Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#277484 by sylkicks
Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:48 pm
I didn't see any other topics on this so I figured I, sylkicks of the New Mexico galaxy, would start one. All my friends call me a beer snob, and I really can't deny it, I love craft brews to an irritating extent, and I figured there must be other boardies who share my unending love.

So I would like to hear from you: favorite brews? Breweries? Something great you just tried? Something awful so no one else will make the mistake of trying it? What's your favorite type of beer? And really this topic need not be limited to beer alone, feel free to add wines, mixed drinks you've concocted, etc. Also, if you are as snobbish as I, feel free to add full on beer ratings if your a beer rater. If you're interested, here's a link on how to rate beers: See, beer snob.

But anyway let me and everyone know your thoughts. I'll wait on putting input myself until others do, just to see if this topic is something the board would be interested in.
Last edited by sylkicks on Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#277485 by mrbean667
Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:56 pm
I don't drink much but I'm quite partial to Cascade Premium Lager 8)
#277494 by Bookwyrm83
Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:45 pm
...did he say beer? :D

My favorites tend to be Heineken or Guinness, but also like Oettinger, Corona, Schöfferhofer, and James Squire brews (especially Golden Ale and Porter).
#277510 by sylkicks
Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:48 pm
Oh wow that does look good, I love the color. Is that a limited brew? Sierra Nevada makes some really good stuff. I also love the some of the others you guys have mentioned, of course Guinness. Was very privileged to get a pint (and a second because they don't watch well enough :D) at the Guinness factory in Dublin. From the source... So good. Haven't tried that lager the first poster spoke of, where's it from?

My own personal favorite beer: ... 30&IDC=287
Amazing Trappist Ale, brewed in Belgium. God's gift to man kind. For a session beer I much the local breweries around, including Marble, Ska, and, arguably local as it distributes quite a bit of it's beer, Fat Tire.
#277511 by EphelDuath666
Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:50 pm
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Oettinger

:shock: seriously? It's been probably 13 years since I drank that the last time but back then it tasted like cat piss. Maybe it got better though, heh

I can't drink anymore as I had one or two too many shots of schnaps in the past which caused a health issue or two, heh. Anyways, back when I drank beer I loved our local stuff the most actually. A brand called 'Meinel Bräu' and another brand called 'Ahornberger Landbier'. A lot of people consider Northern Bavarian beer to be the best stuff that Germany has to offer and they might just be right :D
#277515 by ppinkham
Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:10 pm
sylkicks wrote:Oh wow that does look good, I love the color. Is that a limited brew?

I haven't had it in years (can't get it where I'm currently living), but it was a limited brew back then. Probably still is. They'd do a batch a year. So good.
#277517 by mrbean667
Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:30 pm
One beer I will always remember that I had in Belgium:


Really nice, quite dark and great depth of flavour.
#277518 by Bookwyrm83
Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:36 pm
EphelDuath666 wrote:
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Oettinger

:shock: seriously? It's been probably 13 years since I drank that the last time but back then it tasted like cat piss. Maybe it got better though, heh

Maybe, because I didn't have a problem with it; though I do understand not wanting to drink a beer that you remember tasting like piss (Melbourne Bitter, in my case).
#277524 by sylkicks
Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:59 pm
mrbean667 wrote:One beer I will always remember that I had in Belgium:


Really nice, quite dark and great depth of flavour.

Another great Chimay (the one I posted was the blue). The Belgians, Trappists namely, know how to make an incredible beer. Chimay Is probably the easiest to find in America which is probably why it's my favorite. I tried a bunch in Belgium but here I can always get Chimay. While I prefer the blue, the red is far easier to casually drink.
#277541 by swervedriver
Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:17 am
I occasionally go with some friends to a pub purposely to try out special brews. Downside is that the next day I have no idea what I drank, only that most of it tasted good. Out of all special brews I've had the privilege of trying, the nicest one is probably Westvleteren, even though it's fairly impossible to get hold of since you can only buy it at the brewery, and not more than one or two crates at a time.

Out of the more readily available brews I prefer Duvel and Grimbergen Tripel. I also like Chimay (preferably the triple, "Chimay blanche") and LaChouffe.



There's actually a lot of good breweries around here (from Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands), so there's always something nice to try. :) Not that I drink that much these days, more than three special brews is enough to get me well-wasted. I'm a cheap date, ladies. :P
#277546 by Lettuce
Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:57 am
Floris, Fruli, Hoegaarden, Leffe. I'm too girly for anything else.
#277551 by JuZ
Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:24 am
Fuller's ESB is probably number 1 for me but it's like a meal... Not something to be knocked back by the half dozen.

Belgian Trappist beers are generally lovely and cam occasionally be scarily high in alcohol content!

Samuel Adams Lager is my fave US brew.

I think we make some of the best brews right here. Blue Tongue is delicious. James Boag Premium. Gage Roads Indian Pale Ale. Coopers Pale Ale. We have hundreds of microbreweries creating good stuff but I haven't the time, money or liver to try em all!

Would love to brew my own some day.
#277555 by Lettuce
Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:31 am
I thought about doing that, but instead we've got six demijohns full of wine :P
#277558 by Leechmaster
Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:05 am
Wheeeeeeeeere to begin... :D

My favourite beer in and out of pubs is Fischer's, which tastes like liquid gold. I facking LOVE it and any pub that stocks it will immediately have my loyal support. :D After that then I'd say Staropramen from the Czech Republic, Hoegaarden from Belgium and Grolsch from the Netherlands. Then the Germans start to weigh in with Paulaner, Erdinger, Schneider Weisse, Krombacher... I also adore Innis & Gunn, a 6.6% Scottish Oak-Aged beer, and their Rum Cask beer, which is 7.7%. I also love Delirium Tremens, an 8.5% beer that comes from Belgium, which has the best name of any beer ever. Unfortunately they're not the easiest things to get, especially in pubs...I also quite like the aforementioned Chimay and Duvel, but they wouldn't be something I'd regularly drink when out and about.

Not had a lot of exposure to beers from across the Atlantic... My local recently had a American weekend where they had a few things from America and Canada that I quite enjoyed - Sam Adams, Brooklyn Lager, Blue Moon, Moosehead... The Moosehead was gorgeous, but I liked the others as well. We're not a big ale drinking country either, so I haven't had as many of them as I'd like. Hobgoblin is lovely, but I'm hoping to try a lot more when I'm over in London in November.

I used to drink quite a bit of cider before I moved onto beer... Bulmers cider from England is awful, as is Bulmers Irish cider (that'll be Magners Irish Cider to everyone else, I think)... Dreadful sugary crap. Kopparberg is also a terrible watered-down load of bollocks and I don't know how it's so popular. Rekorderlig make some of the nicest cider going, as do Iduns, and the two of them are also from Sweden but just don't seem to be as widely available or well-regarded as Kopparberg. Aspall cider is probably the nicest apple cider I've ever had, as well as a cider called Shandon Orchard that's brewed right here in Cork by the Franciscan Well, who make a lot of brilliant beers as well.

Too lazy to go into all the spirits and mixes that I love...

For now:


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :D

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