Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#319687 by Faffy
Thu May 29, 2014 1:31 am
Because this thing's been down since foreeeever I'd like to know what's been going on elsewhere. :D

So, anyone had any babies or a nasty divorce? Killed anyone? Joined the circus? Lost a finger or two?

Do share!

How have you been? How did you engage with the real world while the forum was gone? :P
#319689 by JuZ
Thu May 29, 2014 1:55 am
Hiya Faffster.

Becoming a stay at home parent would be the main thing for me. It's going really well.

Watched a bunch of movies I've been meaning to watch for ages. Still got hundreds to catch up on.

What about you? How's life?
#319694 by Faffy
Thu May 29, 2014 4:48 am
Hiiii Juz! :D Glad to see you're still around here considering you've left the book of faces for a while. Sounds to me like life's treating you well. ^^,

My life has changed substantially since February-ish, and certainly the past few days.
Decided on a whim (much like how I ended up in the UK in the first place...) to develop a research proposal to apply for a PhD in psychology. As expected, I didn't get a scholarship, but I did get the place - with the two most awesome supervisors I could have ever hoped for! I'm sure this does not sound like a huge deal to some. But given my non-academic background (both previous education and family), childhood turmoils and a rough start at university, this is such a huge change of environment and future prospects. I got the news just a few days ago, so I am still trying to process it. :P
#319696 by Tyroshai
Thu May 29, 2014 5:46 am
Hullo :)

I've not been up to much except working aaaaaall the time. Oh, and learning to drive which I'm almost done with- theory test is booked next month.
Apart from that it's business as usual...Though I'm not quite sure what that actually is. :P
#319697 by Faffy
Thu May 29, 2014 5:55 am
Tyroshai wrote:Hullo :)

I've not been up to much except working aaaaaall the time. Oh, and learning to drive which I'm almost done with- theory test is booked next month.
Apart from that it's business as usual...Though I'm not quite sure what that actually is. :P

Yaaay, congrats on the driving thingy!

Also... don't you have some guy moving in with you soon? ;)
#319698 by Tyroshai
Thu May 29, 2014 6:09 am
Faffy wrote:
Tyroshai wrote:Hullo :)

I've not been up to much except working aaaaaall the time. Oh, and learning to drive which I'm almost done with- theory test is booked next month.
Apart from that it's business as usual...Though I'm not quite sure what that actually is. :P

Yaaay, congrats on the driving thingy!

Also... don't you have some guy moving in with you soon? ;)

Thanks Faffalicious, just hoping I'll pass both tests :)

Ah yeah...THAT guy. I'm flying back to the Netherlands on the 27th of June for a couple of weeks and bringing a wild Hidde home with me, hoorah! :D
#319702 by NamasteLikeBender
Thu May 29, 2014 10:11 am
I moved to Columbus, OH after graduating from smalltown Wisconsin in December. I'm already bored here (not to mention overheated) so I'm accelerating my timetable to move to Europe. Looking to attain TEFL certification and then getting to Poland, Lithuania, or Estonia. Or anywhere else, really.
#319707 by fragility
Thu May 29, 2014 12:18 pm
Yay, we're back! Thanks to whoever got it sorted!

Ooh, some very nice developments going on, congrats guys!

No babies yet, but the lack of forums obviously gave me far too much time on my hands, so I've got one on the way! ;)
#319714 by swervedriver
Thu May 29, 2014 12:45 pm
Congrats fragility! :)

As for me, entered into my final year of my PhD contract so things are definitely getting busy. Suffered some minor heartbreak a while back which wasn't really awesome. Saw Riverside live which was really awesome, and upcoming concerts include Karnivool, Soundgarden, Mastodon, DTP and possibly/probably Textures. So overall, not too bad I guess: could be better, could be worse. :)
#319721 by JuZ
Thu May 29, 2014 1:36 pm
fragility wrote:Yay, we're back! Thanks to whoever got it sorted!

Ooh, some very nice developments going on, congrats guys!

No babies yet, but the lack of forums obviously gave me far too much time on my hands, so I've got one on the way! ;)


I know you were starting to feel babyesque inclinations, so that's terrific. I hope name selection isn't the saga we experienced with our second bub.

Faffy... Well done! I'm sure no small amount of dedication and hard work went into it.
#319749 by Octillus
Thu May 29, 2014 7:31 pm
Whelp -

Mostly Awake did okay in local release and showings, but my little film crew has slowly dissolved. I'm writing new stuff all the time. In the meantime, I ferment things for a living (though I think I was doing that before the forums exploded).

I'm living with my wonderful girlfriend and a friend of hers from university. Our place is massive by NYC standards, cheap and nice.

Been a stressful few months between moving, work and everything, but right now things finally seem to be settling down.
#319752 by JuZ
Thu May 29, 2014 8:39 pm
You scored a massive, cheap and nice place in NYC.

Making you the envy of about half the planet!

That's great man, good to hear things are going well there.
#319753 by Octillus
Thu May 29, 2014 9:03 pm
JuZ wrote:You scored a massive, cheap and nice place in NYC.

Making you the envy of about half the planet!

That's great man, good to hear things are going well there.'s not that cheap. It's cheap by NYC standards. $2,000 a month and kinda far from manhattan (I work in Brooklyn only one neighborhood and a half over, so I don't care) but we have an office, a reading room, a living room and a kitchen as well as two bedrooms, so I'd say we're doing alright.
#319754 by JuZ
Thu May 29, 2014 10:08 pm
Octillus wrote:
JuZ wrote:You scored a massive, cheap and nice place in NYC.

Making you the envy of about half the planet!

That's great man, good to hear things are going well there.'s not that cheap. It's cheap by NYC standards. $2,000 a month and kinda far from manhattan (I work in Brooklyn only one neighborhood and a half over, so I don't care) but we have an office, a reading room, a living room and a kitchen as well as two bedrooms, so I'd say we're doing alright.

I guess it's all relative, hey?

We were paying close to that for our 3 bedroom house in Canberra last year, and that was out in the suburbs of a town with less than 400k population. Inflated real estate prices due to a) having a high average income and b) Australian real estate prices being disgracefully inflated all round. /depressing
#319761 by Faffy
Fri May 30, 2014 10:19 am
fragility wrote:Yay, we're back! Thanks to whoever got it sorted!

Ooh, some very nice developments going on, congrats guys!

No babies yet, but the lack of forums obviously gave me far too much time on my hands, so I've got one on the way! ;)

Yaaay!! That's so awesome! Congratulations!! :D
JuZ wrote:
Faffy... Well done! I'm sure no small amount of dedication and hard work went into it.

Thank you! :D
To be honest though, with my extraordinary procrastination tendencies, I'm having a serious case of imposter syndrome. :P
Alternating between "This is so awesome!!", "What the hell am I getting myself into!?" and "I am not worthy!"

In other news I am going back home in two weeks or so, for the summer. After the summer four friends of mine (two of them living there already) will move to Oxford together. It's going to be so awesome to have them nearby, considering I'll be embarking on another three years in London. :D

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