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#318647 by HFloyd
Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:19 am
I met Devy. I told him how much of a fan and inspiration and everything he was to me.

In return, he told me that I'm going to achieve my music goals based on how important music is to me.

Devy? As somebody who got dumped in the worst and most self-explanatory way ever the day before? (IE: Think about ways you "discover" you've been dumped, rather than told you're dumped. Yeah.) I now burst into an uncontrollable giggle whenever I think about what you said. What a ridiculously nice thing to say to somebody who regards you as his music and recording idol. I am over the fucking moon that somebody who I look up to that much would say that to me.

Here's the picture of us. You couldn't pry that grin off with a scalpel.

Now even though Devy has turned me into somebody who spontaneously giggles, full credit must be given to the rest of the band who were ridiculously awesome people as well. They were really friendly, totally awesome human beings who looked like they were having as much fun as we were. They were happy to answer questions, joke around and generally be every bit as awesome as Devy.

So long story short, Devy and the rest of the band made this fanboy unbelievably happy which was going to be a damn tough ask today. There is nothing but gratitude and appreciation from me.

And Devy? I'm gonna make sure that what you told me comes true. :guitar:
#318660 by JuZ
Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:52 pm
Nice first post, brother!

All the best with your endeavours and thank you for making me smile. :D
#318747 by B0ydman
Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:00 pm
Really enjoyable read.
What I like about dt and the band is the sincerity, and absence of bring "affected".
When the music moves me so much, to think that they aren't just pushing the latest fad from their record label, or marketing firm, gives the music an additional dimension, which is what I think unleashes some crazy chemical reaction in my system, as I listen to it.

The guy really is special, as nuts as it sounds, I am sure the has Changed lives for the better, and maybe even saved lives.

His impact is far beyond his music.

It was great to bring a friend to the concert (43yr old family man who had never as much as heard of dt and though metal was u2 and acdc, and see him...addicted, by shows end.

Every story from dt and his band is positive.

I know we have bias in that who is going to come on line and post bad stories, but well, I just don't know if there are any?

Nice to read. Was that the VIP experience? Can I ask what time that was, ie just before the show, and did they stay long, sign things, . Many people or just a few (ie do they over sell those tix?)

#322456 by Superexperience
Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:08 am
Nice post.

I might be a bit late here.

I know the feeling. Ive met Devy twice, and both times he's been nice enough for a quick joke.

A genuine guy.
#322519 by KeasbyNights
Sat Oct 18, 2014 4:55 am
Just saw this, and it reaffirms my love of this group of musicians and people on this forum as well. It's nice to be able to have such joy in the music and the artistry, but at the end of the day to still have a regular human being to talk to. I think that's why the DTP's music is so appealing to so many people: they are true to themselves. They care about what they do. But more than what they do, they care about life and the people in it. Devin enjoys compliments I believe, but doesn't bask himself in them nor would he feel comfortable doing so. He's just a guy making music that means something to him, and is happy that other people like it too.

I'm pretty excited to meet them all and just say, thanks for being awesome humans. :) I'm happy for you though guy! Achieve those dreams! And from me to you, don't get down on yourself. Remember, we all have greatness inside us if we look for it, and we are satisfied with what we find. Keep on trucking. Life is beautiful even if it's dark sometimes.

Oh, also, maybe it's just cause it's late and I'm in a good mood, I tweaked your picture as best I could to remove a lot of that darkness from your faces. It's not great, but it's something. :D


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