Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#302156 by sylkicks
Fri May 25, 2012 11:42 am
swervedriver wrote:A resealable cap on a beer bottle should be pointless. ;)

Amen to that.
#302166 by Octillus
Fri May 25, 2012 4:13 pm
Sierra Nevada's summerfest is pretty solid for a midrange priced lager
#302259 by sylkicks
Sat May 26, 2012 7:10 pm
Found this, and within seconds was at the counter purchasing.

#302264 by Tang
Sat May 26, 2012 8:23 pm
bought these guys to prepare for our upcoming memorial day / tropical storm party. horray!

#302278 by Leechmaster
Sun May 27, 2012 3:45 am
Sean, I want one. What's the taste like? It looks a pretty nice colour on pictures on Google... Is it a bit smoky on account of the bacon?
#302419 by sylkicks
Tue May 29, 2012 9:27 pm
Well I finally tasted it, and wow... what a bizarre, bizarre beer. I'm actually surprised by how much I liked it. The second I opened it I was hit with the maple smell, it smells incredibly sweet, just like maple syrup. I poured it (awfully, I might add, as evidenced in the picture) and believe or not that just released an even sweeter scent. I was really expecting a crazy sweet beer that didn't have any of the bacon but I was really surprised when I drank it. It tastes pretty "normal" right up front, like a really low-hopped amber, and there's hardly any sweetness at all. Then the smokiness kicked in on the on the back of the tongue and on the aftertaste, not too intense and oddly bacon-y. That taste lingers for awhile too.

Oddly drinkable, I was surprised. After awhile the smokiness becomes slightly too much, but still like it. What an odd, odd beer. Not bad.

#302899 by TallNerdGuy
Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:22 pm
sylkicks wrote:Well I finally tasted it, and wow... what a bizarre, bizarre beer. I'm actually surprised by how much I liked it. The second I opened it I was hit with the maple smell, it smells incredibly sweet, just like maple syrup. I poured it (awfully, I might add, as evidenced in the picture) and believe or not that just released an even sweeter scent. I was really expecting a crazy sweet beer that didn't have any of the bacon but I was really surprised when I drank it. It tastes pretty "normal" right up front, like a really low-hopped amber, and there's hardly any sweetness at all. Then the smokiness kicked in on the on the back of the tongue and on the aftertaste, not too intense and oddly bacon-y. That taste lingers for awhile too.

Oddly drinkable, I was surprised. After awhile the smokiness becomes slightly too much, but still like it. What an odd, odd beer. Not bad.

My gosh, that is gorgeous. I had no idea Rogue put out anything like that. Gotta hunt that down and whip up some breakfast-for-dinner to pair it with. I've had some good breakfast-themed stouts (Founder's Canadian Bourbon Stout being my favorite), but a breakfast ale would be new ground for me. That and your description has me seriously interested in nabbing one of those big pink bottles and giving it a go myself.
#302977 by Lemurfist
Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:15 pm
I got some Flower Power IPA to round out my brother's b-day sixer of hoppy beers a bit more.
#304381 by Biert
Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:07 pm
Shared a couple, and then some, and eventually a few too many, with Swervedriver, Leechmaster and his ladyfriend. Nice times were had by all on Sunday night, horrible times were had by me (maybe the others too, but I can't comment on that).

Got out of bed around 9, planning to go to work. After feeding the chickens and packing my lunch, dediced I was in no state to drive so went back to bed. Got up again around 12, drove to work, started sweating and seeing spots and whatnot, went back home half an hour later, only to go back to bed until 5.
#304514 by Leechmaster
Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:20 am
Biert wrote:Shared a couple, and then some, and eventually a few too many, with Swervedriver, Leechmaster and his ladyfriend. Nice times were had by all on Sunday night, horrible times were had by me (maybe the others too, but I can't comment on that).

Got out of bed around 9, planning to go to work. After feeding the chickens and packing my lunch, dediced I was in no state to drive so went back to bed. Got up again around 12, drove to work, started sweating and seeing spots and whatnot, went back home half an hour later, only to go back to bed until 5.

Pffffffffft. We were fairly hungover but nothing that bad! I'm not exactly sure at which point the night took towards the "too many" path. Pim was flagging at the Desperado while we nicked his Chimay... and we just had Hoegaarden after that I think? I dunno. Neither does Orla. It's very difficult to keep on top of things when you have like 10 drinks but every second drink is a different measure to the one before! Good night, though. :mrgreen:
#305145 by Bookwyrm83
Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:22 am
Drinking this right now:
Some of the best dark beer I've had next to Guinness, and 6.3% is certain to make me happy, especially when listening to METAL.
#305149 by Lemurfist
Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:19 am
haha man my beer fridge starts at 8%. Shiiiit.
#305150 by Bookwyrm83
Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:12 am
Believe me, if I could find 8% or more beer readily accessible, I'd get it.
For a country that (reputedly) loves beer, the majority of beers at about 5 or less, thus higher content beers are welcome regardless of their percentage.

Still, I suppose I could get 7-8% at the Bavarian place I know.
#305168 by JuZ
Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:01 pm
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Believe me, if I could find 8% or more beer readily accessible, I'd get it.
For a country that (reputedly) loves beer, the majority of beers at about 5 or less, thus higher content beers are welcome regardless of their percentage.

Still, I suppose I could get 7-8% at the Bavarian place I know.

Quite a few stronger brews are stocked by the evil empire now (1st Choice, Dan Murphy's). Imports mostly though so you'll be paying through the nose for them.
#305173 by Bookwyrm83
Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:36 pm
JuZ wrote:
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Believe me, if I could find 8% or more beer readily accessible, I'd get it.
For a country that (reputedly) loves beer, the majority of beers at about 5 or less, thus higher content beers are welcome regardless of their percentage.

Still, I suppose I could get 7-8% at the Bavarian place I know.

Quite a few stronger brews are stocked by the evil empire now (1st Choice, Dan Murphy's). Imports mostly though so you'll be paying through the nose for them.

Yeah, that figures. Oh well.

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