Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#319775 by Keeker
Sat May 31, 2014 4:42 am
Congratulations on the baby news, Fragility! And also congratulations to the edjumacationalists gaining degrees and doing brainy things! And yay for relatively cheap housing!

I still work at the local high school part time... though it's often been nearer full-time in the past few months. It's about to calm down a lot now though.

I found time to study at college last year and managed to gain qualifications in anatomy & physiology and massage this spring. So now I can legally hurt people. :D Not that I've had much time to do that of late.

Other than that I am still an old mum to a 17 and 21 year old and I still cart my 91 year old mother around to the shops every week and help her out when necessary.
#319794 by Manwards
Sat May 31, 2014 2:22 pm
Except for a single post last September about Ziltoid Radio, this is my first post here in two years! Where does the time go? O_O

I doubt anyone here remembers me, but I've been listening to Casualties all week and suddenly remembered that this place exists.

My life's about the same as it always was. I have a couple more tattoos. I've dyed my hair every colour under the sun. I work; I drink to forget work. I just turned thirty and had my first holiday abroad: three days in Brussels and Amsterdam. It was... memorable, to say the least. My gf and I are aren't too close any more, we're more like housemates than partners, but I guess that happens when you've been together a few years. It'll work out somehow, or it won't. Recently I've been dieting and spending a lot of time at the gym to prepare for a photo session at the end of June. And... that's pretty much it!

Anyone who remembers me, do say hello. ^_^
#319800 by Keeker
Sat May 31, 2014 4:40 pm
I remember seeing your username. So, Hi and welcome back. :)
#319809 by izumix
Sat May 31, 2014 7:49 pm
I'm very happy to see many your recent activities :D

One year ago Today I started own my business as a graphic designer, after quit a design company. One of good thing, I've been having more time for spending with my sweet daughter and husband. Even though I couldn't get much money, but I'm very happy now.
#319819 by JuZ
Sun Jun 01, 2014 3:27 am
izumix wrote:I'm very happy to see many your recent activities :D

One year ago Today I started own my business as a graphic designer, after quit a design company. One of good thing, I've been having more time for spending with my sweet daughter and husband. Even though I couldn't get much money, but I'm very happy now.

Hi Izumix! I'm really glad to see you're still here. I always enjoy your posts. Family is so important... It's great to hear you're able to spend more time with them.
#319829 by Keeker
Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:25 am
izumix wrote:I'm very happy to see many your recent activities :D

One year ago Today I started own my business as a graphic designer, after quit a design company. One of good thing, I've been having more time for spending with my sweet daughter and husband. Even though I couldn't get much money, but I'm very happy now.

Congratulations on starting your own design business, I hope it goes well. Being at home with your child is more valuable than any amount of money - they don't stay small for long and being a good parent is the most important job anyone can do! Plus, it gives you more time to read the Hevydevy Forums! :mrgreen:
#319844 by JuZ
Sun Jun 01, 2014 3:35 pm
Keeker wrote:
izumix wrote:I'm very happy to see many your recent activities :D

One year ago Today I started own my business as a graphic designer, after quit a design company. One of good thing, I've been having more time for spending with my sweet daughter and husband. Even though I couldn't get much money, but I'm very happy now.

Congratulations on starting your own design business, I hope it goes well. Being at home with your child is more valuable than any amount of money - they don't stay small for long and being a good parent is the most important job anyone can do! Plus, it gives you more time to read the Hevydevy Forums! :mrgreen:

I wholeheartedly endorse this post.
#319861 by Blazingmonga
Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:38 pm
This week (month, year) I have mostly been eating...bicycles. I mean, I have been cycling a lot. Like lots of a lot. It's improved my mental and physical health no end - apart from all the injuries.

No babies yet.
#320143 by Bookwyrm83
Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:23 pm
Posting this a week too late, but living day to day. Awaiting my final redundancy package to come in next week.

Some friends and I will also be seeing a special screening of Alien as well as a Q&A featuring Tom Skerritt and Veronica Cartwright next month. Hopefully I can ask a question this time.
#320162 by Wosko
Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:34 am
Hey all, nice to see some familiar faces

I've been finishing school and doing a lot of music production

for me not a lot changes even in the years ive been posting here nice to see everyone having success and happiness hope the best for you all :)

I like devs "updated skins" or is that still in the works?
#320202 by stubear280
Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:00 pm
Balancing an insane work and family life, by the time I get my next *alleged* off day, I'll have gone 12 days without an off day.

On a good note I've lost like 40 pounds.
#320222 by Keeker
Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:44 am
Sorry for the heavy workload. Congratulations on the weight loss! As I get older I find it harder to shift the flab.
#320228 by JuZ
Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:25 pm
stubear280 wrote:Balancing an insane work and family life, by the time I get my next *alleged* off day, I'll have gone 12 days without an off day.

On a good note I've lost like 40 pounds.

Congrats on the weight loss, man! Very happy for you.

I hope you get a decent break soon.

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