Follow the way Follow the way Holding mother
#162701 by shiram
Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:15 pm
To this day Physicist remains one of my favorite non-syl hevy Devy work
Lately I have been reminiscing on how i got acquainted with Devy music, and how it came at such a crucial time in my life.

I was just moved out, into a new place, new job, new city, new responsibilities... the works
not only that, the place i was living housed a broken up couple, which made life more hectic
and i remember my ongoing quest for escape back then, it translated into seeking new musical horizons
i dont remember how or why, but i downloaded Physicist, and i put it on my sony mini disc player (was too poor to buy a mp3 player)
I would constantly listen to it
at work, every so often i would just get to edge, and literally shake with anger and frustration, so when i'd get my break i'd just hunker down on my desk, put my headphones on listen to Physicist
It was also my soundtrack on the way back home from work, and sometimes back home as well

this album just connected with me, probably because it was a difficult time, but nonetheless now that things are better, i can still listen to it and enjoy it to its fullest
it might not be the most appreciated album, but to me its the most special of the whole lot

oh and in case your wondering i ended up buying the whole devy discography, even got a couple doubles :p

#163386 by Burzum
Sat Dec 22, 2007 4:49 pm
Albums often remind me of ceryain times in my life - some of them because they helped me througb a tough time or simply because they remind me of an era.

When I listen to Jane's Addiction's Ritual de lo Habitual I always think of driving to University. When I hear A Perfect Circle's second album it reminds me of my ex-g/f. And I'm quite certain that Ziltoid helped me through the break-up.

As for Physicist, no major memories apart from the fact that it's such a brilliant album and certainly under-rated. In many ways I think it's the best example of what Dev really is - intense and insane yet able to infuse a sense of beauty at the same time.

#163390 by day old male
Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:15 pm
Physicist is a special one for me too. I had also just moved to a new City, I was out of work, depressed and really had no direction in my life. I was only 21 btw. I was already a Dev-nut, having seen several of his shows in the past couple of years and bought all his albums up till then. So when Physicist arrived on my doorstep in May 2000, it was a very fresh sound for Devin at that point - a big step away from the complex insanity of Infinity. This was a stripped back, straightforward heavy metal album with a strange space-metal vibe about it. For me, that also co-incided with the wrapping-up of 2 great sci-fi tv shows (ST: DS9 & ST: Voyager), and somehow Physicist helped me grieve the loss of these characters I had been with for many years. My only regret with this album is that it never got to tour on its own strength - at least not in Australia. I would dearly love to hear a Physicist set live. I also miss Dev's hair from that time - the spiky hair about 2 inches long all over - made him look mad and genius; a guy who was capable of anything!

Thanks for the little nostalgia trip Shiram! :)

#163401 by JayjayAbnormal
Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:56 am
Physicist reminds me of last Christmas.

#164820 by psychotic
Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:10 am
Physicist was my very first Devin solo/OM/DTB purchase. Probably good since I was a huge SYL fan at the time. It was the perfect bridge into his solo (etc.) stuff. However, I remember listening to it nonstop when I got it, and I still listen to it quite a bit, but then again, I've been listening to all of Devin's stuff quite a bit for the last 5-6 years, but Physicist will always hold a special place in my heart.

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