates a different perception, I don't know.

On the other album it's almost like the artist is Infinity, Ocean Machine, etc, and Devin Townsend is simply a footnote, you know? With Accelerated Evolution, to me, that is clearly the album title whereas on previous releases the album title come off as much more. that you put it into words, maybe it is simply my perception being skewed by virtually nothing at all! Who knows! Hehehe.

Well, for the record, I think nothing Devin does is contrived. He's an artist in the purest form, this I know and fully understand. And Accelerated Evolution is stunningly brilliant. I hope I have redeemed myself now, I hate to be a person who asks an annoying question that a million people have asked before!


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