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Random Analysis Lyrics?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:49 pm
by DavidIves
Hellooo there lovely people. I was just wondering if anyone knows any of the meanings behind the lyrics to random analysis. I just remember reading them when listening to it and thinking they were quite unusual. Cool though.

"im acting like a day old male, day old female"
"faggot is as faggot does with every little thing a faggot do"
"but understand that man or woman i dont want to sleep with you"

Very cool song

whos behoind the door?!iudhgfoiuhwg t9wuet0wrgh

Re: Random Analysis Lyrics?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:31 pm
by hairbearbunch
Think it might be something to do with overcoming expectations. Expectations based on emotions/sexuality and "the control of it all"

Re: Random Analysis Lyrics?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:31 am
by mannamann
Just Devin pondering along about infinity and chaos... As usual :)

Really, to me it looks like he's finding it all very confusing... The lyrical themes are pointing in like 6 different directions, with overall theme being chaos though, and him trying to "analyze" it

Re: Random Analysis Lyrics?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:16 am
by FFLinchpin
Yeah, i think its just what the title is. Random Analysis of random thoughts

i know, that wasnt the deep contemplative answer you were looking for :P

Re: Random Analysis Lyrics?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:50 am
by soundsofentropy
I remember reading in an interview that this song is basically a statement of "fuck you" without the harshness or intensity of Strapping.

Just a thought.

Re: Random Analysis Lyrics?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:01 pm
by Falling Upward9
I think when you string out thoughts and ideas of societie's expectations everything is linked.
I do believe that in the grand scheme of things everything is like a domino effect.
or, is it just us over analising things? humans are pattern seeking animals.
We can find patterns in things that might not be truly there.

Re: Random Analysis Lyrics?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:19 pm
by croomekid
My guess is it's based on Devin's apparent alienation from the rest of the world.
how he's "analyzed" for his mental "differences"; from the perspective of his chaotic mind.

although Devin's material is uncrackable.

Re: Random Analysis Lyrics?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:43 pm
by JohnMatt
Sorry for drudging up a month old topic, but...

DavidIves wrote:Hellooo there lovely people. I was just wondering if anyone knows any of the meanings behind the lyrics to random analysis. I just remember reading them when listening to it and thinking they were quite unusual. Cool though.

"im acting like a day old male, day old female"
"faggot is as faggot does with every little thing a faggot do"
"but understand that man or woman i dont want to sleep with you"

Very cool song

whos behoind the door?!iudhgfoiuhwg t9wuet0wrgh

I've had a decent guess at some of this. First - "I'm acting like a day old male, day old female."

My only real guess om this is a bit of a literal interpretation. A day old person (male or female) could be called a baby, yes? So perhaps that is how it is meant, that he's "being a baby" - it seems to tie in well with the line before the first time that line comes up too ("Justify, don't ask me why. Why? Just because.") and some stuff after that (including, now that I think about it, the "faggot" line).

More in general, if we say it's meant to be taken as "baby," it would mean in general being irrational/emotional, throwing a fit at not getting your way, and being generally easy to annoy. If we take a look at that in the context of the following few lines...

Saturday, another day, and life's a little give and take
And take and give
I'm staying home, I'm sorry boys, I'm a little sensitive
But still [perhaps "until"? not sure on this line] you're saying;
'Faggot is as faggot does with every little faggot thing a faggot do'
I'm not insane, I'm not insane...I'm just smarter than you.

This could be a reflection on Devy's childhood/teenage years perhaps. I don't know much about it, but given the theme of alienation that has popped up through his career, it wouldn't be a stretch to see Dev as a bit of a loner in high school.

And so this set of lines could be about, say, being picked on as a youngster and feeling weak or like an outcast because of it.

And so then perhaps, in this context, the second half of the song (or parts of it at least - and actually starting with that last line, "I'm not insane, I'm not insane...I'm just smarter than you.") could be about a period where Dev developed a view that being that outcast actually indicated a somewhat better status/personality/however you want to put it.

For example, during the second version of the chorus, he's saying "You're" a day old male, day old female, not "I'm," and these lines:

'Cause power is as power does
With every little power trip we pull because;
It's all inside our selfish pride wanting the control of it all

Would be talking about those who did the bullying (those who go on power trips), and talking about how the reason behind it is because they're trying to cover up their emotions (which is one way to try and control them), and with this having been both preceded and followed by the "day old male/female" line, perhaps Dev is saying that in fact, they're the "babies" (sort of code word for "irrational"), that is, those who try to run and hide from anything that's real or threatening.

Also note that it doesn't have to be specifically about bullying, but can be generally about any kind of personality where someone is very aggressive and feels the need to be dominant, and to a degree, the need to feel "perfect."

So, that's my take. This has been a bit of a rambling, train-of-thought explanation, so if I wasn't clear at all on something, ask me to explain my reasoning.

Re: Random Analysis Lyrics?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:37 am
by nogster
i think the song is simply dev expressing the emotions and feelings of relationships